Kerbal space program how to get a satellite in orbit

Problem is that I cannot seem to get this completed. I have tried getting right ontop of the orbit within 1k and I've gone to the specific orbits it wanted also within 1k. Why is this not completing? I have every other requirement done this one just isn't clicking. I am assuming it has something to do with the inclination but I don't know.

It doesn't make sense to have an orbit on the map that isn't what I am supposed to match. Upon doing so, you should see your rocket launching. When you reach 10,m, your rocket should be at a 45 degree angle.

Continue pitching over gradually. I deally, the highest point in your stable orbit should be 80,m. Now, h ead to your map view and select your apoapsis.

Also make sure to k eep your periapsis height above 70,m. Look to your left of your navball. By following the steps above, you should now be in a stable orbit in Kerbal Space Program! See which way the bright part rotates; that'll be your gravity turn direction.

For me, it was a polar orbit, so I only need to go North. It might be more complicated for other orbits. Adjust Periapsis. The first non-Kerbin specifc orbit contract you will get is for the Mun, so that's our example. Other bodies should work the same way, provided you can get to them. First, get into a stable Kerbin orbit. See the in-game tutorial if you don't know how to do this.

Once you are in a stable orbit around the target body, align your orbit with the orbital plane of your target orbit. To do that, you need to burn normal at the AN or DN. If this sounds like jargon, look in the "Stuff You Need to Know" section. Put a maneuver node at that point. Now, drag the Normal or Anti-Normal until your orbits align.

Perform the maneuver. The burn isn't very big in this case, so here's a different example from the Kerbin section :. This is just for people doing it the first time and not to push the sip to the limits of efficiency. OR you could, you know, not care about that Kerbal, and just pretend he never existed. That sir would be awful!

Munk View Profile View Posts. Im pretty sure you have enough oomphf in that rocket to get you to another planet Per page: 15 30


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