Hardware monitor software free

Intel Gemini Lake processors family. Intel Xeon E processors. Improved support of Z mainboards. AMD Ryzen processors.

Improved Intel IGP monitoring. Improved HDD monitoring. Intel Coffee Lake processors and Z platform. AMD Ryzen processors support. Intel Kaby Lake processors. AMD Bristol Ridge processors. Additional minor bug fixes. Release April 17, Date Added April 17, Version 0. Operating Systems. Additional Requirements Microsoft. NET Framework 2. Total Downloads , Downloads Last Week Report Software. Related Software See More. Move, resize, copy, explore, and recover hard disk drive partitions.

HWMonitor Free. Monitor the main health sensors of your PC, such as temperature, voltages, and fan speed. The Free lite version of Sisoft Sandra provides more features like wireless networking benchmarks,13 hardware, and 14 software information modules. As its name suggests core temp gadget is a PC temperature monitor that provides readings on voltage and temp of individual cores of processors.

It also shows a load of each core so that you can see how CPU temp changes with load. As a CPU temp monitor core temp is one of the best software which is free , easy to use , and mainly built for beginners. It provides live real temp which is accurate.

Its interface is very simple only shows relevant information. A reliable free, small size tool which does not cause Windows to hang, crash, or pop up error messages. These are the best tools to monitor system hardware on Windows PC. So, if you want to know what is the best fan control software then click on that link. Referral fees We may earn an affiliate commission when a purchase is made using our links. Our content may include direct links to buy products that are part of affiliate programs.

Such standards require us to consider the technical qualities and characteristics of the product alongside its commercial value for users, which may affect the product's ranking on the website. Posted on May 6, 26 Comments. Added support for persisting and restoring the expanded state of the UI tree view. Posted on March 1, 28 Comments. Additional minor bug fixes. Donate If you like the Open Hardware Monitor, feel free to make a donation.


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