Open source multitouch software

Currently, Microsoft has no plans to open the hardware or software of the system to developers. Wagenknecht says that her system works in a similar way. Cubit is a boxy table with a clear surface. In her kit, she includes a tabletop screen that has a coating that makes it easier for the camera to track objects, she says.

Also included in the kit are strips of infrared LEDs that shine light onto the back of the screen, much like the infrared light sources that Microsoft uses. Cubit will be on display in San Mateo, CA, this weekend at the Maker Faire, a showcase for do-it-yourself technology, arts, and crafts. Other open-source multitouch projects will also be represented. First, the falling cost of hardware enables people to play with high technology without taking a large financial risk.

Second, people are forming online communities, such as Instructables. And the more people are able to contribute to building and improving technology, the more chance there is for innovation. The procedure is a one-off, and highly experimental, but the technique could help reduce transplant waiting lists in the future. The city's residents are navigating changes in rainfall, a shrinking aquifer, and entrenched inequity in water access.

Discover special offers, top stories, upcoming events, and more. Thank you for submitting your email! It looks like something went wrong. Try refreshing this page and updating them one more time. If you continue to get this message, reach out to us at customer-service technologyreview. Skip to Content. The Open Exhibits community includes a dynamic and diverse group of artists, developers, designers, museum professionals, technologists, and educators.

Omeka Everywhere is a tool which allows an institution to connect an Omeka Classic instance to a multitouch table or device. Papers is a repository of insightful and rigorously researched articles from a variety of sources gathered to provide a resource for Written by Ben Jones, this computer-based interactive is the result of our Creating Museum Media for Matching funds for Open Exhibits are provided by Ideum, makers of custom exhibits , touch tables , video walls and touch walls.

Ideum also manages Touchless. Design - a zero-touch open-source initiative. What is Open Exhibits?


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