Betrayed ebook p.c. cast

Just didn't enjoy the first one. But this one finally picked up. There were some interesting things happening. Seems like maybe some character development on some of the characters and a fun mystery that I'm interested in discovering the answers to. The Zoey is so hot that everyone must be with her thing though.

Yeah, I was over that sort of thing before I hit adulthood. Seriously eye-roll worthy. Now to be fair. I was like 20 when this book first came out. But I would like to think that I would have found that cringey even then. Also, I don't like using derogatory terms toward women, but she needs to sort out her feelings before she really hurts someone. This is not a reverse harem book, so either sort it out or don't date anyone till you do.

Trying to account for the fact that she is young, but still. This one picks up not far where Marked left off. Zoey is now in charge of the Daughters of Darkness. Aphrodite is now old news and her 'evil' ways are done. Even Neferet has said that the Goddess has taken away Aphrodite's gift of seeing the future Human Teenagers that Zoey used to know are dying and Aphrodite has a vision that ends up saving Zoey's grandmama.

So if Aphrodite still has her gift What's really going on in the House of Night? Who can Zoey tr This one picks up not far where Marked left off. Who can Zoey trust? Not only is Zoey dealing with all that but her parents aren't helping anything at all Darkness isn't always evil and light isn't always good. I can be the first one to admit that these aren't the best books out there. While I think there are some great things about this series, I can also say there are some things that could be done better.

Much better. My biggest gripe with this series is just how whiny all the characters are. I know that some people have said that this is how teenagers are Some teenagers can be whiney. Not every single freaking teenager is that way.

I wasn't that way. So that being said, I like the writing style. It's fun and fast to read. It's an engaging story. Also, I'm vampire trash so Crap, let's just be honest, I've very biased when it comes to vampire novels. I just love it all so much. I like how witchcraft plays a part in this novel. As a Pagan, this is just so cool to me.

I love how the ones we think maybe 'evil' characters, aren't always evil. Good isn't always good. There can be this grey area and I feel like this mirrors the real world greatly. I started this series back when only the first three or four were out and I never finished it.

So this is a reread so I can finally finish this series and jump into Loved. Oct 31, Princess Gabriel The Bookish Bookaholic of the Western Timbers of Librarianland aka Gabriel the Bookaholic rated it did not like it Shelves: reviewed , never-read-again , vampires , magic , creepy.

Go check out my Betrayed review! Been a while since I read the first book of this series but I noticed my library app had a few of the audiobooks to loan, so I decided to loan out book 2 and carry on!!

I have the physical copies of most of the series from charity shop hunts so I may as well read them. The story was interesting and it kept it on a nice cliffhanger, making me want to dive Been a while since I read the first book of this series but I noticed my library app had a few of the audiobooks to loan, so I decided to loan out book 2 and carry on!!

The story was interesting and it kept it on a nice cliffhanger, making me want to dive into book 3! Sep 20, Kimberley doruyter rated it liked it.

Mar 09, MyBookJourney rated it liked it. For the life of me, I can't understand why this series has got even the shred of fame it did. Although I haven't finished the book yet, I know I can't go on much longer without throwing a full-blown rage fit about how horrible this book is, unless, of course, I write a review. For those of you who don't know what this book is about, the main character For the life of me, I can't understand why this series has got even the shred of fame it did.

For those of you who don't know what this book is about, the main character is a bratty teenager called Zoey Redbird. One day in school she gets "marked" and now has to move into the House of Night to complete her transformation into an adult vampire. There she makes friends, enemies and boyfriends, all for no apparent reason, and life goes on as you would expect it to in a book.

When the second book begins, she is the leader of this elite group called Dark Daughters and Sons, has a boyfriend named Erik, is lusting after a vampire named Loren, and is starting to get attracted to her ex-boyfriend Heath, who likes or should I say loves her back. I shall write the rest of my review in points, to make it easier for you and me both. Get an editor Casts, or do it yourself.

Here's the formula for writing a cheap, quick, and effortless book as demonstrated by the Casts - i Always write the first thing that comes to your mind. You are free to use the words "loser", "hee hee" and "random" as many times as you want.

Your first and only draft is what you publish. This method works, as is proven by the House of Night series. This will make the process both faster and cheaper. It's okay if the writing style changes drastically every few chapters.

Remember, how much ever you think editing is necessary, it's not. Even if it starts getting so repetitive that the second book is exactly the same as the first, don't worry; in fact, you're on the right track. Nala is a cat who has "chosen" Zoey to be her owner.

Can we please take a moment to talk about the fact that all she ever does is "complain" and scare the "bejeezus" out of Zoey? Thank you. There's absolutely no point of her in the story, and that wouldn't have been such a problem, if only she didn't feel like something they had added just to make the book longer. As mentioned earlier, they have no plot, so having something to add a paragraph or two to each chapter really helps.

How Stevie Rae "twangs". Okay Casts, we get it. People from Oklahoma have a Southern accent. But that doesn't mean that every time your character from Oklahoma talks, they have to "twang". Each time Stevie Rae is mentioned, it is closely followed by the word "twang". Yet, the next time we are reminded again about how Stevie Rae is from Oklahoma and "twangs" when she speaks. Everything has just one characteristic.

I had mentioned this in my review of the first book as well, but it really needs to be discussed again. It's not just about the authors' vocabulary, but also how their imagination refuses to create complex people, places or objects. Zoey has long hair. Okay but it has a colour, style, thickness, or some other notable characteristic too right? The Casts: No. Erik is cool. What else? No description of anything. This point does overlap slightly with my previous one, but the utter laziness in writing has been taken to such an extent that nothing is enough to express it.

All the people and places have no life what-so-ever. Everything is just there. I'll admit that long descriptions of scenery or some irrelevant matter get boring at times, but that doesn't mean everything has to be plain and bland. Zoey wants to be in two three relationships at once. I get the love triangle authors create to make their story interesting. But this is just a whole new level of cool handsome guys falling for the main character. Her boyfriend situation made at least a little sense in the first book.

Heath still liked her but now she liked Erik. But this whole "Erik is not exactly my boyfriend" he is and "Loren is so romantic" he's not and "I like Heath too" This is how the whole book goes - To be honest, in my humble opinion, to speak the truth, if you ask me, as I see it, in my estimation, to be completely truthful, I believe that I have totally forgotten how this sentence began. In short, nothing makes sense. The authors have added a lot of brackets don't get me wrong, I have nothing against them, but not so many when you're writing a book , and sometimes the tense or pronouns don't even match.

I can see that most of my points just boil down to the lack of editing by the authors, but there are so many examples of those that I can't help but write about it again. There is something called fact-checking, Casts. And there is something called making sure what you are writing matches what you have written before. I can see why the latter may have happened though. The mother-daughter duo just writes what they feel like without bothering about anything.

They probably have an idea about what they want to write and discuss it with each other before, then both of them end up writing the same thing. Zoey and her friends think they're so cool. Ever since Zoey became the leader of the Dark Daughters, she had wanted to make some reforms. Since all her friends are the "Prefects" the other main people who lead the group with her, one of them thinks that they should do something to preserve their names and identity so that the future generations will remember them.

And here, my friends, is where they have an amazing not so much idea. Basically that. And what does Zoey think of the idea? How Zoey thinks she's a Goddess. Once Zoey hears some news on the TV that her ex-boyfriend has gone missing. It's understandable that she feels shocked since she still has feeling for him, because why not , but the extreme over-acting of Zoey's is just too much. First, she starts feeling dizzy and then her knees buckle.

Her faithful boyfriend, whom she does not deserve, catches her. She yells for a bowl because she wants to puke. She pukes in the bowl someone immediately thrusts in front of her face. Gets nauseated by the smell of her puke. Says ugh. Orders the bowl away. And all this while, her friends look at her with worried expressions and whatnot, and the authors give exaggerated descriptions of how much it affects her. Even after Stevie Rae's death, I saw no reason why it should affect Zoey the most.

After all, everyone else had known her for longer, while Zoey had been friends with her for only a month or two. But no, of course not, Zoey the Goddess-chosen fledgeling should always get what she wants and if she wants to be carried on the stretcher with the dying person, so be it. Hypocritical characters. I found Zoey exactly like how she thought Aphrodite her enemy to be. Mean, snobbish, bossy, manipulative, selfish, controlling and egoistic.

Even all her shallow friends hated Aphrodite for being just like how they were. Hypocritical people are the worst. Zoey and all her friends were also very judgmental and rude to people who weren't a part of their friend group; which was a big part of the reason why they wanted to reform the Dark Daughters in the first place.

Everyone is so stupid and everything is so obvious. I can already tell that the "Betrayed" part refers to Neferet. And that Zoey is going to become more or less Aphrodite's friend in this book.

All the characters take so much time to comprehend simple stuff. Even when Stevie Rae became unwell, it was so predictable that she would die since that's what fledgeling vampires do in their world , but they realise only once she dies that she had been showing those symptoms.

Too much stereotyping. Zoey is the epitome of stereotyping. She judges people based on absolutely nothing. She hates something about everyone who isn't her. Just because some girl is blond, she's mean. Only because someone's 'carrot coloured' hair are ugly, they're a loser. Only because some guy is handsome, he is sweet and romantic and likes Zoey, but that's not the point. Final thoughts.

I am writing this part of the review a few days later, and I have finished the book now. I'll admit it got better at the end. The plot-wise ending of the story was obviously quite predictable, but at least there was a plot toward the end. I have sort of the same problems with this book as I did with the last one.

It started off terrible, without any semblance of a plot. The last like three or four chapters finally had some sort of story even though it was obvious , and I hated the characters all along.

Erik and Zoey's fake relationship somehow still existed in the second book. But he wasn't even in the book for the first half, which made it easier for the authors, since they didn't have to write any cringy scenes about how the amazing Erik likes the undeserving Zoey. Of course, all her friends remained her friends, and Neferet betrayed her and all, as had been obvious. They added a few more guy characters in this book, to pair up all her friends, but apart from that, it was the same as the first.

Nov 04, Heather rated it it was ok. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. I had read the first book in the House of Night and didn't actually feel inclined to read any of the others. But I got a good deal on a set of 5 and thought I'd give it another chance.

This book had less about the mythology of "vampyres" than the first one. Honestly, without the occasional mention of drinking blood, I would have assumed it was a book about witches. There was a lot of talk about rituals, elements, and the Daughters of Darkness or whatever they were called. Still, Zoey talked on an I had read the first book in the House of Night and didn't actually feel inclined to read any of the others.

Still, Zoey talked on and on about her super specialness and, unlike the first book, didn't seem to want to be normal. It had been a month since the end of the first book.

That's not enough time to become comfortable with being different, no matter how awesome the difference might be.

There were also a lot of parentheses. This popped up every time Zoey was trying to justify some thought or action, let us know that she knew what she was talking about, or to be snarky. This was just annoying. This is a first person story. We don't need the narrator to give commentary on her narration.

The authors definitely let us know how they feel about drugs and alcohol use in this book. One of the more memorable lines for me was when Stevie Rae says "I don't like marijuana.

It smells bad. I'm not saying they should, but it was so PSA. It reminds me of how parents try to casually sneak in the sex talk. It just doesn't work because you damn well know it wasn't just a casual conversation.

The authors also implied that drinking was more than enough reason that someone might end up dead in the river with cuts all over them and drained of blood. Zoey is so good that she only met the dead boys once because they drank and she didn't want to be around that. But Zoey the virtuous doesn't see anything wrong with flirting with a teacher.

Or with having 3 boyfriends. Or with those guys not knowing she has 3 boyfriends. Because she's not giving bj's in the hallway, she's not the ho that Aphrodite is. And that word is used a lot- along with slut, bitch and tons of other derogatory terms for girls. The authors won't let Zoey say "shit".

She has to say "poo. Anyway, to the actual story. Zoey has to do her first full moon ritual and much of the book is spent with her working on it at odd hours and walking around in desolate areas of the school where she continuously happens to find people to eavesdrop on. This is actually how Zoey finds out practically everything in this book. Any plot progression happens because Zoey inadvertently eavesdrops on conversations. Zoey is so self-absorbed that she doesn't notice her bestest friend of a month, Stevie Rae, isn't looking so hot.

Despite several instances of Zoey thinking about how illness is one of the signs of rejecting the change, she doesn't seem to be concerned with Stevie Rae's obvious sickness. I, on the other hand, saw this coming a mile away. Just after her super special first ritual in which all her friends become super special too, Stevie Rae dies.

But Zoey doesn't have much time to grieve because Heath, Zoey's human ex that she imprinted with, goes missing. She had to find him before he dies and her imprint allows her to do so. She runs off without telling anyone to save the day. She finds him still alive because the blood of an imprinted human tastes bad. She also finds Stevie Rae, not quite dead. She kind of knew but had confirmed that the high priestess she looked up to and thought of as a second mother was really an evil bitch.

The high priestess blocks her memory but Zoey gets a super special visit from Nyx and remembers everything. The book ends with whispered threats between Zoey and the high priestess. I knew the high priestess was evil in the last one. I knew the dead students weren't dead. This one did not shed any more light on that. We don't know why or how. Overall, no plot progression. I don't know if I can bring myself to read the rest.

Usually if I get involved in a series, I can't wait to read the next. With this one, I actually didn't want to go right into the next book. I felt like I needed to read something that was much better. It's books like this that make me feel like the teen vamp thing has kind of jumped the shark.

And I love vampire books. Sooo i read up to book 9? Back to the review? I decided to reread this because i was bored and i honestly can't understand why li 'Looking offended and superior and gayer than he usually looked' Mood?

I decided to reread this because i was bored and i honestly can't understand why lil me liked it. Oct 09, Susan rated it it was ok. I truly wish that I had something better to say about this book or the series for that matter.

I am currently reading the third book because I really am interested as to where this series is going. I have a couple of things that really make me mad: Brown pop is the first. The term "brown pop" is used several times. Every time I see "brown pop" I think, brown poop. It's childish, I know; however, that is exactly what I first think every time the main character wants a drink.

Perhaps its a issue wi I truly wish that I had something better to say about this book or the series for that matter. Perhaps its a issue with not broadcasting a certain company, but American Eagle was mentioned by name in the book so I don't know why Coke or Pepsi wasn't. This girl loves brown pop Also, Damien. He's gay, did you know that? We do not guarantee that these techniques will work for you. Some of the techniques listed in Betrayed may require a sound knowledge of Hypnosis, users are advised to either leave those sections or must have a basic understanding of the subject before practicing them.

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Loved each and every part of this book. I will definitely recommend this book to young adult, romance lovers. Your Rating:. Your Comment:. Home Downloads Free Downloads Betrayed pdf. Cast Submitted by: Jane Kivik. Read Online Download. Then, when she needs her new friends the most, death strikes the House of Night, and Zoey must find the courage to face a betrayal that could break her heart, her soul, and jeopardize the very fabric of her world.

Media Betrayed. Save Not today. Format ebook. ISBN Series House of Night. Author P. Publisher St.


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