Norton 360 locking up computer

Then my computer locks up. What is DR Watson and to my knowledge I have never used it. I went to norton on-line chat and gave them remote access to fix my problem. They unistalled and reinstalled it, after that it worked initally but a couple of clicks later it started locking up again. I need some help with this problem! Watson for Windows is a program error debugger that gathers information about your computer when an error or user-mode fault occurs with a program.

Technical support groups can use the information that Dr. Watson obtains and logs to diagnose a program error. When an error is detected, Dr. Watson creates a text file Drwtsn You also have the option of creating a crash dump file, which is a binary file that a programmer can load into a debugger.

As the Dr. Watson is also crashing and causing the lockup in your computer, try to reinstall Dr Watson as your default debugger:. Yogesh, thanks for the reply. I Reinstalled Dr Watson and then reinstalled It ran ok initally and I did a live update and as soon as it finished updating my computer locked up again. Any time I try to open a program on my desktop it locks up. I can open programs through the Start - run pull down.

Watson has experienced a problem and must shut down. Have a look at recent messages in this N Forum -- I've seen some about a problem with N and liveupdate with messages from a Symantec Staffer -- names in red -- referring to a forthcoming fix.

Ok after hours of trial and error, countless number of uninstalls and reinstall, boots and reboots of my system, I think I have found the source of the problem, but I don't know how to fix it.

The problem has nothing to do with the live update, even though I thought it did previously. When I open a program from my desktop, I would generally left click once to open the menu and right click to select "open" from the menu and when I do this I get the same 2 errors as stated above and my computer locks up. That's where the problem lays, if I left double click on the icon, it opens just fine. It works ok if I can just remember to double click the icon, but the problem is that now the right side of my mouse is useless.

Any ideas! Would you check that statement -- I think you mean Right click? In fact later you imply this. Left click does not produce a menu called Context Menu but just highlights the desktop icon unless the system is set so that a single click opens a file instead of a double click and you have to Right mouse click to get the context menu.

Assuming you did mean Right mouse click -- do you by any chance have a file manger called PowerDesk installed? I ask because this has a known fault that causes it to crash when you right mouse click on a file. There is a fix y9ou can download from them but it's not easy to locate so let me know.

Can you list the subkeys that you have in your registry under the following location? You can easily launch Norton from the system tray at the bottom-right corner of your computer. If the Norton system tray icon is not displaying, then you might need to click the upward facing arrow in the system tray, then double-click the Norton icon. This action launches the Norton program interface, which is the starting point for making changes to your installation.

You can access the settings for your individual programs by clicking the white Settings link at the top of the window. You will find the Firewall option in the column at the left side of the window, so click the link to open the Firewall Settings menu. The settings for your firewall are organized on five different menus that are organized into tabs at the top of the window. The menu containing the options you need to adjust in order to stop Norton from blocking a program are located on the Program Rules tab.

This screen shows a list of all of the programs on your computer, as well as a drop-down menu to the right of each program. The setting on the drop-down menu indicates the current program permissions that are set for the corresponding program. If Norton is blocking a program, then the value on this menu should be Block. You can change this setting by clicking the arrow on the drop-down menu, then clicking the permission level that you want to apply to the program. The most common Norton program setting is Auto , but you can also choose the Allow option if you want to give that program full permissions.

Once you have changed the value for a program, you will notice that the Apply button at the bottom of the window has changed from a gray color to a yellow color.


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