Written in the language of a mechanic, it was initially given to the dealer's service department to provide enough detail for major repairs and complete overhauls.
This is a vital aid if you are in the middle of or considering serious repairs or a full restoration. Even if you already own an original Service Manual that's in good shape, you will find our value-added content, such as post-publishing updates, corrections, serial number info and additional machine detail extremely useful.
Brand Synonyms. These are sample pages meant to give you an idea of the contents of your Continental Engines Service Manual. Select the delivery method option to receive the complete manual in a download , printed version , or for the best value Buy Both. Note: The watermark will not appear on the manual that you purchase. Please see availability below. Shop manual or Repair manual tells you how to take the Continental Engines Engine apart, fix it, and put it back together.
It is written in the language of a mechanic and may include valuable detailed information such as specifications, torques, ranges, etc. If you are serious about repairs or restoring, you need the service manual. Parts Manual PTS - The parts manual has exploded views of all parts on the Engine giving great detail on assembly and disassembly. It also includes a guide for ordering parts. It picks up where the service manual leaves off.