English horse riding games

This page records the games from 1 to Also, the selected list of Spirit Riding Games from our category has received a rating of 4. These games include browser games for both your computer and mobile devices. Contact Privacy Policy. It is pretty fun and can keep you busy for a long time. Creating your own farm, living a fake life with horses, creating your sims, creating stories. Custom content for the game you can download is so much fun.

Just make sure it is from secure sights. Sims 3 Horses Guide. Steam Custom Content Download Guide. If purchased I get a small commission for no extra charge to you. I appreciate any support! It was very hard deciding to place this game above Riding Club Championship which is next.

I think the games have a very different feel and it is similar to how good RCC is. I put this game above only because it seems to have more features than RCC. You have to catch your first horse. However before you can catch your first horse you need horse taming orbs to do so. You create these orbs by mining for different materials. There are iron, wood, cotton, stone, opal, amber that you will mine.

There are different level orbs and require different amounts and types of materials. The rarer the horse, the more orbs needed and the higher level the orbs that are needed in order to catch the horse. You need to create a stable or stall for each horse you get or you are able to put the horse out in the paddock. If the horse is in the paddock too long they will jump out and escape so you do need to create a stall.

You could also decide to sell the horse and get coins. You have different levels based on the quests that you do and the horse competitions you score well on and complete. There are also daily quests that you need to do. Fantasy- Fire pegasus, pink pegasus, black pegasus, white pegasus, aqua horse, purple fantasy. However Horse Riding Tales is very expensive with the in-game purchases.

In the game you have gold coins and gems to buy things. The game is super slow with all the mining and trying to make orbs, buying gems and gold coins speeds things way up. But they are a good chunk of money. Then you can use gems to buy a bunch of things in the game. You can earn or find gems. But it takes forever!! I have 39 gems right now. I never spent money on this game. Overall it is a fairly fun game but it is super repetitive and can get boring over time.

Horse Riding Tales Steam Guide. Horse Riding Tales Video Walk-through. Riding Club Championship comes in at a close number 4 because the competition experience is pretty good better than Horse Riding Tales I think but it has fewer features in my opinion.

This is another MMO game. The game is all about jumping competitions. This game is fun and you get to compete against other people.

There is not a whole lot of interaction between players that I have noticed. Add in maneuvers such as diagonal changes, gait changes, or anything else you can think of that would be suitable for your students.

This popular game only requires a hefty supply of eggs and a few spoons. Advanced riders could try this game at a trot or canter. They must hold it there while they complete a lesson, pattern, jumping course, or similar riding test. The rider who holds on to their dollar bill the longest gets to keep them all! There are plenty of variations of different racing games that you can play, depending on the skill levels of your students.

Set up a row of stepping stones using buckets, mats, towels, or anything else handy that can be safely stepped on. Riders begin at a starting line, race towards the stones and dismount once they reach them. You can play this game as a relay, time your riders individually, or set up several stations of stepping stones and race simultaneously.

The object of this game is simple — drop the item in the bucket. Riders begin at the starting line and race towards a bucket while holding an item. This could be a flag, bottle, ball, etc. They drop the item into the bucket and race back towards the starting line. Set up two small tables a decent distance apart you can also use tall mounting blocks, an oxer, or other taller flat surface. Place a sturdy reusable bottle on top of one of the tables.

Riders reach down and grab it from one table and set it down on the other. About This Game Horse Riding Deluxe is a horse adventure game where you can buy the horses you always wanted or find and tame in the wild. Take good care of your new treasures and take care of your well-being, because the various races in the world of Horse Riding Deluxe demand the horses and you everything.

Buy different horses or find them in the wild to tame them. Buy stables to accommodate your new horses. Feeding, cleaning and caressing your horses, or having a stable boy help you. In the open game world there are no invisible borders that could disturb your ride.

Train your horses in three areas multiple times to improve their acceleration, agility and speed. If you want, you can even go swimming with your horse. Just explore the environment or help the inhabitants with their tasks, it will certainly be worthwhile.

Let yourself be helped by exploring the world of different pets. No loading time unless you reload the game. If you have always dreamed of having your own riding stable and almost infinite freedom with your horses, take the opportunity and start your personal horse adventure right now.

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