One of the biggest benefits of digital photography is that you can change your ISO from one photo to the next. Back in the film days, you would have to choose your film according to the ISO, and then all your photos would have to be taken at that same ISO. That made taking photos in various lighting conditions tricky.
On a bright and sunny day there is a lot of light so you can use a lower ISO setting. On a cloudy day there is less light, so you must increase your ISO. But, there is a trade off. As ISO numbers go up, so does the noise in your photos. Here is the proof:. Look at the difference between 80 and ISO in these photos. Notice how much smoother the 80 ISO photo looks. The ISO photo shows lots of noise. Use a light meter to identify the accurate setting by regulating shutter speed until you reach 0.
Be accurate with white balance to get whites and colors rendered properly. Make sure you always adjust the white balance according to the lighting.
Also, if you use photo light boxes , you always have sufficient lighting, so there is no need to adjust the white balance every time you take a photo. Choose auto white balance and your camera for product photography will set WB based on the available lighting. I recommend taking photos in RAW to get the best quality. Even though such files are quite heavy over 20MB and take up a lot of memory, they keep all the data that you will need when proceed with editing.
In product photography, everything has to be detailed and clean. If you use automatic focus, the camera will focus on the object, so all images will be crisp. If you need to work under artificial light, get constant light instead of a camera flash. You may face problems with exposure doing flash photography as an object will be unevenly lit. To get better results, work with off-camera flash equipment instead of the on-camera flash.
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Fine Art Nude Photography. The faster your camera ISO, the faster your shutter speed and the sharper your images will be. There is less chance of unwanted blur due to camera shake and more chance of freezing your subject in an instant. So what is a fast ISO camera speed?
The higher the ISO number the faster the speed. The ISO setting determines how sensitive the camera sensor is to light. You would think that if a high ISO number equates to a faster shutter speed, then you should use a higher ISO for every shot?
High ISO camera settings is one of the main reasons for grainy images also referred to as being noisy. Therefore a high ISO should always be the last resort. The correct ISO setting you need to set, should be a mix between speed and photo quality.
You need to be able to weigh up the available light, then set the lowest possible ISO setting that allows you to shoot quick enough so not to blur the subject. Over on our facebook page this week we had quite a few questions regarding correct ISO setting.
What is ISO? How does it affect photos? In which situations should we use different ISO settings? These questions are best answered by studying the example images below. Examples photos of numerous ISO settings. Shown below are several photos for you to visually learn from. Lake reflections photographed with ISO taken during the day time in perfect lighting conditions.
During the day time in perfect sunny conditions always set your ISO to This correct ISO setting is fast in these situations, even for hand held shots, which will result in the best image quality possible. A bird photographed in shady conditions with an ISO setting of During the daytime in sunny conditions when photographing a subject covered by the shade of a tree, I always set my ISO to for starters.