Bully scholarship edition unlockables wii

While they are itching, beat them up. The itching powder should last long enough for you to beat them or at least get their health in the red zone. After starting the "Halloween" mission, you can get a bonus for finding and smashing all the pumpkins and tombstones around campus. If you do not find all of them, do not worry.

In the next and last mission of the chapter, where you go into the basement of the school with Gary, you will get to the boiler room. Inside will be all of the pumpkins you missed in the "Halloween" mission. Kick all of them for an unlockable. Later in the game when you unlock the "Preppie" part of town, go to the asylum. Next to it will be a warehouse, and inside are all of the tombstones you missed. The following is a list of the letters you are given in each English class and the minimum number of words required within the time limit to pass the class:.

However, if you watch the end credits you will see that Chapter 6, "Endless Summer", has been unlocked, which allows you can do any missions that you may have missed. Unlock the Black Ninja costume by filling the yearbook.

Then, go to a wardrobe and change into the Black Ninja costume. Go directly to the girls dorm and walk in. The staff will not see you unless you raise the yellow bar, but the students will. Kiss one girlfriend then walk slowly until you find another girl you can kiss. You must walk slowly so that the girl you just kissed will follow you. When you kiss the next girl, the two girls will start fighting.

All the kissable girls are cheerleaders, except Beatrice nerd girl , Lola greaser girl , Zoe townie girl , and the fat girl. You can see the girls as cheerleaders during the Gym class hour at football camp. Get flowers from the girls dorm, then talk to Trent.

If you talk to him twice, it will bring up the option to give him flowers. When you do so, the lips will appear and you can kiss him. Note: You must complete the first chapter in order to do this. Graduate 40 Complete Chapter 5. Green Thumbs Up 20 Pick 50 flowers. Helping Hand 20 Complete 10 Errand Missions. Junior 20 Complete Chapter 3. Keener 20 Complete 3 Classes. Kickin' the Balls 20 Kick soccer balls. Little Angel 20 Complete 20 Errand Missions.

Marathon 25 Travel , meters on foot. Mission Accomplished 75 Complete All Missions. Momma's Boy 25 Complete 30 Errand Missions. Over the Rainbow 20 Receive 20 kisses from the gents. Senior 20 Complete Chapter 4. Sharp Dressed Man 25 Collect clothing items. Skate Pro 25 Travel 50, meters on the skateboard. Skidmark 25 Give 50 wedgies. Smart Mouth 25 Say taunts. Smell Ya Later 25 Hit people with stink bombs 50 times.

Soda-licious 20 Buy sodas. Sophomore 20 Complete Chapter 2. Teacher's Pet 20 Complete 6 Classes. The Wheel Deal 25 Perform wheelies on the bike. Tour De Bullworth 25 Travel km on the bike. Watch Your Step 20 Trip 25 people with marbles.

Get the best gaming deals, reviews, product advice, competitions, unmissable gaming news and more! Wii, Xbox Submitted by youdontcarewhoiam Class Rewards.

Wii, Xbox Submitted by! Xbox Submitted by bloomy Pass English. Xbox Submitted by wolf king Unlock the Go-Kart. Wii Submitted by 0mcphailm Crash Helmet. Wii Submitted by 0mcphailm Mo-Ped. Wii Submitted by 0mcphailm Rubber Band Ball. Wii Submitted by charles jarrell Black Ninja Suit.

Wii Submitted by 0mcphailm Double Carnival Tickets. I hope you win This a very cool mission if you like to be a bad boy. Use Chemistry set. Go to girl's dorm. Beat up any teachers [if possible] 4. Pull fire alarm. To escape anyone chasing you, throw marbles then turn around and throw itching powder. If you don't have marbles just out run them and hide.

When you play the mission "Revenge On Mr. Burton" you use a tractor to push the port- a-potty down the hill. At the end, the tractor is still there for you to use. To unlock the go-kart, win every go-kart race at the carnival, and all 3 go-cart street races.

Once you do that, you got a go-kart! Here's where the fun begins,hop on you go-kart, and find some helpless bike or scooter rider.

Go directly behind them and hit them at full speed. You wont even get in trouble! As long as you never slow down or stop This works with adults too! First, go to the nerd hideout if you unlocked it.

Go next to the Shop owner jump at him. He'll get mad and start pushing you. Then, jump at him again and he'll start hitting you and trying to tackle you. Run to the basement where the nerds are. Let Mr. Fat Comic man hit you, and the nerd will defend you. If you get lucky, the nerds will knock him out, and you didn't even throw a punch.


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