Windows server backup products

If the backup target drive contains offline drives, the backup configuration will not succeed. To complete the configuration, when selecting the backup target, clear the check box to exclude drives that are offline.

If you choose a drive that contains previous backups as the backup target, the wizard allows you choose if you want to keep the previous backups. If you keep the backups, the wizard does not format the drive.

You should visit the website for your external storage drive manufacturer to ensure that your backup drive is supported on computers running Windows Server Essentials. If you are certain that you don't need the data on the disk, you can reformat the disk and use it for backups. Under Administrative Tools , click Create and format hard disk partitions. The drive cannot contain any shared server folders. Before you can use the disk as a backup target drive, you must stop sharing on any shared server folders.

You can stop sharing from the Dashboard or in File Explorer. On the Dashboard, click Storage , and then click Server Folders. Select the folder you want to stop sharing, and then, on the task pane, click Stop. If a backup is unsuccessful because the backup drive had insufficient space, the drive letter for the backup target drive is removed from the Windows Server Essentials database, and the Dashboard does not display the drive. If you want to use the drive in future backups, you must reassign the drive letter using a native tool.

In Control Panel, open Systems and Security. Right-click the drive, and click Change Drive Letter and Paths. Click Add. In the Add Drive Letter or Path dialog box, select a drive letter to assign.

Internet data transfers should always be protected with authentication procedures and encryption. You also need to make sure that data confidentiality is guaranteed at the backup site if it is a location that is not run by your organization. You have a lot of options when seeking an offsite facility for backup. Thanks to stiff competition, the rental of space on Cloud servers has become very cheap. There are also syncing offers to consider, which combine the software and the space needed to back up your servers in one service package.

We have taken into account the many different circumstances that any business would be in when needing to back up a server. We also looked at the software packages available and the Cloud backup services that have all of the management software bundled in with the storage subscription price.

N-able Backup is part of a suite of utilities produces for managed service providers MSPs. However, the tool can be bought and operated separately; it is a suitable backup utility for in-house use as well as a necessary facility for companies that run services for other companies.

The backup system is more than software because it includes the provision of storage space on remote servers. The backup service can manage the contents of virtual servers as well as physical servers. Servers can be backed up right down to, and including, the operating system. It is also possible to back up the contents of workstations.

You can create a central document store backup with the tool and also back up mail servers running Microsoft Exchange. Sharepoint files and MySQL databases can be replicated with this system. If you use OneDrive for a cloud-based file server, you can back that up with N-able Backup. Data transfers in this environment deploy compression to speed up backup and recovery times. Rather than running one central data center, N-able has service points strategically placed around the globe. Both transfers and storage are protected by AES encryption with a bit key — the strongest encryption in commercial use today.

This encryption is applied end-to-end, which means that there is no intermediate point in the connection where snoopers or even data center staff can access your data. Updates to files can be archived , letting you access earlier versions to restore.

Restoration of data can be performed bare metal, physical-to-virtual, or virtual-to-virtual. The N-able Backup console enables you to command any of these scenarios and the backup software takes care of all the detailed tasks needed to get your data recovered. N-able Backup is available on a day free trial.

Barracuda MSP specializes in providing tools to managed service providers that support small and middle-sized enterprises. Intronis Backup is one of the tools offered by this provider. The system is multi-tenanted and includes cloud storage space that can also be suitably separated per client. The dashboards for the tool can be white-labeled , so it would be possible to give access to clients while still enforcing your brand image.

Intronis Backup caters to every type of backup that you could need. These include application-level backups so you can create specific stores for key services, such as email. A total backup for a bare-metal restore is also possible. This is a management system for backup and disaster recovery so it will also manage the restoration of systems, should a disaster occur.

These restore functions can also be applied to new servers, adding a replication service to the package. This means that you can safely plug the Intronis system into other environments without risking losing the ability to track activity for billing.

The plans for Intronis are charged for per client. However, each plan comes with a specific capacity of storage space, so you have to be careful about which plan you choose because you could end up paying for space that you will never use, or underestimate and face running out of space.

You have to contact the company to request a quote. The Intronis Backup service is available on a day free trial. Cloudberry offers Cloud-based backup services for MSPs, for small enterprises, and for individuals. The service allows MSPs to brand the console themselves, selling it to their customers in whatever way they choose.

Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Contact us: [email protected]. Sign in. Log into your account. Password recovery. Friday, January 14, Failed to create a persistent connection Veeam Backup. Please enter your comment! Here are some questions to ask yourself:. Simple storage servers have different needs than domain controllers which have different needs than active SQL, Exchange or other database servers.

How much data, in gigabytes or terabytes, do you need to backup? This can greatly impact cost with any cloud solution priced per GB. Though no one wants a server to go down, some situations allow for a few days to restore while others need a nearly instantaneous or even fully redundant solution.

Some products have one-time costs while other cloud solutions require perpetual monthly payments. Decide which model suits your needs best. Most server backup solutions either offer software only, which leaves you to figure out your own storage location, or encourage you to sign up for their in-house cloud storage service for a monthly fee. As you can read in our CloudBerry review , the service has support for local backups, but its most unique feature is the ability to link to third-party providers such as Amazon S3 or Glacier, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Storage, Rackspace, Backblaze B2 and many more.

Instead of pushing their own cloud storage, CloudBerry gives server administrators the ability to amplify the power of their storage provider of choice. You can now turn an inexpensive solution like Amazon Glacier into a fully functional backup service instead of merely a simple storage bucket. Also simple, direct cloud-to-cloud backup is a fantastic feature if you use more than one cloud storage service. CloudBerry Backup is also a very powerful backup product in its own right.

The Windows Server edition allows for block-level image-based backups which allows you to take full snapshots of your server while only modifying the individual blocks of data that changed since the previous backup. Block-level images combined with data compression work together to greatly improve backup speed and reduce storage space which are both critical when working with cloud storage that charges by the gigabyte stored or transferred.

While you can choose any supported storage provider, if you select Amazon EC2 or Microsoft Azure, CloudBerry can instantly use any backup image to create a virtual machine in the cloud. Hyper-V and VMware restores are also included. This instant virtualization proves immensely valuable when downtime is critical.

Pricing varies depending on whether you need basic server or database support, while the Ultimate edition includes all features. All versions are one-time purchases per computer and very reasonably priced, but of course do not include any third-party cloud storage costs. With too many features to mention here, the biggest takeaway is that CloudBerry Backup is a full-featured, powerful backup product.

The vast third-party cloud storage support make it truly unique among its competitors. Acronis offers a full suite of backup and storage management software with solutions ranging from consumer use up to full enterprise management.

With a recent push toward their own cloud storage solutions, Acronis can provide you with a complete storage, backup and disaster recovery solution. Acronis recently added support for Office backups via an additional license. Additionally, Acronis highly emphasizes the speed of their recoveries, claiming a recovery time objective RTO of 15 seconds or less. The 15 second RTO can be achieved by instantly mounting a backup image via virtual storage emulation without moving any data.

Acronis offers a local web-based console or a cloud-based console accessible from any device. This cloud console is only available with subscription licenses. Acronis Backup pricing varies depending on device and licenses are available as a one-time perpetual license or a year subscription. Any license purchase includes 1TB of Acronis Cloud Storage for one year at which point standard pricing would apply. With a perpetual license, Acronis only offers free product upgrades for 1 year.

You then must pay software maintenance fees for additional support and upgrades, or simply wait and pay full price if you decide to upgrade to a newer version. When it comes to support, Acronis offers both email and phone support, though the response times on email can range as high as a full day.


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