Mailcrypt software

Add files up to 1GB 25 files per share. Paul Nebb Mailprotector Partner. James Stewart Mailprotector Partner. Shannon Hendricks Mailprotector Partner. Ultra-secure data encryption. Lightning fast sign in without sacrificing security. Securely sign in without a password. Expiring, one-time-use links. Geolocation of sign-in requests. Advanced device fingerprinting. Send from any email client on any OS. No apps or plugins to install. Ephemeral message storage. Personal data keys.

Cannot speak higher of the expectation met and exceeded. Brandon James Mailprotector Partner. Steven Bull Mailprotector Partner. Jason Whitehurst Mailprotector Partner. Ready to learn more? Common email encryption questions. How do I encrypt my email with Bracket? What is the maximum file size I can send with Bracket? Bracket allows files up to 1gb and up to 25 files per secure message.

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Although Mailcrypt may be used to process data in arbitrary Emacs buffers, it is most useful in conjunction with other Emacs packages for handling mail and news.

Information on the general use of these packages is beyond the scope of this manual. Next, teach your Emacs how and when to load the Mailcrypt functions and install the Mailcrypt key bindings. Almost all Emacs major modes including mail and news handling modes have corresponding "hook" variables which hold functions to be run when the mode is entered.

All you have to do is add the Mailcrypt installer functions to the appropriate hooks; then the installer functions will add the Mailcrypt key bindings when the respective mode is entered. The four most common operations are:. Any time you are composing or reading mail or news, you can get a summary of the available commands by typing C-h m.

If you are running Emacs under X, an even easier way to see the available commands is to access the Mailcrypt pull-down menu. Mailcrypt works by providing two minor modes for interfacing with cryptographic functions: mc-read-mode and mc-write-mode. These minor modes will indicate when they are active by placing a characteristic string in the mode line see section Mode Line. They will also add a Mailcrypt pull-down menu to the menu bar. The normal installation procedure see section Installation will arrange for the appropriate mode to be active when you read and compose mail and news.

But you may want to use Mailcrypt's functions at other times; to do so, you can call mc-install-read-mode or mc-install-write-mode directly. Once one of the Mailcrypt modes is active, you can get a summary of the available functions by typing C-h m or by examining the Mailcrypt pull-down menu. The description of each function below includes which of the modes has a binding for that function. The function mc-encrypt will encrypt a message in the current buffer.

When this function is called, Mailcrypt will prompt you for a comma-separated list of recipients. If you want to be able to decrypt the message yourself, you need to add yourself to the recipient list.

If you always want to do so, set the variable mc-encrypt-for-me to t. Note that Mailcrypt overrides the PGP "encrypttoself" flag; use this variable instead. Once you have edited the recipient list to your satisfaction, type RET to accept it. You will then be asked whether you want to sign the message; answer y or n. You can avoid this question by setting the variable mc-pgp-always-sign : A value of t means "yes", a value of 'never means "no".

If you elect to sign the message, Mailcrypt will prompt you for the appropriate passphrase unless it is cached see section Passphrase Cache. Mailcrypt will then pass the message to PGP for processing. Mailcrypt will call the functions listed in mc-pre-encryption-hook and mc-post-encryption-hook immediately before and after processing, respectively. The encrypted message will then replace the original message in the buffer. If an error occurs, Mailcrypt will display an appropriate diagnostic.

If you do not have the public key for one of the specified recipients, Mailcrypt will offer to try to fetch it for you see section Key Fetching. The default key for signing is the first one on the secret key ring which matches the string mc-pgp-user-id ; this defaults to user-login-name. Note that this differs from PGP's normal default, which is to use the first of all of the secret keys. To mimic PGP's behavior, set this variable to "".

If you want to use a secret key other than your default for signing the message, pass a prefix argument to mc-encrypt. Mailcrypt will prompt for a string and will sign with the first key on your secret keyring which matches that string.

It will be assumed that you want to sign the message, so you will not be prompted. The function mc-sign will clearsign a message in the current buffer. When this function is called, Mailcrypt will prompt you for the appropriate passphrase unless it is cached see section Passphrase Cache. Mailcrypt will call the functions listed in mc-pre-signature-hook and mc-post-signature-hook immediately before and after processing, respectively.

The signed message will replace the original message in the buffer. Do not edit the message further with the signature attached, because the signature would then be incorrect. The variable mc-pgp-user-id controls which secret key is used for signing; it is described in section Encrypting a Message.

To use a different secret key, pass a prefix argument to mc-sign. The function mc-insert-public-key will extract a key from your public keyring and insert it into the current buffer. This function is useful for sending your public key to someone else or for uploading it to the key servers see section Key Servers. The inserted key will be the first one on your public key ring which matches the string mc-pgp-user-id see section Encrypting a Message.

You may want to insert a different public key instead; for example, you may have signed someone's key and want to send it back to them. To do so, pass a prefix argument to mc-insert-public-key. You will be prompted for a string; the first key on your public key ring which matches that string will be inserted. The function mc-decrypt will decrypt a message in the current buffer. The encrypted message will then be passed to PGP for processing.

If you are not in a mail buffer, the decrypted message will replace the encrypted form. If you are in a mail buffer, you will be prompted whether to do the replacement. If you answer n , you will be placed in a new mail reading buffer to view the decrypted message. This new mail reading buffer will have no corresponding disk file; its purpose is to provide you with all of your usual reply and citation functions without requiring you to save the message in decrypted form. Type q to kill this buffer.

You can avoid the question of whether to replace the encrypted message by setting the variable mc-always-replace. A value of t means "yes"; a value of 'never means "no". If the encrypted message is also signed, PGP will attempt to verify the signature.

If the verification fails because you lack the necessary public key, Mailcrypt will offer to fetch it for you see section Key Fetching. The function mc-verify will verify the cleartext signature on a message in the current buffer. When this function is called, Mailcrypt will pass the message to PGP for processing and report whether or not the signature verified. If the signature failed to verify because you lack the necessary public key, Mailcrypt will offer to fetch it for you see section Key Fetching.

The function mc-snarf will add to your keyring any keys in the current buffer. This is a long chapter describing an advanced feature; you may want to skip it on first reading. There are several anonymous remailer services running on the Internet. These are programs that accept mail, strip off information that would identify the origin of the message, and forward the mail to the designated recipient. This simple scheme alone, however, is insecure if the anonymous remailer becomes compromised or if the remailer was set up by an untrustworthy party in the first place.

Whoever controls the remailer will have access to the identities of senders and recipients. One solution to this is to use chains of remailers that send encrypted messages. He writes the message possibly encrypting it for Louis , then encrypts the result including the fact that Louis is the recipient using a public key supplied by remailer C. Then he encrypts this result using a public key supplied by remailer B.

Then he encrypts this result using a public key supplied by A and sends the message to A. When A receives the message, it decrypts the message with its key to produce something encrypted for B, learns that the next remailer in the chain is B, strips off the information that the message came from Bill, and sends the message on to B. B then decrypts, learns that the next remailer in the chain is C, strips off the information that the message came from A, and sends the result to C. C then decrypts, learns that the destination is Louis, strips off the information that the message came from B, and sends the result to Louis.

With this arrangement, only A knows that the original message came from Bill, and only C knows that the intended recipient is Louis. In general, the sender and recipient can both be known only to someone who has compromised all remailers in the chain. If Bill wishes, he can include an encrypted "response block" in his message to Louis, which defines a remailer chain that Louis can use to reply to Bill.

Louis can use this chain without knowing who Bill is -- only the last remailer in the chain need know the final recipient.

Bill can also establish a pseudonym for use in signing his anonymous messages. Any software or copyright-licenses or other similar notices described in this text has its own copyright notice and license, which can usually be found in the distribution or license text itself.

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