Select ASP. NET 4. Expand the root-level item Microsoft. NET Framework 3. NET 2. The Microsoft. If the item is not shown, then there is no action for this step. In the navigation pane, choose Dashboard , and then choose Add roles and features. On the Select installation type page, select Role-based or feature-based installation , and then choose the Next button.
On the Select destination server page, select Select a server from the server pool , select your server from Server Pool list, and then choose the Next button. Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported. Download Microsoft Edge More info. Contents Exit focus mode. Please rate your experience Yes No.
Any additional feedback? Note Regardless of this setting, timestamps in the actual log file will use the time format for the log format that you select from the Format list. In Control Panel, open Offline Files.
Select Open Sync Center , and then select Schedule. Schedule an offline file sync for every day or according to your requirements. You can also configure the offline sync to run every few minutes. Even if you don't set up a scheduler, when you change something in the Applicationhost.
For more information about how to configure offline files for a shared configuration in IIS, see Offline Files for Shared Configuration. Find the cluster node that owns the cluster disk resource where the website content files will stay:. You'll use this for the content files. On the cluster node on which the resource is online, configure the Web server to use the shared disk for website content:.
For the last step to configure high availability for IIS Web servers, set up the generic script resource that will be used to monitor the website and application pool for the website:. By default, the script monitors a website that is named Default Web Site and an application pool that is named DefaultAppPool. Make sure that the same website and application pool in the script exist on all cluster nodes.
Connect to the cluster. If you are on one of the cluster nodes, the cluster will appear on the list automatically. Set the Client Access Point CAP name to the website name that clients will use to connect to the high availability website. In the Select Storage step, select the cluster shared disk on which the website content files are.
This design is based on the new manifest-driven componentization technology introduced in Windows Vista. There are more than 40 standalone feature components of IIS 7. This allows IT professionals to easily customize the installation as required. This topic discusses how to configure IIS 7. The minimal installation of the whole IIS 7.
From the Control Panel, click Programs and then click Turn Windows features on or off which is listed under Programs and Features , the WAS component is shown in the list as in the following illustration.
Please note that with this installation you are only installing WAS, because there is no support for a Web server. NET application work, check the. NET Environment checkbox.