How to play saw 4 trapped the game

Game details. Added on 31 Jan Please register or login to post a comment Register Login. Confirm Something went wrong, please try again.

Related games. Boxi Box! Feudalia WebGL. Tavern Master WebGL. Helicopter and Tank WebGL. Whack Your Boss 17ways Flash. Incredible Hulk WebGL. Fireworks Simulator WebGL. I can keep the guy in the tank alive for a few with one item I can't figure the order on the others.

I'm new to this. The hose keeps the guy in the tank calm and doesn't fall to the ground if you use it first in room 1. You have to use the fire thought it was gas then the hose. Don't know the order of the others. Are we actually supposed to help him turn on the lights? All that happens is the electrical box shorts out. First you use the fire in room B, then the electricity in room A, and then the hose in room A That's all I've come up with, don't know what else to do Anyone here..

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