Old zip coon lyrics

Read, for example, the quotes about these songs that are found on the Mudcat folk music forum, found below. Date: 04 Dec 98 - PM "'Zip Coon' which was popular in the 's was one of the earliest pieces of music used extensively by black-face singers before the advent of the minstrel shows. The Zip Coon character was an urban dandy, the complete opposite of the Jim Crow character who was depicted as rural. The unofficial garb for Zip Coon included a blue long-tailed jacket, a frilly lacey front shirt, watch fob and jewelry.

At least 3 different performers claimed to have written the song. George Washington Dixon who is mentioned on the cover of sheet music published by J.

George Nichols who was an early blackface clown in circuses. Bob Farrell, who was actually known as "Zip Coon", and is known to have performed it in New York in Below are the lyrics as contained in the sheet music.

MOst of the odd spellings are in the original and I will try not to add too many new ones. O ole Zip Coon he is a larned skoler O ole Zip Coon he is a larned skoler O ole Zip Coon he is a larned skoler Sings possum up a gum tree an coony in a holler Possum up a gum tree, coony on a stump Possum up a gum tree, coony on a stump Possum up a gum tree, coony on a stump Den over dubble trubble, Zip Coon will jump.

O zip a duden duden duden duden duden day. O zip a duden duden duden zip a duden day. O its old Suky blue skin, she is in lub wid me, I went the udder arter noon to take a dish ob tea; What do you tink now, Suky hab for supper, Why chicken foot an possum heel, widout any butter.

Did you eber see the wild goose, sailing on de ocean, O de wild goose motion is a bery pretty notion; Ebry time de wild goose, beckens to de swaller, You hear him google google google google goller. An wen Zip Coon our President shall be, He make all de little Coons sing posum up a tree; O how de little Coons, will dance an sing, Wen he tie dare tails togedder, cross de lim dey swing. Now mind wat you arter, you tarnel kritter Crocket, You shant go head widout old Zip, he is de boy to block it, Zip shall be President, Crocket shall be vice, An den dey two togedder, will hab de tings nice.

I hab many tings to tork about, but don't know wich come first, So here de toast to old Zip Coon, before he gin to rust; May he hab de pretty girls, like de King ob ole, To sing dis song so many times, fore he turn to mole. Historical references Jan 8, - Battle of New Orleans. Americans under Andrew Jackson defeat British troops under Pakenham the event is referred to obliquely in stanza 6 of the sheet music.

Cross references cf. Recordings Arkansas Charlie [pseud. Second verse O its old Suky blue skin, she is in lub wid me I went the udder arter noon to take a dish ob tea; What do you tink no, Suky hab for supper, Why chicken foot an posum heel, widout any butter.

Chorus Third Verse Did you eber see the wild goose, sailing on de ocean, O de wild goose motion is a bery pretty notion; Ebry time de wild goose, beckens to de swaller, You hear him google google google google gollar. Chorus Seventh verse I hab many tings to tork about, but don't know wich come first, So here de toast to old Zip Coon before he gin to rust; May he hab de pretty girls, like de King ob ole, To sing dis song so many times, fore he turn to mele.

The derogatory terms, images, and ideas that appear in some of this sheet music are not condoned by the University of Mississippi. They do represent the attitudes of a number of Americans at the times the songs were published. As such, it is hoped that the sheet music in this collection can aid students of music, history, and other disciplines to better understand popular American music and racial stereotypes from the 19th- and early 20th-centuries. O Zip a duden duden duden zip a duden day.

Zip a duden duden duden zip a duden day. See also the shared first strain of " Tralee Hornpipe. Franklin George W. Printed sources : - Burchenal American Country Dances, vol. Howe Complete Preceptor for the Accordeon , ; p.

Howe Musician's Omnibus, No. Phillips Traditional American Fiddle Tunes, vol. Ryan's Mammoth Collection , ; p. White's Unique Collection , ; No.


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