If not, ask the invigilator to replace the whole set from same series. Put your signature on the top of question booklet. Do not put any stray mark anywhere else; it may lead to rejection of OMR. Check that your Roll number, photograph, spelling of your name in the attendance sheet matches with those given in your admit card. If any correction is needed, bring it to the notice of the invigilator.
Question booklet seals can be opened only at the time of commencement of test and as will be announced by the invigilator. Check all the pages of question booklet. If there is any damage or missing page or any difficulties to read the question booklet, ask your invigilator to replace the whole set from the same series.
Maintain silence during the test. No discussion will be allowed with the invigilator regarding any question. Candidates may do rough work in the space provided in the question booklet.
So the board has now lived the admit card link and candidates with the complete credential can go through the official website and collect it. The exam has been scheduled for 22nd August Now the official has updated the downlaod link on the official website and very soon they will conduct the examination. This is an entry pass for all those candidates who have valid login credentials. So now you need to check out the complete details and then visit the official website for the latest updates.
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