Se trata de un conector con muy poca perdida, y muy caro, fabricado por la empresa que lleva su nombre Amphenol. Tiene la particularidad de que no tiene sexo. El motivo fundamental y principal por lo que se utiliza una antena externa no es alejar la antena del equipo wireless, sino poder conseguir aumentar el alcance de este equipo.
Esto quiere decir que, para instalar una antena externa, no se debe pensar en unir la antena con el equipo wifi con un largo cable, sino todo lo contrario. POr lo tanto, a menor longitud del cable, menores perdidas.
Por otro lado, el cable tiene soldado o crimpado un conector en cada extremo. Como los conectores pueden encontrase en cualquier tienda especializada, cualquiera puede fabricarse un cable con sus respectivos conectores, lo que habitualmente llamamos pigtail.
Sin embargo es recomendable comprar el cable completo por sus conectores ya puestos. Para comprar el cable, hay que asegurarse que sea optimo para la frecuencia de 2. Elegir el cable adecuado es casi tan importante como elegir la antena adecuada. Todos los cables introducen perdidas, pero unos introducen mas perdidas que otros.
Estos son unos cables fabricados por Times Microwave Systems www. Una alternativa son los cables Heliax fabricados por Andrew Corporation www. En el caso de medio metro seria multiplicar por 0. Tabla de perdidas. A diferencia de las antenas, los adaptadores de red wireless no suelen disponer de un conector tipo N, sino mas bien RP-SMA o ninguno. Esto no quiere decir que no se puede conectar directamente el cable de la antena con conector N a equipo wireless con conector distinto, posiblemente propietario o ninguno.
A estos adaptadores se les conoce mejor por su termino en ingles: pigtail literalmente, trenza. En el mercado se pueden encontrar adaptadores de conectores para distintos modelos de equipo wireless. Si se tiene suerte, es posible que se encuentre el adaptador pigtail adecuado para la tarjeta de que se dispone. Para ello, es necesario abrir la tarjeta wireless, identificar las conexiones de la antena externa y realizar la soldadura sacando el cable por el sitio que se vea mas adecuado.
Saltar al contenido. Tipos de conectores. Los tipo de conectores mas comunes aunque no todos validos para el mudo wireless son lo siguientes: 1. Tabla de perdidas Tipo de cable Perdida It has an impedance of 75 Ohm and is used in a wide variety of residential and commercial applications including cable television.
RG-8 is similar to RG-6, but unable to carry pure video signals. It has an impedance of 50 Ohm and is used in audio control rooms, radio stations or as connections for external radio antennas. It has an impedance of 75 Ohm and provides 3 GHz frequency. They provide greater flexibility, ease of installation and lower cost. They are used as transmission lines for antennas on missiles, airplanes, ships, satellites and communications. It has an impedance of 50 Ohm, and is great for short antenna feeder runs.
This also has a feature of low PIM. It is used for jumper assemblies in wireless communications Systems and short antenna feeder runs. If you need a cable that requires periodic or repeated flexing, choose this one. It is more flexible that air-dielectric and hardline cables in terms of bending and handling.
It also has an impedance of 50 Ohm. Coaxial cable comes in varying lengths. The shorter and thicker the cable is rated will determine the strength of the signal transmitted. It is important to choose the right cable length and thickness. In radio systems, cable length is comparable to the wavelength of the signals transmitted. You can study the math involved in deciding the best cable length to use.
Characteristics of the cable, such and outside diameter of the inner conductor, inside diameter of the shield, dielectric contact of the insulator and magnetic permeability of the insulator all affect the quality of the wavelength going through your cable.
Used in radio, microwave and fiber optic applications, this is the signal strength. The type of coaxial cable used will determine your signal strength and how many dBm your cable can handle. Impedance is the amount of resistance the waves proceeding through the coaxial cable encounters. The lower the impedance, the more easily the waves flow through the cable. Each type cable has an impedance rating.
Factors affecting this is the size of the cable and what materials the cable is constructed from. Standard coax impedances are ohms. This has been tested as a great balance between power handling a low loss. PIM stands for Passive Intermodulation. When you connect two metals, the result is nonlinear elements and a distortion in the signal may occur.
As the signal amplitude goes up, the effects will be more significant. This happens often when connecting antennas, cables and connectors. Connectors are on each end of the cable. They are designed to maintain the integrity of the cable as it passed the signal through to your device. They are usually plated with high-connectivity metals such tarnish-resistant gold or silver. The type of connector you need depends on what you are connecting to and how far from the source of power to the device.
This is a minimal connector interface for coaxial cable with a screw-type coupling mechanism. Applications include microwave systems, handheld radios and mobile telephone antennas. F-Type Connector - this is a mid-size connector designed for common use. It is the most widely used connector for residential wiring and is used with cable television, satellite television and cable modems.
Connectors are either male or female. Male connectors have threads on the inside of the shell and female connectors have threads on the outside of the shell. Check the plug on your device if it is female, you need a male plug and vice versa. The RG6 cable is a 75 ohm cable with F-Type connectors. The F-Type connector is a mid-size connector designed for common use. It is the most widely used coaxial connector for residential wiring. Mainly used for the average home installation that covers 2, to 5, sq ft.
Cable length from 20 to 50 feet. Comes only in white. The RG11 cable is another 75 ohm cable with F-Type connectors. What separates it from the R6 is its range: whereas the R6 tops out at 50 feet, the RG11 ranges from 50 to feet and features lower loss. These do not come pre-kitted with any of our signal boosters, but are highly recommended if you believe it is likely you will be running over 50 feet of cable to power your booster. These are ohm, pro-grade coaxial cables designed for large installations from 7, to 50, square feet.
Cable length ranges from 50 to feet, spooled. Your installer will typically apportion the cable into shorter lengths to cover the range of the installation while maintaining quality signal strength.
This Wilson is fitted with an N-Type connector, a large connector designed to be used with thick, commercial cable. The most popular units that include these cables are the weBoost Connect 4G-X and the WilsonPro line of commercial signal boosters. However, they are compatible with any equipment that uses 50 Ohm cables fitted with N-Connectors. These are extremely thick cables which are much more industrial than any of the other varieties, and are expensive to boot.
An installer will only recommend either of these in rare, specialized situations depending on individual need, but should they do so they will certainly have good cause. These are the best available cables to maintain a quality signal strength on the market. The difference in function, however, is minimal. RG58 and RG cables are used in vehicle boosters.
For large vehicles, such as RVs or boats, the RG is preferred. Both are fitted with SMA connectors. These are small, copper connectors used in modems and the like. The difference between the two is the better low-loss quality of the RG58 with cable length up to 20 ft compared to the RG's max length of 6 ft.
Before you make your coaxial cable purchase, there are several things to consider. What device are you using? A cell booster might require a different cable than a satellite dish. Check the ohms, impedance and connections. Next, calculate how far you need to go between your devices or from the source of your power to the device.
Refer to the section on cable length.