Last week, Irmgard Furchner, a year-old former secretary at the Stutthof concentration camp in Poland from to fled her nursing home in a daring predawn escape on the day she was to stand trial. The nonagenarian, accused of being an accessory to more than 11, murders, called a cab and booked it to a subway station.
She was eventually captured outside Hamburg, Germany. Her new trial date is set for Oct. Shindelman — who was a witness in the trial of Stutthof SS guard Bruno Dey , whose guilty verdict and two-year suspended sentence was handed down in — has been waiting decades for a small measure of justice.
The crimes charged before the Nuremberg courts were crimes against peace, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and conspiracy to commit any of the foregoing crimes. In all, defendants were tried at Nuremberg, were convicted and 37 were sentenced to death, including 12 of those tried by the IMT. Holocaust crimes were included in a few of the trials but were the major focus of only the US trial of Einsatzgruppen leaders.
The defendants generally acknowledged that the crimes they were accused of occurred but denied that they were responsible, as they were following orders from a higher authority. The Nazis' highest authority, the person most to blame for the Holocaust, was missing at the trials. Adolf Hitler had committed suicide in the final days of the war, as had several of his closest aides. Many more criminals were never tried. Some fled Germany to live abroad, including hundreds who came to the United States.
Trials of Nazis continued to take place both in Germany and many other countries. Simon Wiesenthal, a Nazi-hunter, provided leads for war crimes investigators about Adolf Eichmann. The former Sachsenhausen Nazi death camp, where the phrase "Arbeit macht frei" -- work sets you free -- is visible on the gate, in Oranienburg, Germany. He is accused of being an accessory to murder in 3, cases dating from his time as a guard at the Nazi concentration camp in Sachsenhausen, according to the Neuruppin public prosecutor's office.
The accused allegedly worked at the former concentration camp in Sachsenhausen as a prison guard from , during which time tens of thousands of prisoners died at the camp due to forced labor, hunger, disease, medical experiments and mistreatment.
More than , people were interned at the concentration camp, which is located on the outskirts of Berlin, between and The Krupp Case. The Ministry Case. The High Command Case. Crimes for Specific Massacres. The Katyn Massacre. The Ardeatine Massacre.
Massacre at Gardelegen. Other Concentration Camp Trials. Breendonck Trial. Gaggenhau Trial. Gross Rosen Trial. Natzweiler Trial. Neuengamme Trial. Sachsenhausen Trial. Stutthof Trial. Second Stutthof Trial. Third Stutthof Trial.
Fourth Stutthof Trial. Zyklon-B Trial. Single Defendant Cases. Klaus Barbie. Anton Dostler.