Harry potter games with ginny

Play with both of them and choose the clothes you like best from their wardrobe. They both want to look chick today but they can't decide what to wear. Make them try on some clothes and find the perfect outfits for them. New Games Next in Newest Games. Next addition in Next in Play with friends Powered by Y8 Account. Help us improve. Follow us. Register Log in. My Profile points.

Log out. New Games Most Popular Games. I hate to bring it up, but it just seems so true. And without those essential moments, it looks like Ginny was happier before she started dating Harry.

This is just one theory. But you know what, Gryffindors can be really annoying! The trouble with the sorting hat is that it creates some kind of personality-based class system where Gryffindors are seen as the best people ever because they are brave. Even though loyalty, cunning, and intelligence are great things to have. Gryffindors bully Slytherins and can just be really smug. Harry is very close to the Weasleys before he starts dating Ginny. Weasley knits him jumpers and cooks for him.

He spends some of his summer holidays there and seems to be very close to them. Harry sees the Weasleys as the ideal family he never had growing up. Sometimes I wonder if part of his attraction to Ginny is a desire to be family.

Because of this, she is very protective and strict with Ginny, stopping her from having the same privileges and freedoms her brothers had at her age. Then when it comes to Harry, Molly is much more lenient than she is with her sons.

She fusses over him. So, when does this stop? Does she burst into their house on their tenth anniversary offering them cake and cleaning dirt off their faces?

Ginny is part of the books for one simple reason; to be a love interest for the main character. The main frustration comes from her not having any flaws. This is one of my major issues with the Harry Potter universe.

Almost all canonical couples meet at Hogwarts when they were children, then get married after leaving school. This is not a realistic portrayal of relationships! Harry and Ginny were nineteen and eighteen presumably. They missed out on traveling alone, making mistakes and figuring out who they really are and what they want by themselves. This is the big issue with marrying young. Think back to who you were when you were seventeen.

Are you still that person now? People change. Harry and Ginny, ten or twenty years into their marriage, will be completely different people than they were when they first married. This will put further strain on their marriage, as they have both romanticized each other so much.

She was the first female to be born into the Weasley line for several generations. Ginny attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from - , a year beneath the famous Harry Potter , and was sorted into Gryffindor House. During her first year , she developed a long-standing crush on Harry Potter and came under the influence of the memory of Tom Riddle 's sixteen-year-old self. The memory was preserved in a diary , which forced Ginny to re-open the Chamber of Secrets , endangering the lives of many students, including herself.

Following that ordeal, Ginny grew into a confident young woman, becoming an important member of Dumbledore's Army , an organisation taught and led by Harry Potter in her fourth year. She was also an accomplished Quidditch player, playing Chaser and Seeker at different times for the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Upon retiring from the Harpies, she became the senior Quidditch correspondent for the Daily Prophet.

By , Ginny had become the sports editor for the Daily Prophet. At that time, the wizarding community she grew up in at the height of the First Wizarding War , during which her maternal uncles, Gideon and Fabian Prewett , were murdered while fighting a group of four Death Eaters led by Antonin Dolohov. The war eventually ended for a time two months later, after Lord Voldemort 's first defeat "at the hands" of Harry Potter on 31 October , Despite the majority of her brothers being keen Quidditch players, Ginny wasn't allowed to play with them when she was a child.

When she was six, she began a habit of breaking into the family broom shed and taking each of their brooms out in turn. She was never caught, and it only came to light eight years later when Hermione revealed it to Fred and George. Ginny claims to have been looking forward to attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry ever since her eldest brother started at the school. Although as she would only have been a year old at the time, it is entirely possible that she was exaggerating here.

On 1 September, , Ginny accompanied her mother to King's Cross Station to see off her brothers as they departed for Hogwarts. Despite being too young to attend the school, she still begged her mother to let her go with them. While saying goodbye to her brothers, she found out that Harry Potter was on the train, and tried to get her mother to let her go on the train to see him. As the train pulled out, she began to cry, despite her brothers promising to send her loads of owls and a Hogwarts toilet seat.

She ran along the platform after the train, half-laughing and half-crying, then stopped to wave them off. When the Hogwarts Express returned to King's Cross in June , Ginny was with her mother to welcome her brothers back and was again excited to see Harry, pointing him out to her mother as he came through the barrier between platforms nine and ten.

When Harry arrived at the Burrow after being rescued from the Dursleys by Ron , Fred , and George , she became extremely shy in his presence. On their first meeting, she came down for breakfast to find him sitting at the table. Startled, she retreated back to her room and stared at Harry as he passed her bedroom on his way to Ron's. Ginny became extremely clumsy around Harry and had a habit of knocking things over when he entered a room. On the day their Hogwarts letters arrived, she blushed a deep red and knocked over a porridge bowl with a loud clatter and put her elbow in the butter dish when Harry asked her if she was starting at Hogwarts.

Ginny travelled to Diagon Alley with her family to buy her school supplies, and her excitement at finally going to Hogwarts was tempered by the fact that, due to the Weasleys' financial situation, she would have to make do with a lot of second-hand products, including her robes and books.

In Flourish and Blotts , however, she became the owner of a brand new set of Gilderoy Lockhart 's collected works. Harry, having been given them by Lockhart as a publicity stunt, gave them to her since he could afford a set of his own and was embarrassed by what Lockhart had done. With this act of kindness and recognition, Ginny finally spoke in front of Harry, standing up to Draco Malfoy when he started to insult him. Ginny started at Hogwarts on 1 September, and was sorted into Gryffindor House , like all the Weasleys before her.

To her amazement, the diary wrote back, and she started to confide in Tom Riddle's memory, writing about how her brothers teased her, how she had to come to school with second-hand robes and books, and how she thought that Harry would never like her. She poured her heart out to the diary and told Tom's memory all about Harry's story.

At least once, Ginny went down toward Rubeus Hagrid 's hut, hoping to see Harry there. In confiding in the diary her deepest fears and secrets Ginny became increasingly vulnerable to Tom Riddle's memory, which began to pour a little of his own soul back into her and slowly started to influence her.

She started to look peaky, but a spate of colds in the school covered up the true nature of her condition. Her brother Percy forced her to take Pepperup Potion to get her over it. By 31 October, the memory of Tom Riddle was able to take full control of Ginny and used her to open the Chamber of Secrets , releasing its resident Basilisk , the Serpent of Slytherin which then petrified Argus Filch 's cat, Mrs Norris whom she hung from a torch bracket and put all the Muggle-born students in great danger.

Following the attack, Ginny seemed upset over Mrs Norris, and her brothers put it down to the fact that she was a cat-lover. She became more visibly upset, and again, her brothers put it down to other causes — she sat next to Colin in Charms , and that she was worried that Ron might be expelled if he got in trouble.

Fred and George attempted to cheer her up, but went about it the wrong way by leaping out at her from behind statues covered in fur or boils. Ginny confided in the diary, however, that she thought she was going mad.

She woke up with rooster feathers on her robes, and could not remember where she had been at Hallowe'en and when Colin was attacked. She started to think that she was attacking everyone. Along with her brothers, Ginny remained at Hogwarts over Christmas , instead of going to visit her brother Bill in Egypt with her parents. She had started to become suspicious of the diary, and several weeks after Christmas attempted to get rid of it by throwing it down a toilet in Moaning Myrtle 's bathroom.

He received it in front of her, as she was going into a Charms lesson, when he was accosted by the dwarf assigned to deliver it. During the delivery, Harry's bag was torn and the contents were dropped onto the floor. To Ginny's horror, she saw that Harry now had the diary. To make matters worse, Draco Malfoy implied that she had sent Harry the Singing Valentine in front of everyone.

Ginny was fearful that Harry would discover her secrets, such as her feelings for him and how she thought he would never return her affections. In addition to the fact that she might be responsible for the attacks, so she waited until the boys' dormitory was empty. After the dormitory was empty for the day she then ransacked Harry's belongings to recover the diary. Retrieving it, Ginny was once more overcome by the memory of Tom Riddle and opened the Chamber again, this time petrifying Hermione Granger and Penelope Clearwater.

Harry with an unconscious Ginny lying in the Chamber of Secrets. Ginny tried to tell Harry and Ron what was going on, but could not get the words out, and she was interrupted by Percy. The memory of Tom Riddle was furious, as he had been planning on taking on Harry Potter himself after learning his story. Realising that Harry would come to save Ginny, he made her write a farewell on a corridor wall, then enter the Chamber of Secrets to die.

She had poured so much of her life into the diary that she could not fight Tom's control of her, and the last thing she remembered as she lay down on the floor of the Chamber was Tom coming out of the diary. The memory of Tom Riddle had fed off her, gaining enough strength to become corporeal and regain the appearance of his 16 year old self.

As Tom grew stronger, the life in Ginny faded away until she slipped into an unconscious state. Ginny awoke in the Chamber to find that Harry had saved her, and destroyed Riddle's diary by piercing it with a basilisk fang, and Ginny's vitality was restored to her.

Tearful and scared, Ginny revealed what had happened to Harry and was sure she was going to be expelled from school. After leaving the Chamber with the aid of the phoenix , Fawkes , Ginny was reunited with her parents in McGonagall 's office. Despite her fears, Dumbledore did not place the blame on her, saying that older and wiser wizards had been duped by Lord Voldemort , and he sent her to the hospital wing to recover from her ordeal with a mug of hot chocolate.

Following this traumatic experience, Ginny returned to normal and was happy and relaxed for the rest of the school term. At the end of the school year, she travelled back to King's Cross with her brothers, Harry, and Hermione on the Hogwarts Express, playing Exploding Snap. She also mentioned that at some point she had walked in on Percy and Penelope Clearwater kissing in a classroom during the year, and begged her brothers not to tease him about it.

Ginny travelled to Egypt in the summer of with the rest of her family to visit her brother Bill after her father won seven hundred Galleons in the annual Daily Prophet Grand Prize Galleon Draw.

She visited various tombs, but her mother would not allow her to go in the last one because of all the mutant skeletons. Ginny and her family stayed at the Leaky Cauldron the night before setting off to start her second year at Hogwarts, and she met Harry again. She was even more embarrassed in front of him than usual, muttering a hello but not looking at him.

On the Hogwarts Express, Ginny was separated from her brothers until the train stopped because of the Dementors. In the dark, she found her way into the compartment containing Harry, Hermione , Ron , and Professor Lupin. When the Dementors came to the compartment, Ginny was one of the worst affected by them as she had horrible experiences with Tom Riddle's diary last year. She went very pale and shook like mad, eventually sobbing and having to be comforted by Hermione.

Later in the year, after Harry fell from his broomstick in a Quidditch match during a storm, Ginny visited him in the Hospital Wing. She had made him a get well card that sang shrilly when opened and presented it to him while blushing furiously.

In the summer of , Ginny spent a lot of time with Hermione Granger , who was staying at the Burrow before and after the Quidditch World Cup.

They shared Ginny's room and tent at the World Cup and solidified their growing friendship. She even suggested that Ginny start going out with other available boys to mark time until Harry starts taking more notice and returns her feelings and becomes available.

She attended the Quidditch World Cup final on 25 August with the majority of her family, as well as Harry and Hermione. During the match she was shown wearing a green shamrock hat in support of the Irish.

Ginny was shaken by the appearance of Death Eaters in the aftermath of the Irish victory. She and the twins were separated from the trio and it was unknown where they hide while the trio was in the forest near the campsite. Ginny returned to Hogwarts , which hosted the Triwizard Tournament that year, she rooted for Harry the unexpected fourth champion and maintained a good relationship with Hermione.

As a third year, Ginny was not allowed to attend the ball unless asked by an older student. Neville Longbottom asked her to go after Hermione turned him down, having already accepted Viktor, and Ginny accepted since she was friends with him. However, she still harboured feelings for Harry and was displeased to hear that he had asked Cho Chang to the ball. She was even more despondent when Ron suggested that Harry take her to the ball since he did not have a date.

Struggling with the idea that she could have gone with Harry, she nevertheless remained loyal to her agreement with Neville and attended the ball with him. Ginny sitting next to Nymphadora Tonks at 12 Grimmauld Place. With the revelation that Lord Voldemort had returned in the summer of , Ginny's parents became active members of the reconstituted Order of the Phoenix.

As a result, the family was relocated to the Order's headquarters at 12 Grimmauld Place that summer. Ginny stayed at headquarters, sharing a room with Hermione, and helped her mother to clean the place to make it a suitable base of operations.

She learned the truth about Sirius Black and met Nymphadora Tonks, who acted like a big sister towards her and Hermione. When Harry arrived at Number 12, Ginny was pleased to see Harry, and, due to her taking Hermione's advice and her relationship with Michael Corner , was relaxed and composed in his presence, showing none of the embarrassment and shyness towards him that she had shown during previous meetings.

Due to her age, Ginny was never allowed into Order meetings and when Sirius insisted on filling Harry in on the Order and Voldemort she was the only one banished from the meeting by her mother. However, Hermione — who was allowed to hear — told her everything anyway. When Harry was acquitted at his hearing on 12 August for using magic in front of a Muggle while under age, she was extremely pleased and sang and danced with Fred and George shouting " He got off, he got off, he got off Ginny casting the Reductor Curse during a D.

Ginny returned to Hogwarts on 1 September, with her brothers. With the arrival of new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher Dolores Umbridge and a theory-based course, Harry, Ron, and Hermione decided to form a study group to teach practical defence spells. She joined the group, bringing her boyfriend Michael with her and several other Ravenclaws. They all met in the Hog's Head where Ginny first demonstrated her sense of humour by mimicking Umbridge's cough. During the first official meeting of the group, she came up with the name for the group — Dumbledore's Army , which to her was a better name with the same initials of the name Harry's then-girlfriend Cho Chang came up with.

During her time in the D. A, Ginny's talent for defensive magic was shown as she had swift reflexes with the Disarming Charm and considerable power with the Reductor Curse, the latter of which highly impressed Harry much to Ginny's delight and made her brothers jealous. Toward the end of the fall of , Harry, along with Fred and George, received a lifelong Quidditch ban from Umbridge for attacking Draco Malfoy after their game against Slytherin although their bans were lifted right after Umbridge was removed from Hogwarts.

Ginny tried out for the team and became the new Seeker. Although she admitted that Harry was a better Seeker than her, and that she preferred playing as a Chaser and scoring goals. What should have been a happy time for Ginny was marred by the attack on her father by Nagini just prior to Christmas. Along with her brothers and Harry, she was instantly sent to 12 Grimmauld Place by a portkey to await news.

Relieved to find out he was all right, Ginny saw him the next day in St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries and hugged him immediately. Following the visit, she noticed that Harry started to distance himself from everyone, refusing to speak to anyone in the house. After Hermione skipped a skiing trip with her parents to come to the house, she talked Harry out of hiding in Buckbeak's room, leading him to Ginny and Ron.

Learning that Harry had convinced himself that he had been possessed by Lord Voldemort and attacked her father, Ginny railed on him for not seeking advice from the one person who had definitely been possessed by the Dark Lord. She quieted his fears by relaying her experiences to him and admitted that she had never truly gotten over it.

During this visit, along with Ron and Hermione, she found out the truth about Neville Longbottom 's parents, and how they had been tortured into insanity by Barty Crouch Jnr , Bellatrix, Rodolphus , and Rabastan Lestrange using the Cruciatus Curse at the end of the First Wizarding War.

Despite losing the match, Ginny captured the Golden Snitch , although she downplayed the achievement by saying it was not a fast Snitch and that the opposing Seeker, Summerby , had a cold. Probably as a result of her being more confident and relaxed in front of Harry, her willingness to stand up to him, and their shared experiences of being a Seeker, Harry and Ginny grew closer and became better friends.

The group name Ginny came up with for the D. This forced Dumbledore to then escape the castle with Fawkes' help in order to evade arrest, leaving Umbridge herself to replace him as school head. Around Easter, Ginny had had her first real one on one conversation with Harry in the library, during which they ate Easter eggs together. When she persuaded him to talk to Cho who had recently broken up with him in order to defend Marietta despite her treachery , Harry confided in her that he needed to speak to Sirius, and she encouraged him to do so, even insisting that she might be able to help.

It's around this time that Ginny started to speak to Harry like a friend, and Harry in turn began to enjoy her company, although Ginny bringing chocolate into the library infuriated Madam Pince to the point of violently chasing her and Harry out. Ginny then went to Fred and George, and asked them to find a way for Harry to speak with Sirius.

In the aftermath of the victory, Michael became very moody and sulked about the result. Because of his attitude, Ginny dumped him shortly after the match.

The latter convinced Harry to check to see if Sirius was at 12 Grimmauld Place before rushing off to rescue him, and Ginny and Luna came to their assistance.

With Harry and Hermione breaking into Umbridge's office, and Ron distracting her with news that Peeves was wreaking havoc, Ginny and Luna stopped people from entering the corridor leading to the office by saying that someone had flooded it with Garrotting Gas.

Unfortunately for them, Umbridge saw through their ruse since she knew of Peeves's true location and ordered the Inquisitorial Squad to round them up. Ginny was captured by Cassius Warrington , and when Neville saw what was happening and tried to help, he was caught as well. Ginny was restrained by a large sixth-year girl, though she was not an obedient captive and kept trying to break free by kicking her captor in the shins.

When Umbridge threatened to use the Cruciatus Curse on Harry to make him tell her what he was doing, Hermione faked a breakdown and told a lie about a weapon that Albus Dumbledore had told them to make. They managed to break free using skills that they had acquired in their D.

They then regrouped with Harry and Hermione, who had left Umbridge with a group of enraged centaurs. Convinced that Sirius was in mortal danger, Harry resolved to travel to London and rescue him. Although Harry tried to prevent Ginny, Neville, and Luna from accompanying him, Ron and Hermione eventually persuaded him otherwise. After flying Thestrals to London, they entered the Ministry of Magic using the visitor's entrance and headed for the Department of Mysteries.

In the Hall of Prophecy, they found no sign of Sirius, but Ron did find a prophecy concerning Harry and Voldemort, but pertaining only to Harry. As Harry removed it from the shelf, the group was surrounded by Death Eaters led by Lucius Malfoy and learned that Voldemort had used the connection between himself and Harry to lure him there to remove the prophecy.

Ginny was sadistically threatened with torture by Bellatrix Lestrange , who wanted to use the Cruciatus Curse on her to force Harry to hand over the prophecy, thus hoping to avoid the inevitable fight that would break out. At Harry's signal, all six D.

Ginny, along with Luna and Ron, were separated from the other three and were chased through various rooms by Death Eaters. In one room containing a three-dimensional representation of the solar system, one of the Death Eaters grabbed Ginny by the ankle. Luna used the Reductor Curse on a model of Pluto, causing it to explode in the Death Eater's face, but Ginny's ankle was broken in the process.

Ginny being threatened by a Death Eater in the Death Chamber. Luna managed to get Ginny and Ron who was also disabled to safety, but Ginny's broken ankle immobilised her and restricted her ability to help in the battle. She grew distraught when Ron came under attack by the brains, and was knocked unconscious by a Stunning Spell to the face.

Luckily, the Death Eaters were focused on the prophecy and Harry was able to lead them away from Ginny and the other vulnerable students. Ginny regained consciousness by the time Harry was pursuing Bellatrix Lestrange , but he ignored her questions and raced past her. Following the battle, Ginny recovered in the hospital wing at Hogwarts where Madam Pomfrey fixed her ankle in a trice.

On the train ride back to London, Ginny revealed that she had ditched Michael, who had moved on to Cho Chang while Ginny had moved on to Dean Thomas , much to Ron's horror. With the summer holidays coming to a close Ginny, the trio, and some of the other Weasleys took a trip to Diagon Alley needed to purchase school supplies.

Tired of his continuous questioning, she cursed him with the Bat-Bogey Hex and was seen by the new Potions master, Horace Slughorn. Ginny feared detention, but Slughorn was so impressed with the hex that he invited her to take lunch with him as part of a select group of students he hoped to cultivate and induct into his Slug Club.

Ginny scoring a goal, while playing as a Chaser against Slytherin. As term started, Ginny tried out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team , of which Harry had been made the Captain. She excelled as a Chaser and was given a spot on the roster.

Following one Quidditch practice, she and Dean were caught kissing by Harry and Ron. She and Ron had a blazing argument over her kissing Dean in public, but Ginny countered that Ron only saw it as being wrong because he had never kissed anyone before.

The argument led to a frosty relationship between the two siblings which lasted for quite some time. During the first Quidditch match of the season against Slytherin , Ginny scored several goals to help the team to victory. Following the match, she purposely crashed her broomstick into the commentary box because the commentator, Zacharias Smith, had been making disparaging remarks about the Gryffindor team.

Her feud with Ron over his attitude towards her and Dean was worsened when, in the aftermath of the victory, he began going out with Lavender Brown , whom he often snogged in public. Ginny branded her brother a " filthy hypocrite " for his actions, but more or less seemed to be over the row they previously shared.

She spent Christmas at the Burrow with her family and Harry, and when Ginny returned to Hogwarts, she seemed unenthusiastic about meeting up with Dean. After Ron was accidentally poisoned on his birthday, Ginny visited him in the hospital wing, and they seemingly forgave each other. She and Harry discussed what had happened to Ron endlessly, trying to come up with an explanation for what had happened. Harry was knocked unconscious and suffered a fractured skull.

Dean, who had been playing as reserve Chaser in place of Katie Bell , laughed about the incident, causing him and Ginny to have a row.

Ginny subsequently visited Harry in the hospital wing. Ginny and Dean were going through a rocky patch, and in April they finally split up when she accused Dean of always trying to help her through the portrait door into the Gryffindor common room.

In reality, Harry had been wearing his Invisibility Cloak and bumped into her while under the influence of Felix Felicis , but the incident finally brought an end to their already unstable relationship. Despite the break-up — or because of it — Ginny was still her usually bubbly self and hung around with Harry and Ron more because of Quidditch training. She also defended Harry's use of the Sectumsempra curse against Draco Malfoy , even if it had earned him a detention that forced him to miss the last Quidditch match of the year.

With Harry in detention, Ginny took the role of Seeker for the Gryffindor team for the final match against Ravenclaw. They won the match and the Quidditch cup, and, during the post-match celebrations, Ginny and Harry spontaneously kissed. Ginny, who even though she kissed Dean had never given up on Harry, was over the moon, as was he, as he had been harbouring feelings for her all year.

Ginny and Harry started dating, although their time together was limited due to Harry's weekly detentions and Ginny's O. Harry, who had suspected that Draco was a Death Eater for quite a while, forewarned Ron and Hermione to be vigilant and gave them the remains of his Felix Felicis potion.

On Harry's orders Ginny joined Ron and Hermione in taking the potion, giving them extra luck in case they needed it. Along with Ron and Neville who had answered the D. Later that night Harry was soon proven right. Ginny comforting Harry after the death of Albus Dumbledore. Fighting their way clear of the darkness, they met up with Remus Lupin and other members of the Order of the Phoenix that were patrolling the school under orders from Dumbledore.

In the aftermath, Ginny was shocked to find that her brother Bill had been badly injured and permanently scarred by Fenrir Greyback. She was able to lead Harry away from Dumbledore's corpse and up to the hospital wing, where Harry broke the news that Dumbledore had been killed by Severus Snape.


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