So I think a big macro story of is that the owners of all the main MIS now see the addressable market in the broadest possible way. All of them have a strategy that combines selling a core MIS alongside modules covering an ever-expanding array of extended functionality.
So there was a point when I thought that a Salesforce-like ecosystem would emerge, with MIS vendors sticking to core functionality and best-of-breed partners doing the rest. Why has this happened? The frequently-delayed move to the cloud has impacted on the trust that is afforded to them by their customers. So the new owners of SIMS need to get their strategy right to meet the needs of their customers, and deliver on their commitments.
The change of ownership also presents an opportunity for SIMS to reconsider the LA-focused business model that served them so well for so long, but which needs updating to reflect changes in the market. Increased appeal to MATs should be a part of this, and getting that right requires tailored functionality; not just relationship building. Private equity deals have unintentionally funny names. Two questions: 1 Can I ask if this still works? Thanks, Ian Like Like. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:.
Email required Address never made public. Name required. Follow Following. Sign me up. Already have a WordPress. Log in now. Loading Comments What new resources will be available? Pre-defined templates and reports will be made available to all secondary schools.
What if my school already uses customised reports? SIMS schools already using their own custom aspects for tracking purposes can use the mapping tool within SIMS to link school aspects to those provided by Capita. In this way you arestill able to take advantage of the new analysis and reporting being introduced. What about KS3? Secondary schools choosing to use GCSE grades within KS3 could also adapt these new resources for use in years 7, 8 or 9.
When will the resources be available? A notification will be posted on My Account as soon as the resources are available to download. Your email address will not be published. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.