Windows azure topics and subscriptions

Wire encryption , such as SMB 3. Client-side encryption, to encrypt the data before it is transferred into storage and to decrypt the data after it is transferred out of storage. For many organizations, data encryption at rest is a mandatory step towards data privacy, compliance, and data sovereignty.

Storage Service Encryption allows you to request that the storage service automatically encrypt data when writing it to Azure Storage. Client-side Encryption also provides the feature of encryption at rest. Azure Storage Analytics performs logging and provides metrics data for a storage account. You can use this data to trace requests, analyze usage trends, and diagnose issues with your storage account. Storage Analytics logs detailed information about successful and failed requests to a storage service.

This information can be used to monitor individual requests and to diagnose issues with a storage service. Requests are logged on a best-effort basis. The following types of authenticated requests are logged:. The User Agent sends extra headers to ensure that the JavaScript code loaded from a certain domain is allowed to access resources located at another domain.

The latter domain then replies with extra headers allowing or denying the original domain access to its resources. Azure storage services now support CORS so that once you set the CORS rules for the service, a properly authenticated request made against the service from a different domain is evaluated to determine whether it is allowed according to the rules you have specified.

The section provides additional information regarding key features in Azure network security and summary information about these capabilities. Network access control is the act of limiting connectivity to and from specific devices or subnets and represents the core of network security. The goal of network access control is to make sure that your virtual machines and services are accessible to only users and devices to which you want them accessible.

A Network Security Group NSG is a basic stateful packet filtering firewall and it enables you to control access based on a 5-tuple. NSGs do not provide application layer inspection or authenticated access controls. They can be used to control traffic moving between subnets within an Azure Virtual Network and traffic between an Azure Virtual Network and the Internet.

Azure Firewall is a cloud-native and intelligent network firewall security service that provides threat protection for your cloud workloads running in Azure. It's a fully stateful firewall as a service with built-in high availability and unrestricted cloud scalability.

It provides both east-west and north-south traffic inspection. Azure Firewall Premium provides advanced capabilities include signature-based IDPS to allow rapid detection of attacks by looking for specific patterns. The ability to control routing behavior on your Azure Virtual Networks is a critical network security and access control capability. For example, if you want to make sure that all traffic to and from your Azure Virtual Network goes through that virtual security appliance, you need to be able to control and customize routing behavior.

You can do this by configuring User-Defined Routes in Azure. User-Defined Routes allow you to customize inbound and outbound paths for traffic moving into and out of individual virtual machines or subnets to insure the most secure route possible. Forced tunneling is a mechanism you can use to ensure that your services are not allowed to initiate a connection to devices on the Internet.

This is different from being able to accept incoming connections and then responding to them. Front-end web servers need to respond to requests from Internet hosts, and so Internet-sourced traffic is allowed inbound to these web servers and the web servers can respond. Forced tunneling is commonly used to force outbound traffic to the Internet to go through on-premises security proxies and firewalls. While Network Security Groups, User-Defined Routes, and forced tunneling provide you a level of security at the network and transport layers of the OSI model , there may be times when you want to enable security at higher levels of the stack.

You can access these enhanced network security features by using an Azure partner network security appliance solution. An Azure virtual network VNet is a representation of your own network in the cloud. It is a logical isolation of the Azure network fabric dedicated to your subscription. You can fully control the IP address blocks, DNS settings, security policies, and route tables within this network.

Additionally, you can connect the virtual network to your on-premises network using one of the connectivity options available in Azure. In essence, you can expand your network to Azure, with complete control on IP address blocks with the benefit of enterprise scale Azure provides.

Connect individual workstations to an Azure Virtual Network. Connect Azure Virtual Networks to each other. Setup and consumption using Azure Private Link is consistent across Azure PaaS, customer-owned, and shared partner services.

Traffic from your virtual network to the Azure service always remains on the Microsoft Azure backbone network. Private Endpoints allow you to secure your critical Azure service resources to only your virtual networks. Exposing your virtual network to the public internet is no longer necessary to consume services on Azure. You can also create your own private link service in your virtual network.

Azure Private Link service is the reference to your own service that is powered by Azure Private Link. Your service that is running behind Azure Standard Load Balancer can be enabled for Private Link access so that consumers to your service can access it privately from their own virtual networks. Your customers can create a private endpoint inside their virtual network and map it to this service.

Exposing your service to the public internet is no longer necessary to render services on Azure. A VPN gateway is a type of virtual network gateway that sends encrypted traffic across a public connection. Within the Program class, declare the following variables. Set the ServiceBusConnectionString variable to the connection string that you obtained when creating the namespace, and set TopicName to the name that you used when creating the topic:.

Replace the Main method with the following async Main method that sends messages asynchronously using the SendMessagesAsync method that you will add in the next step. Directly after the Main method, add the following SendMessagesAsync method that performs the work of sending the number of messages specified by numberOfMessagesToSend currently set to 10 :.

Run the program, and check the Azure portal: click the name of your topic in the namespace Overview window. The topic Essentials screen is displayed. In the subscription listed near the bottom of the window, notice that the Message Count value for the subscription is now Each time you run the sender application without retrieving the messages as described in the next section , this value increases by Also note that the current size of the topic increments the Current value in the Essentials window each time the app adds messages to the topic.

To receive the messages you sent, create another. NET Core console application and install the Microsoft. Additionally create filters for the subscriptions which be used for content based routing of the weather data to the respective subscriptions.

Stage 2: Create users and associate the users with appropriate permissions. This would include configuring the Access Control Service for the user access. Stage 3: Create console application for weather data publisher and subscription clients. Search for:. This quick start provides step-by-step instructions to implement a simple scenario of sending a batch of messages to a Service Bus topic and receiving those messages from a subscription of the topic.

For more samples on other and advanced scenarios, see Service Bus. NET samples on GitHub. If you're new to the service, see Service Bus overview before you do this quickstart.

To begin using Service Bus messaging entities in Azure, you must first create a namespace with a name that is unique across Azure. A namespace provides a scoping container for addressing Service Bus resources within your application.

In the Basics tag of the Create namespace page, follow these steps:. For Subscription , choose an Azure subscription in which to create the namespace.

For Resource group , choose an existing resource group in which the namespace will live, or create a new one. Enter a name for the namespace. The namespace name should adhere to the following naming conventions:.

For Pricing tier , select the pricing tier Basic, Standard, or Premium for the namespace. For this quickstart, select Standard. If you want to use topics and subscriptions , choose either Standard or Premium. If you selected the Premium pricing tier, specify the number of messaging units.

The premium tier provides resource isolation at the CPU and memory level so that each workload runs in isolation. This resource container is called a messaging unit. A premium namespace has at least one messaging unit. You can select 1, 2, or 4 messaging units for each Service Bus Premium namespace.


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