Swing analyzers will run on batteries. Commonly, these models will use a rechargeable battery. You just need to remember to charge the device before you want to play. Some analyzer units run on watch cell batteries, which can become expensive to replace over time. Shaft clamp analyzers are not popular.
Some of the earliest golf swing analyzers used a bulky piece of hardware clamped onto the golf club shaft. These units sometimes will pop loose during ball contact, which is extremely frustrating. They also add weight to the club in an odd position, which may affect your swing.
Looking for a good deal? Just switch it from club to club. It also uses a single sensor attached to the club to measure your swing data. It uses the latest technology in its sensor to provide greater accuracy with less input required from the player.
It uses a small piece of hardware sitting on the ground that measures your swing and sends the data to a smartphone. Will a golf swing analyzer actually help me improve my game, or will it just give me a whole lot of data? As with any collection of data, the information is only useful if you can figure out how to interpret it. But the key is understanding the data, so you can adjust your swing. Some golfers enlist the help of a teaching pro to interpret the data and make the swing adjustments needed.
How can I actually use the data from the swing analyzer without becoming overwhelmed? For some people, the analyzer may generate almost too much data. Maybe you want better distance accuracy or to hit a straighter ball. However, for the average golfer, the accuracy of these devices usually will be adequate.
As a general rule, a tracker attached to a glove or club grip will be more accurate than standalone hardware. Modern golf swing analyzers are made to be lightweight and inconspicuous. Truly appreciate you breaking down the observations, some of which carried over from a couple years ago soft is slow but some that are really interesting soft does not equal short. I appreciate the Tableau data to really dive into the findings and hopefully find the ball that makes the most sense for my game.
Any chance we can see dispersion patterns like with the last test? Again — love love love the work and data and will certainly use this information to help improve my ball selection and game.
Rather than outdoor testing, why not do indoor testing in which weather factors can be controlled? Are you going to add in the launch vs spin and distance vs offline charts like you had from the last test? This time around what we looked for were balls significantly outside of the pattern.
Objectively bad this time around. Is the data on dispersion available like it was last year? Would love to compare those patterns as well when choosing a ball. I appreciate all your hard work, time, and unbiased review. My Golf Spy is my go-to for any golf equipment reviews. Keep up the good work and thank you. On a quick review — outstanding work again. Will look at everything deeper later. Or were some ball lab tests done with previous year models? Otherwise — to the Search bar!
It has the quality comparison tool embedded. Kudos to MGS for the effort to test all these offerings and publish the results. No doubt this was a lot of work. We, the consumer appreciate this non-biased test to allow us to make an informed purchasing decision. Thank you MGS! Will you be testing any of the Non urethane balls?
I would be interested in the distance and spin attributes of these type balls as well. The original Ball Guide completely changed how I looked at golf balls.
Very few players can consistently swing mph, not swing 85 mphs. The biggest takeaway for me is that dispersion has improved signficantly.
I have enough dispersion issues with my swing. I also note the softening of the stance on used balls vs refinished balls. To me they are apples and oranges. Used balls from a reputable dealer have peformed identical to new. I get it though. I got a sleeve of the Tour Speed from a Titleist rep giving them away at the range.
I was impressed. It was sneaky long and performed well in every aspect of the game. It was a great feeling ball that performed poorly in that seems to be really good this time around.
I feel like those are key statistics for someone who worries about how straight and forgiving a ball is. So yeah…there are a handful or two of individual balls that might be bad, and they were by and large from models that ball lab data suggests may have some issues. Essentially I want to hit the straightest ball I can. What ball and what metrics should I be looking at? I may be moving to a firmer ball to get a little more spin. I love all of the tests but I am a firm believer in fittings and comparing.
However, the ball test I think is different. It can give folks a baseline on what performance matters to them and then go from there. I thought going through that process I would end up in a ProV1 or V1X but alas that was not the case.
Seeing how the numbers came out in the test it aligns, for he most part, with what I found. Great insight! Amazing effort! Congrats to the whole team for a complete test. Cold weather test in the future?
My thoughts exactly. Curious as to how the numbers dropped off. I believe the ball is unchanged. Seems like you concentrated on urathane balls. How about 2 piece surly, 20 bucks a dozen that most golfers use.
Tony said if you are using completely the wrong ball and started to use 1 of the more suited balls to your game it would be wow moment. Would you care to say how many shots per round a 16 handicapper could save by using the right ball. And if so — how were would they save them?
I have a suggestion for you. Instead of spending 20 bucks a dozen on a ball that does not perform. Was that left off or did I miss that?
That helps me to determine quality. Love it! Great job, and a very interesting read but I am very curious about a few things. Model change? LM variance? Were there spotters or was the GCQ algorithm used, or was the Trackman relied upon? Thanks for doing this, very fun to read through and I will be doing so over and over to absorb it all. Next time wee may use a lower lofted driver.
That said, the higher spin rates provided the conditions under which low compression can work. Allowing for conversations, what we tested for ball lab was softer than what we tested in Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Sign me up for the newsletter. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. August 16th Comments. Our Mission: We are independent, unbiased and always put the ConsumerFirst.
The results of the mygolfspy golf ball test are in. Tweet It Share It. We may earn a commission when you buy through links on our site. Sorry, your browser doesn't support this embedded media. Support Unbiased Testing. Our job is your game. Frequency One-time Donation Monthly Donation. Hot vs. Cold Golf Balls Nov 30, 61 Comments.
Blades Versus Mallets Nov 30, 31 Comments. Your Name. Email Address. Eric 4 weeks ago. Barb 1 month ago. You need to have a great feel for your game.
The older you get the more it changes. JL 2 months ago. Shannon Greco 2 months ago. Charles Colborn 2 months ago. Thank you for the thorough testing. It was very helpful. John Tavares 2 months ago. Mike Perski 2 months ago. Don 2 months ago. Updated ball seems to be able to compete with the major golf balls at a lesser price. Brian 2 months ago. Kyle 2 months ago. Kerry 2 months ago.
MyGolfSpy 2 months ago. Bernard 3 months ago. For driver with high swing speed, vice pro plus was 4th in carry distance and 5th in ball speed.
Mg 3 months ago. Ian Tessier 3 months ago. Parker Binion 3 months ago. I play in SE Texas where it is usually dry but can be very windy and also very wet at times.
Dr Chipinski 3 months ago. MyGolfSpy 3 months ago. Bill D. Art 3 months ago. S 3 months ago. Kyle 3 months ago. Jeff 3 months ago. Benny 1 week ago. Richard 3 months ago. Ed Bailey-Mershon 4 months ago.
Frank Wood 4 months ago. Thanks guys!! Lash 4 months ago. Cheers, MyGolfSpy. Jeff 4 months ago. Tkopa 4 months ago. Luis 4 months ago. Brian L 4 months ago. What a thorough test. Will definitely consider the test on my next ball choice. Claytongolfer 4 months ago. So your recommendation for slow swingers in the previous ball test were totally wrong?
Joe Tirrell 4 months ago. Lynyrd 4 months ago. Mike Timbers 4 months ago. Rob 4 months ago. Ryan Park 4 months ago. So I bought tour response balls anyway.
Mario 4 months ago. Rick 4 months ago. Ken C 4 months ago. July through September are monsoon conditions in AZ. It feels like Florida. Miller 4 months ago. Adam 3 months ago. Mike H 4 months ago. Kyle 4 months ago. Great job, love reading these!! Definitely some interesting info that comes out.
Kevin L 4 months ago. Gus 4 months ago. Thanks team! Cool study. I enjoy nerding out on studies like this with unbiased data. Peter 4 months ago. CrashTestDummy 4 months ago. Bill 4 months ago. It would seem to me that high spin balls would have more sidespin that low spin balls. James 4 months ago. Justin T. Richard 4 months ago.
Mike 4 months ago. You must be talking about a true player iron. Tim 4 months ago. MajMike 4 months ago. Zola 4 months ago. Jon 4 months ago. Cody 4 months ago. HK 4 months ago. George Crawford 4 months ago. Great testing, thanks for the hard work. Aart 4 months ago. Kody 4 months ago. Tony 4 months ago. Rob L 4 months ago.
Ryan C 4 months ago. Les 4 months ago. Kevin C 4 months ago. Their 8 iron loft is 34 degrees, or what us golfers used to call a 7 iron.
Kirby 4 months ago. Webster 4 months ago. Walsh 4 months ago. Brandon 4 months ago. Tim Root 4 months ago. James Hunt 4 months ago.
JasonA 4 months ago. Paul O'Neil 4 months ago. Issard Olivier 4 months ago. Danners 4 months ago. They did address this in the video at the end.
Some solid advice. Bob Davine 2 months ago. I miss, I miss, I make 4 months ago. P0ppl3R 4 months ago. Shawn 4 months ago. Joe 4 months ago. Ben Smith 4 months ago. CD Osborne 4 months ago. Jesse P. Matthew Swanson 4 months ago. Thanks again for all the work. Really impressive and helpful stuff. Dave Henderson 4 months ago.
Evan 4 months ago. Christophe 4 months ago. Brad 4 months ago. WYBob 4 months ago. El 4 months ago. Would echo others who are interested in something similar for less expensive 2 piece balls.
Thanks for the terrific work. MattH 4 months ago. Justin 4 months ago. Jelopster 4 months ago. Jim 4 months ago. Max Houck 4 months ago. Christian Nelson 4 months ago.
ACS 4 months ago. OttawaP 4 months ago. PJ Murrieta 4 months ago. Handymn 4 months ago. Tony Covey 4 months ago. Lefty- not left dash 4 months ago. Christopher S. Odell 4 months ago. Matt 4 months ago. Harry P. Lefty 4 months ago. Yanni The Greek 4 months ago. Sorry, the PXG iron lofts are juiced.
That 8i is actually a 7i. Improved contact will help, but altitude is all a factor here. PJ86 4 months ago. JD 4 months ago. Gabriel 4 months ago. Bob 4 months ago. Aidan WA 4 months ago. Andrew 4 months ago. This is really cool but the data seems a bit suspect.
Hi Andrew, I think what you might be missing is the elevation. Chris 4 months ago. Jonathan S. Paul 4 months ago. Joe Wieczorek 4 months ago. Steve Smith 4 months ago.
Albert 4 months ago. Nocklaus 4 months ago. Mark Bresky 4 months ago. Doyle 4 months ago. Because the TSI 7-Iron is the same length, weight, loft and lie as your standard 7-Iron, switching back to your Game Improvement clubs is seamless.
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