Select Flash! This can usually be done using a keyboard command such as F12 Windows or Opt Mac while your computer is rebooting. If you're using Windows and can't boot from the USB drive, see this wikiHow to learn how to check and change the boot order. Even if you are prompted to log in with your Google account, you can find the guest login at the bottom left corner of your screen. This command will install Chrome OS to your computer's storage drive.
If you're prompted for a username and password, use 'chronos' as your login and 'chrome' as the password. To install these, open Settings and navigate to Plugins. You'll want to download the latest daily Chromium build. The builds are usually listed from most recent, so the first listing should be the download you want.
Extract the zipped image. The file downloaded as a. All the information on that drive will be deleted as it formats. Flash the installed images from your computer to the USB. You'll find Etcher in your Start Menu or Applications folder. Click Flash to begin the process of flashing the image to your USB drive. Once the flash is complete, Etcher will begin validating the final product.
You can find many websites that provide Chromium for free, but we advise you to get it from Arnold the Bat. Follow the on-site instructions and download the latest version. When the download is completed, you will have to extract the image using 7-Zip.
Right-click on the downloaded file and extract the data to a new folder. The process takes a few minutes to complete. You have done most of the preparation by now. On other hand, nowadays most of the Linux distros also require decent quality hardware components in order to function properly without any lag or stutter.
Though you can use Linux Puppy, in that case, the utility of your laptop would be limited within a very specific type of works due to compatibility issues. But, since the Google Chrome OS is out there, it has proved itself to be the best solution for those laptop users, who has a limited type of needs from a laptop and also have a very little amount in hand to invest in. There can be lots of reasons for using the Google Chrome OS, some of them are listed below according to my experience.
You need not learn so much about Chrome OS in order to install and use it. But if you are one of those geeks, then here is the brief information for you. It is not an official method of downloading and installing the OS into any laptop by Google, but it is not illegal at all.
But, as this is not the official method of installing Chrome OS or Chromium OS into any laptop, that is why there is a straightway install procedure available for this OS.
That is why I am writing this article for you so that you can go through the procedure step by step and can install the Chromium OS or Chrome OS into your laptop by yourself. This tutorial is just for tech enthusiasts having enough time to deal with its complexities.
I recommending Clouldready OS because even if you are able to successfully install the official Chrome OS recovery image, there is no guarantee that the Play Store will work, and also you will not get the official updates from Google that are meant only for Chromebook.
Thus, for experiment , you can go with the recovery image whereas the users who want to use ChromeOS for a long time along with regular updates must go for Cloudready OS which is officially now a part of Google. So at first, we need some operating system that we can use in a Live environment, therefore, Linux is the best choice. However, which is totally depends upon you.
Nevertheless, we already have Linux Mint with, thus we are using that. If you want to download use this, here is the link- Linux Mint Cinnamon image.
It is available for Windows, Linux, and macOS. However, Windows users can use Rufus as well. Now you have to download the Official Chrome OS recovery image from the appspot. It is free and there are absolutely no viruses or malicious programs in the repository to be downloaded, it is completely safe. Here is the link for the website Chrome OS Recovery image. You can see in the given screenshot, we simply have copied the folder to Pen drive. Part of the success of Chromebooks — and they are successful with 5.
If you want to give someone easy, no fuss access to Google services it should be a tempting choice. The good news is that it's easy to install Chromium OS, which is the open source project name for the official Google Chrome OS, which is only available through officially licenced Chromebook PCs. While it looks superficially different with a blue-theme running through it, Chromium OS taps into the same Google Accounts and services and it offers the same advantages of automatically picking up your plugins and the rest, which are stored in the Google cloud.
Built on Gentoo, it is Linux based and so has all the advantages of the Linux kernel, but keep in mind it was only rolled out in late , so if you're planning on trying it on hardware older than that you might not have as much luck. Having said that we tried it on a standard Lenovo X laptop from and everything worked without a hitch. A general rule of thumb is: any standard Intel hardware should work without a hitch.
One thing we do know is that non-Intel wireless adaptors do cause issues, we'll go into this in more detail in a moment. A number of sites have maintained builds of Chromium OS. It's unlikely you'll want to build it yourself from source, so there are versions ready for VirtualBox and for running and installing off a USB drive.
We're using this Chrome OS build, which is kept current. Another popular build is over at the Hexxeh website.
This doesn't appear to be maintained as of April , but it will still work.