Harmattan scratchbox install

Good hopefully this article that appeared on Johan Pauls Blog is the answer to some of your questions:. Nokia N9 and MeeGo Harmattan are here. These are good times to be a Qt developer. And if you are like me, you downloaded the Qt SDK 1. Or then I just don't understand how to set it up in Qt Creator There's even a page at developer.

I forgot about the QEMU option then. It seems there is one step missing in the default Qt SDK 1. What you need to do is manually select "MeeGo 1. This was in the comments of Qt Labs blog post - I hope Nokia can address this issue soon. I only tested this in Linux. If you are using Linux, I think you are better off sticking with Scratchbox. Scratchbox is a sandboxed cross-compiling environment that Nokia has been using for Maemo development ever since the first Maemo device, the Nokia It has also been used in Harmattan development so it is no surprise that Nokia also has instructions for setting up Scratchbox for Harmattan development.

But this seems like a totally different developer story from the Qt SDK one. I also don't see how Scratchbox is going to work on anything else but Linux based machines and preferably Debian based ones.

It also provides a large set of tools to integrate and cross-compile in the form of development kits devkits. The easiest way to start using Scratchbox is to install it with a script. Before you begin, ensure that your host system complies with the minimum system requirements. It is recommended to install Scratchbox with the harmattan-sdk-setup. This is explained in the section below. For reference information on Scratchbox, see Scratchbox documentation.

Note: If you already have Scratchbox installed on your host system, the installer will try to upgrade the packages to the version required by the Harmattan release. This environment should allow coding and compiling in the correct environment on X86, and then cross-compiling on the ARMEL-target and packaging into debs for sending to the device.

To be continued I followed the link provided in this article and got the python script for the setup. I am trying to develop some apps on MeeGo platform. Nice article. It helped me. Nice article! Unfortunately I ran into a problem. After I start up Xephyr and I run "meego-sb-session start" inside the scratchbox, all I got is a black screen for Xephyr's screen.


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