War in Heaven. Broken God. Weitere Titel zum gleichen Preis. Inexorable Conclusion. Ich ohne Wir: Elimination. The Zechian Experience. Not Making it to Earth.
Die letzte Melderin. Das Kurzgeschichtenuniversum. North Wind. Galaxy Rulers. Doce mujeres. Philippe Aubert de Molay. Grasshopper's Child. Kingdom of the Worlds. This is a fictitious autobiography of fantasy.
The hero faces a rocky road to follow; at all times faith and honour are at stake where he has to trust advice given to complete his quest. Not all …. Mark Ellis: Peculiar Pen. When James visits his uncle Marcus, he does not realise what adventures await him when he discovers by chance a most peculiar pen. But the more he uses it the bigger his troubles become with three ….
Mark Piggott: Outlander War. It is an island frozen in time and space. For more than 3, years, the island of Avalon remained hidden from the outside world; a place of eternal magic, where the descendants of King Arthur ruled …. Xandra Roz: Fatal Rites. Kalts: One Less Lonely Girl. Like the caverns it describes, interwoven and complex paths within The Epic of the Labyrinth may reveal secret trails and hidden passages.
Read the epic once and a journey is recounted. Read it again …. A brilliant and significant meeting point between the past and future, between early Middle Ages and the coming era. A set of adventure interwoven with the hard times experienced by earthly people …. C Stevens: From Here to Eternity.