Constitution zambia pdf

The guiding principles of public finance include the Principles following: relating to public a transparency and accountability in the development or finance formulation of macro-economic frameworks, socio- economic plans and the budget; b promotion of a public finance system that ensures that— i the burden of taxation is shared fairly; ii revenue raised nationally is shared equitably among the different levels of government; and iii expenditure promotes the equitable development of the country; c sustainable public borrowing to ensure inter-generational equity; and d prudent and responsible use of public resources.

Imposition of tax 2 Where legislation confers power on a person or an authority to waive or vary a prescribed tax the power shall be exercised through a statutory instrument. Withdrawal Annual Expenditure Appropriation 2 The Minister responsible for finance shall, where the Act amount appropriated in an Appropriation Act for a financial year is insufficient to meet expenditure in that financial year, lay before the National Assembly for approval, in accordance with Article 5 , a supplementary estimate of expenditure.

Budget and The following shall be prescribed: planning legislation a the financial management and regulation of public funds; b the preparation of medium and long-term financing frameworks and development plans; c the budget preparation process; d public participation, at all levels of government, in the formulation of financing frameworks, development plans and preparation of annual budgets; e the content of the financial report of the Republic provided for in Article ; and f the control and disbursement of appropriated funds.

Investment Borrowing Fund 2 The management of the Compensation Fund shall be prescribed. Auditor- Governor of The following shall be prescribed: Legislation on Bank of a additional functions, operations and management of the Zambia Bank of Zambia; b appointment, qualifications and tenure of office of the Board of Directors; c election of a Vice-Chairperson of the Board of Directors; d tenure of office and emoluments of the Governor; e appointment, qualifications, tenure of office, functions and emoluments of the Deputy-Governor; f recruitment, and emoluments of members of staff of the Bank of Zambia; and g other matters necessary for the performance of the functions of the Bank of Zambia.

A commission shall— Principles relating to a be subject only to this Constitution and the law; commissions b be independent and not be subject to the control of a person or an authority in the performance of its functions; c act with dignity, professionalism, propriety and integrity; d be non-partisan; and e be impartial in the exercise of its authority.

Parliamentary Service Commission Parliamentary Service 2 The office of the Clerk of the National Assembly, members of staff of the Parliamentary Service Commission and members of staff of the office of the Clerk, as prescribed, are offices in the Parliamentary Service. Judicial Service Commission Judicial Service 2 The office of judge, judicial officer, the members of staff of the Judicial Service Commission and such other officers as prescribed, are offices in the Judicial Service.

Judicial Service Commission 2 The Judicial Service Commission shall— a constitute offices in the Judicial Service; b make recommendations to the President on the appointment of judges; c appoint, confirm, promote and hear appeals from judicial officers; and d carry out a function provided for in this Constitution, or as prescribed. Civil Service Commission Civil Service Civil Service Commission 2 The Civil Service Commission shall— a constitute offices in the Civil Service; b appoint, confirm, promote and hear appeals from officers in the Civil Service, excluding a Constitutional office holder; and c perform such other functions as prescribed.

Teaching Service Commission Teaching Service 2 The teachers serving as public officers excluding civil servants, the members of staff of the Teaching Service Commission and other public officers, as prescribed, are offices in the Teaching Service. Teaching Service 2 The Teaching Service Commission shall— Commission a constitute offices in the Teaching Service; b appoint, confirm, promote and hear appeals from officers of the Teaching Service; and c perform such other functions as prescribed.

Zambia Correctional Service Commission Local Government Service Commission Local Government Service 2 The office of the Town Clerk, Council Secretary, members of staff of the Local Government Service Commission, the members of staff of local authorities and other local government staff, as prescribed, are offices in the Local Government Service. Service Commission 2 The Local Government Service Commission shall— a appoint the Town Clerk and Council Secretary of a local authority; b constitute offices in the Local Government Service; c appoint, confirm, promote and hear appeals from officers of the Local Government Service; d ensure efficient and effective functioning of local authorities; and e perform such other functions as prescribed.

Electoral Commission of Zambia Electoral Human Rights Commission Gender Equity and Equality Commission Commission 2 The Gender Equity and Equality Commission shall promote the attainment and mainstreaming of gender equality. Emoluments Commission Emoluments Commission 2 The Emoluments Commission shall determine, on the recommendation of the relevant authority or commission, the emoluments of public officers, chiefs and members of the House of Chiefs, as provided in this Constitution or as prescribed.

Lands Commission Lands State Audit Commission State Audit Commission 2 The State Audit Commission shall— a subject to Article 2 oversee the operations of the office of the Auditor-General, as prescribed; b make recommendations to the President on the appointment of the Auditor-General; and c perform such other functions as prescribed. Investigative Commissions Investigative Judicial Complaints 2 The Judicial Complaints Commission shall— Commission a enforce the Code of Conduct for judges and judicial officers; b ensure that judges and judicial officers are accountable to the people for the performance of their functions; c receive complaints lodged against a judge or judicial officer, as prescribed; d hear a complaint against a judge or judicial officer, as prescribed; e make recommendations to the appropriate institution or authority for action; and f perform such other functions as prescribed.

Police Public Complaints Commission Commission 2 The Police Public Complaints Commission shall— a receive and investigate complaints against police actions; b investigate complaints against police actions which result in serious injury or death of a person; c make recommendations to the appropriate institution or authority for action; and d perform such other functions as prescribed.

General Provisions Relating to Commissions The expenses of a commission, including emoluments Expenses of commissions payable to, or in respect of, persons serving with that commission, shall be a charge on the Consolidated Fund. General A commission— powers of commissions a shall appoint its staff; b may refer matters within its mandate to appropriate State organs or State institutions for action; c may initiate its own investigations and receive complaints from a person on matters within its mandate; d shall take measures to ensure that State institutions and other persons comply with its decisions; and e shall submit annual reports to the National Assembly on its accounts and activities as prescribed.

The functions, composition, appointment of members, on commissions tenure of office of members, processes and procedures, operations, administration, structures, finances and financial management of a commission shall be prescribed. Limitation of The Public Protector shall not investigate a matter which— powers of Public a is before a court, court martial or a quasi-judicial body; Protector b relates to an officer in the Parliamentary Service or Judicial Service; c involves the relations or dealings between the Government and foreign government or an international organisation; d relates to the exercise of the prerogative of mercy; or e is criminal in nature.

Performance Where the Public Protector is absent from Zambia or is of functions unable to perform the functions of office due to illness or other of Public Protector cause, the President shall appoint a person qualified to perform the during functions of the Public Protector until that appointment is revoked absence, illness or or until the Public Protector returns to office.

Protector 2 The Public Protector may retire, with full benefits, on attaining the age of fifty-five years. Report to The office of the Public Protector shall report to the National Assembly National Assembly on matters concerning its affairs.

Auditor-General Auditor- Where the Auditor-General is absent from Zambia or is of functions unable to perform the functions of office due to illness or other of Auditor- General cause, the President shall appoint a person qualified to perform the during functions of the Auditor-General until that appointment is revoked absence, illness or or until the Auditor-General returns to office. General 2 The Auditor-General may retire, with full benefits, on attaining the age of fifty-five years.

Environment and Natural Resources A person has a duty to co-operate with State organs, environment State institutions and other persons to— and natural resources a maintain a clean, safe and healthy environment; b ensure ecologically sustainable development and use of natural resources; c respect, protect and safeguard the environment; and d prevent or discontinue an act which is harmful to the environment. Utilisation of The State shall, in the utilisation of natural resources and natural management of the environment— resources and a protect genetic resources and biological diversity; management of b implement mechanisms that minimise waste; environment c promote appropriate environment management systems and tools; d encourage public participation; e protect and enhance the intellectual property in, and indigenous knowledge of, biodiversity and genetic resources of local communities; f ensure that the environmental standards enforced in Zambia are of essential benefit to citizens; and g establish and implement mechanisms that address climate change.

A person assuming a public office, member of the House Oath of office and of Chiefs, and presidential appointee, shall take an Oath of Office prescribed and such other oath, as prescribed, before carrying out the duties oaths of office. A person holding a public office shall act in accordance Code of conduct and with a code of conduct and ethics, as prescribed for that office.

A person holding a public office shall not act in a manner, Conflict of interest or be in a position, where the personal interest of that person conflicts, or is likely to conflict, with the performance of the functions of office. A person holding a public office shall, before assuming Declaration of assets office or leaving office, make a declaration of their assets and liabilities, as prescribed.

Funding, Definitions Interpretation In this Constitution, unless the context otherwise requires— Grammatical variation a a word in the singular includes the plural and a word in the plural includes the singular; and b a word or expression defined, shall be read with any grammatical variation or similar expression of that word or expression. In this Constitution, unless a contrary intention is appoint expressed, power to appoint a person to hold or act in an office includes power to includes the power to confirm appointments, to exercise disciplinary remove control over the person holding or acting in the office and to remove that person from office.

Implied In this Constitution, a power given to a person or an power authority to do or enforce the doing of an act, includes the necessary and ancillary powers to enable that person or authority to do or enforce the doing of the act. Parliament may enact legislation to give effect to an to give effect to Article or a provision in this Constitution which— Constitution a confers a function or jurisdiction on a person, office, institution, council or commission; b provides for a process or procedure to be taken, followed or prescribed; c requires an action, a measure or decision to be taken or provided; d requires a remedy or compensation to be given; e prohibits an action or measure; f deals with a specific subject-matter or general matter that would require to be legislated on in order to give effect to the Constitution; or g generally requires something to be prescribed.

Power to In this Constitution, a power conferred on a person or an make statutory authority to make a statutory instrument, a resolution or direction, instrument, includes the power to amend or revoke the statutory instrument, resolution or resolution or direction. Short title 2. Interpretation 3. Amendment of Constitution of Zambia Act, , and Schedule thereto 4. Commencement of Constitution as amended 5. Printing and publication of Constitution 6. Existing laws 7. Executive 8. Prerogative of mercy 9.

Rights, duties and obligations of Government Succession of institutions, offices, assets and liabilities Existing offices Pensions, gratuities and other benefits Legislature By elections Judicature Judicial and tribunal proceedings and pending matters Local government Political parties United States Constitution, the U. If you study these materials, you will be able to successfully pass the constitution test.

This Study Guide is divided into lessons. Each lesson includes specific directions to assist you. Most lessons begin with a list of vocabulary words and their definitions. So this is, even more than the federal constitution, the contract that delineates your rights and rules for living as a citizen of Indiana and the United States of America.

Yet this constitution governs politicians, not citizens. Constitution of the national honor soCiety All policies and procedures for NHS chapters are based on the provisions of the National Constitution. The State. The Constitution is Supreme Law. Prayer, 21—25 5. Community as a Witness of Holiness Constitution 4: Brotherhood, 33—38 7. Community in Service of the Mission Constitution 4: Brotherhood, 39—42 8. Thomas Jefferson supposedly called the Tennessee Constitution, the least imperfect and most republican of the states constitutions.

The Indian Constitution provides for direct de. Sovereignty of the people. Supremacy of this Constitution. Defence of this Constitution.


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