How to update apps from installous 5

Installous 5 not supports. Not, it supports torrent downloading, and probably one of the few apps which works smoothly with torrent downloading on iPhone. I will post a step by step tutorial later. It will also seed the torrent at the time of downloading and it will work in wi-fi only.

Use Redsn0w to install Cydia. Hi, i did all the steps good and i clicked on add sources and yhen it was downloading but now the dowload is still stucked on downloadin release. Hi Guy, I need great help. I have tried Jailbreaking my Iphone 4 4. After the DFU where my iphone show the Arrow pinting down with an Harddrive below it, it hangs there for a while and it says done. But when i re-boot my Iphone, no cydia is installed.

I later tried downloading on my laptop Iphone browser and on the root folder I see four file which are 1. Hi, I downloaded and installed the installous from cydia on my iPhone 3G s 4.

What I should do? My iphone4 can not be switched off after installing installous4, it is stucked in the switching off process where there is a circle spinning in the middle of screen. Just jailbreaked with Redsn0w on ios 4. Can anyone help please please please? Then do the rest of the steps. On the last part your iPhone should have an icon of a pineapple and then it will reboot itself.

Because 4. And in 4. Hope this helps. I have herd that the developers of jailbreakers of iOS are hired by Apple. Adding Sources 8. View and Manage Storage 9. Some great Suggested Sources Some great Suggested Apps Overall, just read the title!

You'll know how to use Cydia and find some great applications by the time you're done reading this. Here's a basic walkthrough to help you navigate through and get the most out of Cydia. Click the Cydia icon on your Homescreen You'll see loading while it updates the sources and loads the welcome screen. Upgrade Cydia From here if you haven't run Cydia in a while, or this is your first time running, you may get a notice about "Essential upgrades".

Repeat Step 1 to open Cydia again though you probably already guessed that. This indicates that there are updates available for currently installed applications. NOTE: Changes also contains applications that have recently been added or changed, this is a good place to go to find new applications on a regular basis. Select one to install and follow step 4 above. Check the Changes section in Cydia daily for updates. Installing New Applications Let's install something new.

I love Pac-Man, and it just so happens that the developer of Mac-Man, a great Pac-Man clone, is available on Cydia under the games category.

Categories - put your apps into folders, unlimited room now! Stack - like the stacks for your rocket dock or apple dock. CyDelete - delete Cydia icons straight from your Springboard! Five Icon Dock - have 5 icons in your dock instead of 4 Five IRows GUI - have 5 rows in your springboard instead of 4 Five-Column SpringBoard - have 5 columns in your springboard instead of 4 iBlank - create blank spaces for your springboard MobileMusicPlayerFlip - for ipod touch users: combines music and video into one: iPod QuickGold - hit your home button while on springboard to bring up a complete search engine to find apps easily!

KeepAwake - SBsettings toggle to keep your wifi on after your screen shuts off. MathTyper - math icons added to your keyboard hClipboard - copy and paste tool within your keyboard Insomania - leave your wifi on without having to keep your screen on, great for long downloads! LiveClock - animated clock over your clock app Lock Calendar - have your calendar on your lockscreen! It may take a while to load so be patient!

Now, select the latest update and download it! You will want to Download the app and not install. Downloading it ensures that you can keep track of the games you download. If you want to sync your games with iTunes you will need to go back to Cydia, go to sources, click on hackulo.


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