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The only feature missing is the flashing warnings telling you when to breathe. Thankfully you can switch these options off, and for those who breezed through Ghost Recon, there is enough of a challenge to be had - one that will last much longer than the four hours needed to complete the game on easy mode.
The enemy Al is perfectly acceptable, if somewhat static, and while that of your computer-controlled colleagues is enough to get through the game in easy mode, on the harder levels they are next to useless and little more than extra lives that happen to follow you around. Ask them to grenade a room and while one pulls the pin, the other fails to offer covering fire, meaning you lose a life. Significantly, this is down to the more urban setting of Fears' indoor environments, something that the Ghost engine was never particularly good at portraying compared to the lush outdoor levels that characterised both Ghost Recon and its excellent add-on Desert Siege.
The outdoor levels are, as you would expect, quite lovely, but inside the buildings - though Fears packs in more detail than Ghost Recon - the backdrops, rooms and objects all look as though they are made of cardboard -and more like cheap film sets ironically enough, than realistic buildings.
Like its more illustrious predecessors, The Sum Of All Fears is entirely linear, unsurprising since it is directly related to the Tom Clancy book and film of the same name. That in itself is no bad thing, but if you were expecting Fears to be the next step up the evolutionary ladder for tactical shooters you are sure to be mightily disappointed.
In terms of originality, the game offers nothing and despite being based on a bestselling thriller, the story is presented in the most dreary way imaginable. But whether you like your games hardcore or lightweight, we can all agree we prefer them to be good. Both games share the same 3D engine, but while one is a great game in its own right, the other is simply a scaled-down edit, no doubt rushed in order to meet the deadline of the film release.
For fans of the genre The Sum Of All Fears is a disappointing and lightweight game, challenging in parts but too short and repetitive to offer any real long-term value. So here I sit with the latest squad-based shooter from the makers of Ghost Recon.
Unfortunately, The Sum of All Fears is sub par on many levels and should not be compared to these other great games from Red Storm. As the box states, the training level is comprehensive and for someone who has little to no experience with squad based shooters, this is a great tool to help you learn everything you need to know about controlling the weapons, your squad and yourself.
Unfortunately, once past the training, you move on to the pathetic single player campaign. On 'easy,'? I played through all single player campaigns and finished the game in about an hour. If I hadn't stopped to heat up coffee and talk on the phone, I probably could have finished the entire game in less time than it would have taken to order a pizza. Enemies were beyond stupid as they milled around the courtyards and buildings while their compatriots were dropping like flies around them.
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