Friday the 13th part 3 deluxe edition review

When one ponders the filmography of Douglas Sirk, one languishes in his successful meditation on stifled Arrow Video continues to champion and resurrect the filmography of B-movie director Nico Mastorakis with his Connect with us.

Continue Reading. You may also like Related Topics:. Jason Widgington. Click to comment. More in Disc Reviews. To Top. The 3D works great on still objects. I feel a lot of people may be let down by the kills in 3D though. If you go into this disc expecting special features other than a 3D version of the film, you are going to be VERY disappointed unless you absolutely love the theatrical trailer.

The trailer is awesome. But do we get a conclusion or even another installment? Not at all. I even hear that the third feature in that series is the shortest of the 3 and would have easily fit onto this release. But it is not present. Such a shame. Unfair to the viewers, and unfair to their director Andrew Ceperley.

Just watch! It was fun finally seeing it in 3D for the first time. The lack of features is a definite let down. But, depending on your method of viewing, the 3D is worth checking out. Whether or not you can look around the features issue enough to warrant buying this film at full retail price is entirely up to you the consumer. Categories: DVD Tags:. I am happy about the Glasses too. Very cool. Oh yeah. I just need to point this out for those who crave features.

Oh well, still excited to have it in 3d and in 5. As I said before…these new editions is going to be a big dissapointment because they are never going to release the full uncut editions. Why would they anyway, then they would be losing money. So, they put this bullshit out to just keep they money flowing and the fans they can care less. Plus the short movie starring you as Mr.

And I know, shame on me, I know. You guys are too funny…This isnt some film company that started 20 years ago or something. This is Paramount, one of oldest and biggest film companies to date. They dont care about making fans of Friday the 13th happy. These guys care about oscar material films, not slasher films. I am shocked that you guys actually think that Paramount cares about horror fans. They got plenty of money and bigger films out there…. Now if this film were 20 bucks I would be angry… Dont get me wrong, I would prefer a better special edition, but at least its pretty close to when I was a kid and saw it at the movie theater in 3D…Those were the good ole days….

Well, I guess the picture being remastered in Hi-Def and a 5. The glasses alone are woth getting this, but I have to think that Paramount will be releasing this on Blu-Ray in 3-D with the glasses and the extra features from the previous DVD. Great review Tony! And how cool are those glasses! I always wanted this to come out, especially because part 3 is my favorite. Whoever put this disc together needs to go back to 1st grade and learn about pluralization all over again.

I love the poster with Jason smashing through the glass. I have a 3D poster of that hanging up that I got out of horror hound magazine a few months ago.

It would of been nice if they atleast put the commentary on the 2d version from the box set im excited about the 3D but im more excited about testing my sound system with that 5. Looking forward to the comparison pics. Same thing for the Theatrical Version of F Man, I only have a 27 inch widescreen tv.

Hopefully that will give me somewhat of a 3D experience. Theres nothing deluxe about this release.. I watched this in the theatre back when it came out. The 5. Plus, Paramount could have put forth the effort of finding the cut gore footage for both parts 2 and 3 and done with that extra footage like what the producers of the new uncut My Bloody Valentine did. Name Required. Email not published Required. Powered by WordPress.

Blog FAQ. Friday the 13th part 3 3D: Deluxe Edition Reviewed! About the Author Tony Carroll Huge horror fan. Mainly the slasher sub genre. Die Hard Friday the 13th fan. I'm not like a lot of viewers. I love the entire series.


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