Version 0. This one should be fairly clean. Let me know if you see any issues. Browse to the application and log in as a valid directory user. It should create a myDomino document automatically for the user. The code is released under the Apache license. You may obtain a copy of the License at: www. Labels: Lotusphere Sunday, January 18, Lotusphere Sunday Party. It was a beautiful evening for the party, unlike the past few years where it was freezing. The food was better than last year.
So far from what I have seen, a greater number of attendees are from Europe and Asia. Unfortunately, with the recession, a number of companies were not able to go. There are a number of great sessions on XPages, Symphony, and Quickr coming up and there is a number of new announces about Lotus Foundations that I am excited about. It addresses some of the issues that I have with Lotus Foundations. Still need improvements but they are slowly heading in the right direction.
Need to get ready for a long day tomorrow. Since Blogger does not seem to get updated correctly on PlanetLotus. First Day at Lotusphere It is a beautiful day at Lotusphere. Got a good night sleep and ready for a full day at Lotusphere. As always too many sessions that I would like to go to but not enough time. Big focus for me is X Pages and web development. Technology makes it too easy to avoid the basic skills of verbal coummunication. I was in Panera Bread a few days ago and saw one of the saddest things I have seen.
There was two girls on their laptops instant messaging each other on their laptops though they was sitting next to each other.
Rather than having a one-on-one conversation, they opt to have this non-social conversation. What is this world coming to. This does not help teenagers develop the social skills that are necessary as they grow up. Labels: Social Impact of Technology. Domino Configuration Tuner 2. Domino Designer in Eclipse 1. Xpages Existing Notes customers that want to move email for some employees into the cloud.
This quot;domain splittingquot; solution lets you keep the high-intensity users on-premise and offload the low-intensity users to someone else.
New customers looking to go with IBM and not Microsoft. IBM Lotus has many other collaboration products and plans to extend its cloud-based collaboration services way beyond email and calendaring. So get started with messaging and add instant messaging and other collaboration services as they come online down the road.
Cash-constrained customers that want to move to the latest version of email. The two real advantages of cloud-based collaboration services are: 1 the pay-as-you-go pricing model, which keeps money in the bank and assets off the balance sheet; and 2 the offloading of administration and maintenance hassle that consumes so much of the IT budget. Current post Lotus Domino 8.
Infrastructure What are we deploying with the Catalog? Integration Alloy Scenarios Report Management Give users information to make good decisions Leave management Manage vacation from your Notes calendar Travel Management Request, review and approve trip details quickly Improvement Thank you brentp us.
All Rights Reserv ed. The inf ormation contained in this publication is prov ided f or inf ormational purposes only. While ef f orts were made to v erif y the completeness and accuracy of the inf ormation contained in this publication, it is prov ided AS IS without warranty of any kind, express or implied.
IBM shall not be responsible f or any damages arising out of the use of , or otherwise related to, this publication or any other materials. Nothing contained in this publication is intended to, nor shall hav e the ef f ect of , creating any warranties or representations f rom IBM or its suppliers or licensors, or altering the terms and conditions of the applicable license agreement gov erning the use of IBM sof tware. Ref erences in this presentation to IBM products, programs, or serv ices do not imply that they will be av ailable in all countries in which IBM operates.