It is intended to make it easier for students to take online courses offered by postsecondary institutions based in another state. Virgin Islands.
Be aware that NC-SARA does not provide reciprocity for professional licensing boards such as education, mental health counseling, nursing, etc. Many programs, both online and on-campus, may lead to licensure in other states, but additional coursework may be required by your state.
Please review this chart and determine whether a Lamar University program will meet educational requirements in your state. All programs are available to Texas residents. If you are physically located outside of the state of Texas, please select from the options below to determine which program s are available in your state. Professional Licensure Information The following programs do not meet state educational requirements for professional licensure or certification in Alabama: M.
Applicants who complete an educator preparation program at an institution outside of Alabama must apply for an Alabama professional educator or professional leadership certificate through the Alabama Certificate Reciprocity Approach.
Current requirements may be found at www. Professional Licensure Information Lamar University has not determined if the following programs meet educational requirements for professional licensure or certification in Alaska: M. Professional Licensure Information Lamar University has not determined if the following programs meet educational requirements for professional licensure or certification in Arizona: M. Professional Licensure Information The following programs do not meet state educational requirements for professional licensure or certification in Arkansas: M.
The California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education does not regulate out-of-state public institutions. Lamar University has not determined if the following programs meet educational requirements for professional licensure or certification in California: M.
Professional Licensure Information The following programs do not meet state educational requirements for professional licensure or certification in Colorado: M. The following programs do not meet state educational requirements for professional licensure or certification in Connecticut: M. Lamar University has not determined if the following programs meet educational requirements for professional licensure or certification in Connecticut: M.
Professional Licensure Information Lamar University has not determined if the following programs meet educational requirements for professional licensure or certification in Delaware: M. Professional Licensure Information Lamar University has not determined if the following programs meet educational requirements for professional licensure or certification in the District of Columbia: M.
Professional Licensure Information Lamar University has not determined if the following programs meet educational requirements for professional licensure or certification in Florida: M. Florida Commission on Independent Education W.
Box Tallahassee, FL The following programs do not meet state educational requirements for professional licensure or certification in Georgia: M.
Lamar University has not determined if the following programs meet educational requirements for professional licensure or certification in Georgia: M. Exchange Pl. Professional Licensure Information Lamar University has not determined if the following programs meet educational requirements for professional licensure or certification in Hawaii: M. O Box Department Resources. About the Department. Contact the Department. Home Educational Leadership Graduate Programs.
Ready to Start? Visit our Critical Dates and Deadlines. However, while that was happening, I was taking hold of leadership opportunities that made so many in the education world in Texas realize what a Leader I am.
This was a blessing in disguise because Inwould have had a sub par University name on my CV and now I am so close to having a Doctarate from one of the most reputable Universities in Texas.
Thank you Lamar for seeing me as a dollar sign and not the hard working teacher, mother, and educational leader that I am. For some reason, even though the classes are online and all the materials are available upfront- they only offer the courses in a certain rotation. I didnt realize this when I applied and certainly would have powered thru if I knew. So now I have to wait until Spring of to take my last two classes.
Very frustrating and costing me a full year of the pay raise that comes with the degree. Charles Brandon Kinard.
The BSN program is top notch and the instructors are excellent as they genuinely care about the student's success. This school makes promises to get students to enroll, once they do those promises are broken.
Prior to enrolling, I specifically asked about the residency two, week long sessions and was assured that notice of residency would be given in plenty of time to make arrangements and a block of rooms in the dorms were reserved for the online students. These rooms would be shared with another student of the same sex. It is up to the student to search for the information on the school's website.
The instructors and IA's refuse to give any assistance to the students. The only communication is email and professors and IA's take an excessive amount of time to respond days - week , if they respond at all. According to one professor, they do write their own syllabus or choose the required texts. They wait for the syllabus and text information to be released by the school, upon start of the class.
If you let either the professor or the IA know of a mistake in their writing, they begin deducting points from assignments but will not tell you what "mistake" was made. If you call the school to get information, you might as well be talking to a brick wall. The employees will transfer you without consent, talk over you, and refuse to listen. This is after waiting on hold for an excessive amount of time.
There is zero learning done at this school. The professors and IA's expect the students to know everything, if I knew everything I wouldn't be attending school. The school is nothing but a diploma mill that should lose accreditation and be investigated for fraud. The employees you talk to when gathering information will make promises and tell you what sounds good to get you to enroll.
This school wants nothing but your money. Avoid enrolling, don't waste your time. Requests for help and guidance went unanswered. Emails were either unanswered or answered in a way that was not helpful. I month ago I tried contacting them again.
I recieved a reply that stated that they would be in contact with me, I still haven't heard from anyone. I emailed 3weeks before Harvey. Drela Willard. It's a pretty average sized school but it's growing every year.
On campus experience was great when I first moved in but after a while dorms started to get crowded and I ended up moving off campus. The class ratios are great and mostly student to teacher ratio which gives you opportunity to get to know your professor and classmates. School spirit isn't that crazy like at bigger schools and campus is not in such a great neighborhood so campus safety could be sketchy sometimes.
But my overall experience was great because I learned so much in my classes and I got to know my professors and I also worked in campus as a student assistant so that made my college experience a bit more worth while.
Wonders in Lamar. For instance, advanced organic chemistry helped me gain more knowledge in the application of relevant laboratory instruments such as NMR, IR and Mass spectroscopy.
Instructions for submitting the other documents will be e-mailed separately if you are accepted to the program.
An emphasis is placed on action research. PEDG - School-Community Relations - This course provides a foundation for developing relationships with stakeholders within the school community; students, faculty, parents, and the community at large for the expressed goal of supporting student learning. A fundamental purpose of the course is to understand and implement strategies to develop essential partnerships between schools PEDG - Schools as Learning Communities - This course provides educators a basic understanding of the strengths and structure of learning communities with a focus on developing a culture of change and improvement for student learning.
Special emphasis is given to facilitation skills, team building, and mentoring. PEDG - School Law for Teachers - This course provides teachers a foundation to understand the legal, ethical, and policy dimensions of education. PEDG - Diversity and Multiculturalism - This course enhances teachers' ability to develop instructional programs to assess, instruct, and support students with diverse learning needs.
Special emphasis is given to special education, English language learners and economically disadvantaged students. PEDG - Using Assessment Data to Guide Instructional Decisions - This course supports teachers as they develop the competencies to utilize formative and summative assessment practices and data to inform and guide curriculum development and instruction.
Special emphasis is given to analyzing classroom and school-based assessment results to aid in meeting the needs of diverse learners. PEDG - Student Expectations and Motivation-This course prepares teachers to establish high expectations for all students and to effectively evaluate and implement theories of motivation and cognitive engagement in classroom learning.
Emphasis will be placed on different theories of motivation and how classroom, school, work, and social environments shape and influence student motivation. This course is presented in five weeks, with each week including readings from current research on the topic, lecture from Lamar University professors, discussion with your colleagues, and an assignment.
Throughout the five weeks, you will explore the following topics: teacher leadership, professional portfolios, reflective practice, effective mentoring of novice teachers, and lifelong learning.
Elective Courses Must complete one of the following tracks: Teacher Leadership 12 Hours PEDG - Differentiation of Instruction - This course emphasizes innovations in teaching and learning resulting from the Response to Intervention initiative with a focus on differentiation of instruction and instructional strategies for 21st-century classrooms. PEDG - Cognition and Instruction - This course provides a study of cognition, learning theories and frameworks, the psychology of learning, and related research that is most significant for the learning and instructional process.
Special emphasis is placed on the applications of these principles to support the high academic achievement of students. PEDG - Public School Curriculum - This course emphasizes the foundations of curricular and instructional design and introduces teachers to models of curriculum development. Special attention is given to understanding the role of state curriculum standards and district policies in planning curriculum, instruction, and assessment. PEDG - Creative Instructional Strategies - This course emphasizes creative multimodal strategies to support teachers across disciplines and subjects.
Students develop instructional strategies to challenge high performing and gifted and talented students. Special attention is given to creative expression and to authentic student performance-based work, such as project-based learning and inquiry. ESL Concentration 12 Hours. The course also reviews types of ESL programs, relevant federal and state learning standards, socio-cultural factors affecting ELLs, and teaching strategies, classroom management techniques and instructional tools that support ELLs' learning and adjustment in U.
The goal of the course is not to provide simplistic recipes for instruction, nor does it argue for a singular approach or method. Instead, the course seeks to engender a critical awareness of the complexity of teaching ELLs and to encourage an understanding of the primary literature that informs ESL instruction. Instructions for submitting the department admission requirements will be emailed to each applicant after the ApplyTexas.
Methods of determining the reliability and validity of tests are investigated. Designs for testing programs and selection of appropriate tests will be included. Evaluation systems of individuals and programs will be discussed.
SPED : Educational Psychology - This course addresses the key concepts and ideas regarding educational psychology with a specific focus on students with exceptionalities. Topics to be addressed include the following: diversity and the specific characteristics of learners with exceptionalities, theories of human development and their application to teaching practice in general and in inclusive classrooms, theories of learning, and creating effective learning environments through the use of technology and differentiated instruction.
SPED : Special Education Law - This course provides teachers a foundation to understand the legal, ethical, and policy dimensions of education. SPED : Research in Special Education - This course introduces teachers to the design, methodologies, and techniques necessary to understand educational research and to use "scientifically-based research" in making informed decisions that can positively impact student achievement. SPED : Instructional Strategies for High Incidence Disabilities - Foundations in the modification of educational components such as content knowledge, methods of instruction, and student learning outcomes are explored through the authentic application of innovative, research-based strategies effective with high incidence disabilities.
SPED : Functional Behavior Assessment - This course provides tools to assess the functions of student behavior in order to develop and implement appropriate behavior interventions. Emphasis will be placed on identifying and teaching appropriate replacement behaviors as well as analyzing multiple forms of data. SPED : Instructional Strategies for Low Incidence Disabilities - This course provides foundations in the modification of educational components such as content knowledge, methods of instruction, and student learning outcomes that are explored through the authentic application of innovative, research-based strategies effective with low incidence disabilities.
It emphasizes transition throughout the life span by addressing transition needs from early intervention to adulthood. Transition services stress moving from school to work and community.
Educators will learn how to construct collaborative teams that generate solutions to better meet the needs of exceptional students. Participants will learn researched-based strategies to work cooperatively with family members and paraprofessional, co-teach with other educators, serve as a consultant, and avoid or resolve conflict.
SPED : Psychoeducational Evaluation of Exceptional Children - Simulated experiences in the use of formal and informal methods of appraising and communicating pupils' educational status and progress. Special Education Diagnostician. Students seeking certification as an Educational Diagnostician who are enrolled in either the M. Lamar University, the College of Education and Human Development, and the Special Education program do not provide such test kits or make arrangements for site mentors.
For out-of-state candidates, it is your responsibility to contact the appropriate licensing board in your home state before beginning this program. You should confirm with the licensing agency that this program meets the requirements for licensure in your state.
Educational Diagnostician Courses SPED : Instructional Strategies for High Incidence Disabilities - Foundations in the modification of educational components such as content knowledge, methods of instruction, and student learning outcomes are explored through the authentic application of innovative, research-based strategies effective with high incidence disabilities.
SPED : Instructional Strategies for Low Incidence Disabilities - This course provides foundations in the modification of educational components such as content knowledge, methods of instruction, and student learning outcomes are explored through the authentic application of innovative, research-based strategies effective with low incidence disabilities. SPED : Test Administration and Interpretation - Theoretical and practical study emphasizing the administration, scoring, and basic interpretation of individual psychological tests.
Students will be trained to administer, score, and interpret various individual assessment instruments for cognitive abilities, academic achievement, adaptive behavior or other individual assessment instruments.
SPED : Practicum for Educational Diagnostician - This course provides practicum experience in the use of formal and informal instruments in the evaluation of the psychoeducational and social development of children. Focus is placed on the utilization of education and clinical data by the educational diagnostician to meet the individual needs of students. Complete the Doctoral Program Application. The Formstack Department Application consists of the following:. The Ed.
D in Educational Leadership prepares educators for advanced professional responsibility, leadership and accountability in diverse school and learning communities. Because of our rapidly changing world that continues to evolve into a global community and emerging markets, leaders must be able to work in a diverse, multi-national environment whether it be corporate, non-profit or education.
Therefore, the Lamar University Ed. D in Educational Leadership program has adapted its goals and focus to produce leaders with leadership competencies that can effectively lead in this changing global society. D requires the completion of 60 semester hours, which includes 33 hours of core courses, 15 hours are in research and 12 hours in dissertation.
All course work including successful defense of the dissertation must be completed within ten years. EDUD Global Ethics and Values This course focuses on the ethical practices of global educational leadership and on the ethics of equity and social justice. Specific philosophical approaches and ethical theories will be discussed. Particular attention will focus on ethical leadership practices from the perspective of global, regional, and local learning communities.
EDUD Global Leadership Issues Exploration of the role of change in promoting continuous improvement and in modifying educational practices to result in creative, innovative outcomes within the local, national, and global societies.
EDUD Dynamics of Global Leadership The study of leadership theory as it applies to the school setting and extends into the global community. EDUD Global Educational Leadership and Policy The theory and practice of policy making and the global political influences that affect education in a global society.
This course explores the knowledge base in the origin and types of law that operate within global educational systems. Investigating the relationship between legal issues and their impact on school policy is also emphasized.
EDUD Global Communication This course facilitates excellence in leadership by exploring current knowledge and research related to communication that builds positive relationships and community in a global society.