Hydracoach manual

Some might even call it the best water bottle. Never having had a problem with maintaining a healthy body water percentage, I rarely paid much attention to my water intake. I do know this guy I used to work with who painfully passed a couple stones because he was so dehydrated all the time.

Maintaining a positive body water percentage requires some level attention, but should not be overlooked as it is a vital part of being healthy.

Here are the many reasons why you should drink the right amount of water on a daily basis:. The HydraCoach is actually pretty simple to explain. Upon setting it up, you enter your body weight. It divides that in half and gives you have the amount of water in ounces you should be consuming in a 24 hour period. I roughly weigh around lbs. Easy right? There are three modes on the large and easy to read display.

These are the three modes:. All are very intuitive and easy to figure out. The program runs for 24 hours from the time that you begin. Getting to the goal was easy for me. There are two things you will be doing all day when you dedicate yourself to this bottle.

Filling the bottle up and urinating. It took me around fills daily to complete my hydration goal. I was urinating times a day and I thought I was trying to pass a drug test.

That might not work for some people, but I ruined my bladder in elementary school, so I am probably a bit of an anomaly on that one. You may think of the HydraCoach as being an annoying pest as you have other things to do with your day than pay attention to hydration needs, but it was like a fun game for me. I never though of it as a chore and I always wanted to reach my goal. The HydraCoach disassembles quickly for easy cleaning and should be done at least once a week.

I would recommend this water bottle to all age groups in every demographic in that proper water consumption is a vital part of everyday living. Not without its faults, the HydraCoach is not perfect by any means. My biggest gripe is that it has a dedicated thread for screwing on the top. Serious athletes to everyday health conscious individuals can now interactively manage their own fluid consumption to maximize the benefits of hydration while proactively preventing the ill-effects of both dehydration and over-hydration Hyponatremia.

First is a matter of laziness on my part — but one I suspect many will identify with. Unfortunately, this water bottle after a few days begins to taste swampy. If you can live with this I am the next big issue is the upper cap which fits onto the bottle.

Other than those special components it seems just like any other water bottle cap — but it refuses to act like one. When I attempt to screw it on it usually resists. I try over and over and eventually, magically, it decides that this time it will twist on. One may be tempted as I was to push the lid down, thinking maybe it just needs a little extra force to lock into place — nope…all one will accomplish is dousing oneself in water when attempting to drink.

The device has shown me that I consume a lot less water than I thought I did and I think I consume more than most. It also does help one monitor how much one is drinking throughout the day — thus allowing for better pacing. Still, there is much to be desired in the device — as it lags far behind currently available technologies.


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