Offline buck led driver

Current Sense Pin. The electrical characteristics table defines the operation range of the device, the electrical characteristics is assured on DC and AC voltage by test program. For the parameters without minimum and maximum value in the EC table, the typical value defines the operation range, the accuracy is not guaranteed by spec.

Note 3: Human Body mode, pF capacitor discharge on 1. With Cycle by Cycle current sense is adopted in BPA, very few external components, the converter the CS pin is connected to the current sense achieves excellent constant current control. And it comparator, and the voltage on CS pin is compared does not need auxiliary winding for powering the IC with the internal mV reference voltage.

The or voltage sensing, hence the system size and cost is MOSFET will be switched off when the voltage on greatly reduced.

CS pin reaches the threshold. Low mV Current Sense threshold. Lower power dissipation. Suitable for indoor and outdoor lighting applications. Faster startup time with reduced power dissipation. Maximum Vcc of 20 Vdc. Package Drawings 1. Design Notes 2. Videos 1. Application Notes 2. Please consider this alternative for new designs:. A Plus account is required to perform this action. Part numbers ending in P and Z are the same parts. P and Z only indicates reel size. Please consider this alternative for new designs: MP Active.

MP Active. You have a basic account. Session popupval Session textval Session Titefor popup. The inductor current is regulated with boundary conduction mode which features no reverse recovery loss in the freewheeling diode and soft turn on for the power MOSFET.

Such operation mode can achieve very high efficiency and at the same time minimize the inductor value and size. Its low mV feedback voltage reduces power loss and improves efficiency. The MP features output short protection, maximum switching frequency limit, under-voltage lockout and thermal shut down. Watch the video Recommended for you. Offline controller for LED lighting with constant voltage primary-sensing and high power factor.

High power factor flyback controller with constant voltage primary sensing and ultra low standby consumption. Part number. LED Driver. Min V This option is required. And must be less than or equal to Volt. Max [V]. Max V This option is required. And must be greater than or equal to Volt. Min [V]. LED custom. VF V This option is required. IF A This option is required. And must be a whole positive number between 1 and


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