Read this book. Use it. It will help. Jul 24, Heather rated it really liked it. I admit that I didn't read this book in its entirety. I could tell just by flipping through it that it was a bit repetitive, but that doesn't mean that Field doesn't impart useful knowledge.
He does! His approach has led to many a successful movie. And I appreciate that he points readers to Aristotle's Poetics in the end notes.
Mar 15, Taher Bellah rated it it was amazing. A brilliant follow up after Syd Field's master piece: Screenplay. This book is more focused on the know how, on the application. Its a good refresher and has more practical tips and insights. Again, a must read book like for anyone interested in screenwriting like its predecessor.
Feb 03, Adam Morgan rated it it was ok Shelves: nonfic. Some useful tips here, but Field just isn't a good writer on the page. He rambles, digresses, and there isn't much structure to be found. Beginning screenwriters are much better off with McKee. A nice and useful book about the art of writing a screenplay. Syd Field in this classic book teaches us the fundamentals of screenplay. Maybe not only screenplay since if you read this book your knowledge about cinema and movies in general, will undoubtedly increase.
Many basic definitions are contained here. There are also many useful tips such as: dialogue comes from the hero's inne A nice and useful book about the art of writing a screenplay.
There are also many useful tips such as: dialogue comes from the hero's inner psychological state, there are two ways to write a screenplay; the first is to find an idea and then fit in this idea the heroes and the second to concoct the hero first and through his desires and actions to fabricate the plot, the best way to start a screenplay is to know how it ends.
There are many good movies that the author recommends and examines but he mostly analyzes Chinatown , so it would be a good idea to have seen this movie before reading the book. The disadvantage of the book is that it can be considered dated nowadays since many years have passed from its publication. Moreover, Syd Field is a bit dogmatic about his rules of writing a good script. Mar 30, Jason Marinko rated it really liked it. The newly revised and updated edition from uses an excellent array of examples from more modern films than it's predecessor.
The process is explained masterfully and helped me complete my first two complete scripts. From the first thoughts on paper exercise to the elusive middle plot to the resolution, Syd Field guides you to craft your own original script.
Even if you are not necessarily looking to craft a script the book will change the way you watch films. Soon you will find yourself bre The newly revised and updated edition from uses an excellent array of examples from more modern films than it's predecessor.
Keating is fired, but, his inspiration to his students is enduring and everlasting. Jan 10, Dan rated it liked it. Pros: - Well structured and clear guide to follow - Lots of useful tips and ways of working Cons: - Waayyyy too repetitive.
Could have been half the length - Some bits are a bit silly. For example, his story of getting emotional in the bathtub at seeing a bee not being able to escape was such a waste of space and was laughable in a book like this Overall: A decent guide if you want a workbook to follow when scriptwriting.
It read like a classroom teacher - informative, but hammering the points home too much for a casual reading experience. Mar 31, Sarah O'Toole rated it liked it. I was thrown into the deep end with having to teach a screenwriting course and this was useful in terms of getting students kickstarted on their writing projects. There are a lot of useful exercises, and prompts to get you thinking a bit more deeply and I think it would be really helpful in preparing material for anything.
I also like how he kind of takes you by the hand and guides you through the process. Some of his examples are really enlightening, and I think that's what I enjoyed most about I was thrown into the deep end with having to teach a screenwriting course and this was useful in terms of getting students kickstarted on their writing projects.
Some of his examples are really enlightening, and I think that's what I enjoyed most about the book. Some of them remain unclear, and the book itself is really badly written with lots of repetition. I definitely had to draw on a lot more material than this in order to bring them through the course.
But as a starting point, and as a walk through the process, it's not bad at all. May 05, Nora Aleksandra Tsahkna rated it it was amazing.
The best book for a starting screenwriter - I've learned a lot and the workbook exercises help with finishing your own story - way more useful than any of the novel writing books I've read. Work through it slowly and it does wonders to your writing! Screenwriting is about the structure and knowing what you want to write to the detail. Knowing the structure helps you guide your story through the difficult scenes.
Asking correct questions and noticing the rhythm. High praise for this book for the The best book for a starting screenwriter - I've learned a lot and the workbook exercises help with finishing your own story - way more useful than any of the novel writing books I've read.
High praise for this book for the enthusiasm I felt reading it and the power to continue writing. Nov 09, Korneel Snauwaert rated it did not like it. So extremely badly written typical American self-help style that it became a stuggle to finish.
Sometimes Field will literally write the same thing three times in consecutive sentences. Worst book I've ever held in my hands. Plus, it destroys screenwriting as an art form.
That said, it has a couple useful ideas, as well as a certain motivational value. It was recommended by Dan Harmon. He used it with Rob Schrab to write their first screenplay. But I feel like he gives Field too much credit. Jun 10, Victoria Elise rated it it was amazing.
Amazing handbook that really explains thoroughly how to look at writing a screenplay not just as Act 1 Act 2 Act 3 alone.
Perfectly narrates how to take a screenplay step by step from development to the actual writing. Exercises are included at the end of each chapter that are helpful for implementing each chapter towards your own personal learning. Would recommend for anyone who really wants to understand structure and the organization of a screenplay.
I recommend Syd for all aspiring screenwriters and writers in general. I have read several of his books and they hold useful information in constructing a movie script. He offers some great expertise and explores the techniques that make a great film. Many of his plot construction devices and story methods work not only in film but in novels as well.
Well worth a read for anyone wanting to become an author. Had to read this for my script writing class. It's a very good guide indeed!
For more detailed directions on upgrading, click here. Upgrade from Screenwriter 6 to Mac Screenwriter 6. Currently there is no 6. Mac Screenwriter 6. We are happy to report that the Alpha version of Screenwriter 6.
We are in early alpha testing on the program, which is open to all Screenwriter 6. You must be able to provide some sort of proof or identification. We'll send you great screenwriting instruction from Dave Trottier, Michael Hauge, and the best screenwriting articles from MovieMaker magazine. Click here to sign up for our newsletter. Welcome to Screenplay. Cart 0 items. One person can write the screenplay, direct the film, photograph it, edit it and score it, like Charlie Chaplin did, but, Renoir continued, the filmmaker cannot act all the parts, or record all the sound, or handle all the lighting requirements amid all the myriad of other details that are required to make a movie.
And now, as I look back over the footprints of my life when I first wrote this book, some twenty-five years ago and now, I see that screenwriting, both as an art and a craft, has evolved into an international language of engaging visual expression.
What we see and how we see it has changed. Story exposition is shown rather than told; characters are revealed through behavior, not dialogue; time present and time past has merged into a compelling story telling device.
As said in Eastern philosophy, the inside and outside are one; the thoughts, feelings and emotions that are inside our head are what creates the fabric of our experience. Basically, you and I are the baker of the bread we eat. We are now living in a time of visual story telling. Whether you want to tell a story on the big screen or write a television show which can be downloaded onto an iPod, or cell phone or PDA or whether you want to create a video game or short film, a business plan or a power point presentation for any future delivery system, you have to know the tools and rules of visual story telling.
This technological impact has facilitated a change in our classic traditional narrative; linear story lines like Casablanca or The Godfather , expressed in long expository scenes, have become more visually stylized presentations like Sideways, Magnolia and Brokeback Mountain.