The settlers iv gold edition patch

Trying launching Settlers IV with the command line arguement "-windowed" and then use Borderless Gaming. I don't have Borderless Gaming, but without any program trying to start windowed gives an error when trying to initialize the graphics. If you wanna give Borderless Gaming a shot, it's got a free version on Github.

Ok, anything with DxWnd does not seem to run in Borderless Gaming. By the way, in case you wonder, I got the issue fixed without Borderless Gaming. I had to set deeply hidden in my driver that it forces the correct aspect ratio, but not in that AMD tool whic wouldn't work but in the driver's other interface the dark one.

Really, AMD, why so complicated? Ahh, I'm glad you got it working. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help. You can check it out here: The Settlers Windows 10 fix [github. Very nice, but I already got it to work with other tools. Per page: 15 30 All Rights Reserved. Developed by Blue Byte Software. Hinweis zum Multiplayer: Die Online Server wurden eingestellt. Dieses Spiel hat noch keine Bewertungen.

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