If not, be sure to ask for a receipt, if you submit a hard copy of your complaint. You want to make sure there's no way the recipient could say he never received your claim. When you hand over the formal complaint, don't discuss the information -- simply say, "I'm here to submit a formal complaint. The human resource director may ask to schedule a meeting to discuss your frustrations with your supervisor or others involved in the complaint.
A follow-up meeting is usually the best way for the director or management to ask questions or gather additional information that is relevant to your complaint. If your complaint involves activity that could be considered illegal, such as harassment, improper use or allocation of funds, theft or negligence, you'll likely want a lawyer to help you draft the formal complaint and ask her to attend the follow-up meeting with you.
When your formal workplace complaint is about unfair labor practices, such as substandard working conditions, unfair pay, unequal treatment or your company's refusal to allow you to join a labor organization, submit a complaint to the National Labor Relations Board. Sit back and relax while we do the work. Solve This Problem For Me. Want your issue solved now?
Hassle Free We have helped over , people with their problems. All About the Employee Incident Report. How to Write a Complaint Letter to a Company. Discrimination Complaint Process Explained. A Complete Guide to Boss Reporting. How to Report Bullying at Work [Guide].
Solve my issue. Being the object of offensive jokes, slurs, name-calling, insults or any other form or physical or psychological bullying. In this circumstance, you might consider filing a local grievance. For more information, please see the Hearings and Appeals page. Parents of special education students with concerns about special education rights can file their complaints directly with the TEA.
Refer to the Division of Special Education's Dispute Resolution Process for more information, forms, and contacts for filing a special education-related complaint. For more information, please contact the Division of Special Education at For matters that do not violate a state law or rule within TEA's investigative jurisdiction, you may file a local grievance. For more information, view the General Inquiry web page. Please request a local grievance form from your school district or charter school.
You may also use this form for the following violation types. Under state law, government agencies are required to create a "Compact with Texans" page that sets customer service standards and outlines the agency's procedures for responding to formal complaints from the public regarding customer service provided by TEA staff. Refer to the Compact with Texans page for more information and contacts for filing a complaint about TEA customer service. Refer to the Complaints Handled by Other Agencies page for information and contacts about matters typically addressed by other agencies.
Anyone can report fraud, waste or abuse involving state and federal resources or concerning Texas public schools and Education Service Centers. T exas Education Code Sec. Texas Education Code Sec. The agency shall make the procedures available on the agency Internet website. Agency staff must be trained in the procedures and must follow the procedures in conducting the special accreditation investigation. Before issuing a report with its final findings, the agency must provide a person or entity the agency finds has violated a law, rule, or policy an opportunity for an informal review by the commissioner or a designated hearing examiner.
The Office of General Inquiry provides general information and resources on matters related to the rights and responsibilities of parents under Chapter 26 of the Texas Education Code TEC. Local Grievance Process. Proceso de Reclamacion Local. Agency Finances. Contact Us. Other Services. General Information.
Charter Schools. District Initiatives.