White 23, Age The median age for ZIP code is Median Age Household ZIP code has 14, households. Longitude Wind Direction. Temperature Wind. Frequently Asked Questions Where is zip code located? What area code is zip code ? Find all the Area Codes for a given State. Zip Code:. Multi County:. City Alias es :. Area Code:. Unique ZIP Code includes businesses and government buildings that have their own unique zip code.
Time Zone:. Observes Day Light Savings:. State FIPS:. County FIPS:. Intro Date:. This is an estimation of the household population based on US Postal Service delivery information. Households per ZIP Code:. Sort by this field to get the top house values by zip code. Sort by this field to get all the top household incomes by zip code. Income Per Household:. The Housing Affordability Index base is and represents a balance point where a resident with a median household income can normally qualify to purchase a median price home.
Values above indicate increased affordability, while values below indicate decreased affordability. The Wealth Index is based on a number of indicators of affluence including average household income and average net worth, but it also includes the value of material possessions and resources.
It represents the wealth of the area relative to the national level. Values above or below represent above-average wealth or below-average wealth compared to the national level.
Median number of rooms in apartments: Here: 3. Notable locations in this zip code not listed on our city pages. Year house built houses or later to to to 1, to 1, to 2, to 5, to 1, to or earlier. Foreign born population: 11, Year of entry for the foreign-born population 3, or later 2, to 3, to 2, Before Fatal accident statistics in Fatal accident count: 1 Vehicles involved in fatal accidents: 1 Fatal accidents caused by drunken drivers: 1 Fatalities: 1 Persons involved in fatal accidents: 2 Pedestrians involved in fatal accidents: 0.
Fatal accident statistics in Fatal accident count: 1 Vehicles involved in fatal accidents: 1 Fatal accidents caused by drunken drivers: 0 Fatalities: 1 Persons involved in fatal accidents: 1 Pedestrians involved in fatal accidents: 1. Choose year: According to the data from the years - the average number of fires per year is The highest number of fire incidents - 76 took place in , and the least - 21 in The data has a declining trend.
When looking into fire subcategories, the most incidents belonged to: Structure Fires Use at your own risk. Painting Inc.