Apache file based authentication

Make sure that the page loggedout. The AuthFormMethod directive specifies the name of an HTML field which, if present, will contain the method of the request to submit should login be successful. The AuthFormMimetype directive specifies the name of an HTML field which, if present, will contain the mimetype of the request to submit should login be successful.

The AuthFormProvider directive sets which provider is used to authenticate the users for this location. Make sure that the chosen provider module is present in the server. The AuthFormSitePassphrase directive specifies a passphrase which, if present in the user session, causes Apache httpd to bypass authentication checks for the given URL.

It can be used on high traffic websites to reduce the load induced on authentication infrastructure. The passphrase can be inserted into a user session by adding this directive to the configuration for the form-login-handler. The form-login-handler itself will always run the authentication checks, regardless of whether a passphrase is specified or not.

Regardless of how the session is configured, ensure that this directive is not used within URL spaces where private user data could be exposed, or sensitive transactions can be conducted. Use at own risk. The AuthFormSize directive specifies the maximum size of the body of the request that will be parsed to find the login form.

Copyright The Apache Software Foundation. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2. Standalone Login The login form can be hosted as a standalone page, or can be provided inline on the same page.

Inline Login Warning A risk exists that under certain circumstances, the login form configured using inline login may be submitted more than once, revealing login credentials to the application running underneath.

Inline Login with Body Preservation A limitation of the inline login technique described above is that should an HTML form POST have resulted in the request to authenticate or reauthenticate, the contents of the original form posted by the browser will be lost. Logging Out To enable a user to log out of a particular session, configure a page to be handled by the form-logout-handler.

The source of the idea. At Apache 2. This example with grant direct access to Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Apache basic authentication except for those Allowed Ask Question. Asked 11 years, 2 months ago. Active 1 year, 6 months ago. Viewed 28k times. This is in my httpd. Thank you in advance.

Deny all is wrong syntax isn't it? A custom plugin can be implemented by extending the AuditLoggerPlugin class. Whenever an authentication plugin is enabled, authentication is also required for all or some operations in the Admin UI.

When authentication is required the Admin UI will presented you with a login dialogue. The authentication plugins currently supported by the Admin UI are:. If your plugin of choice is not supported, the Admin UI will still let you perform unrestricted operations, while for restricted operations you will need to interact with Solr by sending HTTP requests instead of through the graphical user interface of the Admin UI.

There are a lot of requests that originate from the Solr nodes itself. For example, requests from overseer to nodes, recovery threads, etc. We call these 'inter-node' request. Solr has a special built-in PKIAuthenticationPlugin see below that will always be available to secure inter-node traffic. Each Authentication plugin may also decide to secure inter-node requests on its own.

They may do this through the so-called HttpClientBuilder mechanism, or they may alternatively choose on a per-request basis whether to delegate to PKI or not by overriding a interceptInternodeRequest method from the base class, where any HTTP headers can be set.

Each Authentication plugn may choose to delegate all or some inter-node traffic to the PKI plugin. For each outgoing request PKIAuthenticationPlugin adds a special header 'SolrAuth' which carries the timestamp and principal encrypted using the private key of that node. The public key is exposed through an API so that any node can read it whenever it needs it.

Any node who gets the request with that header, would get the public key from the sender and decrypt the information. The client sends back the appropriate username and password, stored in the Authorization header. The server checks the combination against a list of hashed passwords, and the client is allowed to connect if it matches. HTTPS will encrypt the connection and lock out anyone attempting to sniff your password.

For basic HTTP authentication to work, you will need a file to act as a database of usernames and their corresponding passwords. You can create this with the htpasswd utility, which should be installed with your Apache installation through the apache2-utils library. Next, you can generate the password file with the -c flag. If you want to add another user, leave out the -c flag to append an entry.


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