On this page hit download button and the following window will open then hit Save File. Figure 3: Setup. The file extraction process completed and the following authorization window will appear, check I agree box then hit Install.
Then the download and installation progress will appear in the same window. Figure 4: Installation Process After the downloading and Installation progress are completed hit the finish button to complete the Installation. NET web sites. Step 4: Hosting a site. Select the website folder which one you want to host it into your IIS. Start IIS server, in that click site, right click on site and then choose add web site Figure 5: Add web site window Add site name, path of that site folder, then assign the IP address or enter the host name of that particular site like www.
After the process is completed your site is placed under default web site under Sites. Figure 6 At the same time there is one application pool is automatically created while adding the web site. To control the maximum number of bytes that an ASP page can write to the response buffer before a flush occurs, use the following syntax:. The variable int represents the maximum size, in bytes, of the ASP buffer.
To specify the default length of time that ASP pages let a script run before terminating the script and writing an event to the Windows Event Log, use the following syntax:. The variable timeSpan represents the maximum time hh:mm:ss that an ASP request can run before an event is written to the Windows Event Log. To specify the maximum number of worker threads per processor that ASP can create, use the following syntax:. The variable int represents the maximum number of worker threads per processor that ASP can create.
To define how dates, times, and currencies are formatted for an ASP application, use the following syntax:. The variable int represents the default locale identifier for an ASP application. The default value is 0. To enable or disable automatic restart of ASP applications whenever a configuration setting is changed, use the following syntax:.
A value of true enables ASP applications to be automatically restarted whenever a configuration setting is changed. To enable or disable ASP to calculate and store the line number of each executed line of code to provide the number in an error report, use the following syntax:.
A value of true enables line number calculation and storage. A value of true enables COM component exception trapping. If set to false , the Microsoft Script Debugger tool does not catch exceptions sent by the component that you are debugging.
A value of true enables client-side debugging. The default value is false. To enable or disable the writing of ASP errors to the application section of the Windows event log, use the following syntax:. A value of true enables log error requests. A value of true enables server-side debugging for ASP applications. To specify the error message to send to the browser if specific debugging errors are not sent to the client, use the following syntax:.
The variable string represents the error message that is sent to the browser when specific debugging errors are not sent to the client. The default value is "An error occurred on the server when processing the URL.
Please contact the system administrator". To enable or disable the writing of debugging specifics file name, error, line number, and description to the client browser in addition to logging them to the Windows event log, use the following syntax:. A value of true enables the writing of debugging specifics to the client browser. To specify the default script language for all ASP applications that are running on the web server, use the following syntax:.
In order you to access an ASP. NET web site, these accounts must have windows permission on the virtual directory. Right click on the virtual directory you have just created and choose Permissions option like below. Let's suppose that your web site has a Default. If you receive the below result, that mean that ASPNET or Network Service account doesn't have appropriate windows permissions on that virtual directory.
This depends on the IIS authentication mode you have chosen to use. This tutorial is written by Adrian Tarjoianu. Free ASP. Services ASP. Articles dev. Figure 1. NET web page. Figure 2.
Creating a Virtual Directory. Figure 3. Choosing an alias. Figure 4. Choosing a physical directory. Figure 5. In the Physical path text box, type the physical path of the application's folder, or click the browse button Optionally, click Connect as to specify credentials that have permission to access the physical path.
If you do not use specific credentials, select the Application user pass-through authentication option on the Connect As dialog box. Optionally, click Test Settings to verify the settings that you specified for the application. The variable site. Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported. Download Microsoft Edge More info. Contents Exit focus mode. Please rate your experience Yes No.
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