Confederated Northern City States. Upon completion of the first several missions, Scott will be thrown into a situation where he is deemed a traitor and must clear his name before his regiment catches up with him.
The story helps provide a sense of purpose to the game. In addition to the immediate storyline of the game, Activision has spent a great deal of their time and resources developing a time line, universe and planets where these characters exist.
As I said, this game sets the stage for a whole new universe that many games will be built upon in the future The gameplay in Heavy Gear is really a step up from previous efforts made by Activision. There is tons of stuff to do outside of the sim itself. The customization possible on the sixteen different "gears" leaves endless possibilities for new and fun-to-play gears.
The gears themselves are smaller and faster than mechs. I think the biggest jump in gameplay in this game is the articulation of the gears. The gears have an absolutely endless range of motion with their upper bodies. Not only does this give you more freedom of movement, but it allowed the game makers to put enemy gears in some unusual places too. Watch yourself in mountain ranges, for an enemy gear can come from almost anywhere.
When you see pictures of the gears, you'll also notice that there is a great deal of personality to them. They don't just look like big metal robots; they actually have character in their face, stance, and movement. A lot of this has to do with the Japanese animation look the artists gave to the back story. I think the new range of motion gives a whole new dimension to the game, and ups the ante for followers to come.
One important thing to mention is that if you don't want to play the story line, you can still go on a tour of duty with any one of the nineteen different regiments in this game. There are literally dozens of missions you can play with each regiment.
You can earn promotions, each giving you higher priority for gear parts. The higher you go, the better the gear you can build. Needless to say, the game does not tire easily, and adds a good replayability factor that I didn't see in Mechwarrior 2. Heavy Gear offers a wide range of graphics support. If you have a 3Dfx card, then you'll really like the graphics here. There are some differences between "Mechs" and "Gears" such as the weaponry.
The "Gears" in Heavy Gear use ammunition weapons whereas "Mechs" in Mechwarrior 2 use energy weapons. Off the bat, something very noticeable in Heavy Gear is the horrid blocky ground. It is truly terrible on a non-3D accelerated machine, and when turning on the Gear's wheels, little pink squares, supposedly dirt flying from the wheels, will fly out. Some of the features, such as mortars, take time to get used to but are a blast literally!
As well as the mortars, being able to drop your current weapon, and pick up the dropped or blasted off weapon of a foe was definitely a bonus. If you see the enemy holding a good gun you want, blow off the arm and take it! Disappointing is the lack of any real gameplay. The "story" seems to be the main part of the game and has cheesy FMV I'd much rather have good animation and has you follow a set path.
The other option, random maps and missions, are okay, but you may find yourself playing the same missions over and over and over again. To boot, the computer AI isn't very good at all. Heavy Gear is a large game to install resulting in even more reason not to keep it around very long. Enjoyment: Overall, was an enjoyable game.
The graphics subtracked much from it, as well as the pretty stupid AI. Genre action fps. Platform PC. Comments There are no comments. Similar games Users also downloaded the following old games. SkyRoads Bluemoon Interactive.
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