If this guide was useful, give it a like and a favourite! Link [github. Unofficial patch to fix bugs and add new features and improvements to the base Metro for Steam skin.
Link [raw. Link [cdn. Link [camo. Link [i. To personalise Metro for Steam's base skin like accent colours and custom fonts, head to here [sundergaming. It looks like this! Decals break the generated file, so it's best not to select any decals.
If you are going to use a custom font, make sure that the custom font is installed on your computer first , or it would default to the base font for Metro for Steam a sans-serif font likely Segoe UI in Windows, Helvetica or Arial in macOS and Linux. Thank you. But for me, my only problem is friend and chat part. It doesn't work for some unknown reason. Everything else works perfectly fine. BallOpener [author] 30 Jul, am. Changelog: I had changed a couple of links, removed some older instructions and clarified a couple of other things.
BallOpener [author] 27 May, am. Hello first of all thank you for sharing. Secondly i have a problem. I cant find throttle setting when i use metro skin. Can you help me please? BallOpener [author] 18 Jan, pm. Shadowds I added this info a wee while ago.
Beware these may be unstable or buggy and report them on the Discord. Saw your comment, that so weird used to work just fine, but didn't know I had to check the box for "Steam Beta" in the SteamFriendPatcher settings. BallOpener [author] 23 Dec, pm. Steve-O Update the patcher to the newest version.
Then make sure 'patch beta' is checked as well as 'patch library' and then press the 'Force Check' button. No change to Library. Share to your Steam activity feed. If you're just going to message that you better include what skin you were trying to install. I will determine if it is your problem or the compiler's problem.
Q : What if it is the compiler's problem? A : Ask someone in the comments or the forums on how to fix it. Q : What if it is not easy enough to fix? A : PM the submitter to fix it. Q : What if the submitter is a guest? Please, don't keep posting, "I did everything and it still doesn't work!! Tutorial by xz64 Tutorial fixed by BigDog, then by Devieus. URL to post:. Mimicz Joined 3y ago. Garena Admin Joined 3y ago.
Garena Admin. Rezaii Joined 3y ago. Metal Dragon Joined 6y ago. Metal Dragon. Load More.