Windows 7 you do not have sufficient security privileges

Thanks for your feedback. Click on start, type in cmd. From the list that comes up, right click on it and select Run as administrator. Type the following command and hit enter. Log in to the admin account and then create a new administrator account. Once you are done, please disable the default admin account by following steps a and b. In step c, change the command to the following. Check for the issue now. RayaproluThripura Nadh. Thursday, March 12, AM. OK, I did so.

Friday, March 13, PM. I have the same issue in Windows 7. Are you going to fix it? Tuesday, November 3, PM. Does anyone know if this has been fixed on either Windows 7 or Windows Vista yet? Monday, January 11, PM. This is still broken as of today and my Windows 7 system is fully patched -- any plans to fix this MS? Wednesday, November 17, PM.

Just in case I forget again and stumble on this thread, the cmd needs to be run as administrator. Hope that someone else has come across a similar issue and has a fix..

Had the same error when removing Adobe. The Print spooler service was disabled. Changed it to manual and the uninstall worked. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. It could also be missing dependencies or exceptions being thrown in your code.

Christopher Painter Christopher Painter Thanks for the quick response. I tired the above, and do not get a message saying the user was granted logon as service rights. Also, something that I should have mentioned in my original question - that we do automatically do this in install script by running ntrights.

This can cause a race condition. What I normally do is take the ServiceControl record and just let the product get installed. Once you figure it all out you can put the ServiceControl record back in. I had wrongly assumed that the InstallShield installer was checking for the framework 4. It was not. It checked upto 4. Installing framework 4. Installing the service isn't the problem starting the service is. The race condition is the service attempts to be started prior to the assembly being installed to the GAC.

But Chris I see that PublishAssemblies is scheduled before StartServices!! Show 5 more comments. I also had the same issue.

I fixed this by installing the. NET framework version 4. Mark Mark 49 1 1 bronze badge. Detection of running applications failed, could not get performance index. Table: [3] Col : [4]. Database: [2] GenerateTransform: More columns in base table than in reference table. Table: [3]. Database: [2]. MergeDatabase will not write any changes because the database is open read-only.

MergeDatabase: A reference to the base database was passed as the reference database. MergeDatabase: Unable to write errors to Error table. Could be due to a non-nullable column in a predefined Error table. When troubleshooting embedded streams, you may use WiStream. Failed to get network resource information. Error [2], network path [3].

Extended error: network provider [5], error code [4], error description [6]. Invalid CRC checksum value for [2] file. Patch file [2] is corrupt or of an invalid format. Attempting to patch file [3]. GetLastError: [4]. The file [2] is marked as compressed, but the associated media entry does not specify a cabinet. The maximum depth of any feature is This error is returned if a feature that exceeds the maximum depth exists.

May occur if the first 40 characters of two or more component names are identical. Ensure that the first 40 characters of component names are unique to the component.

The volume label '[2]' on the media you're running from does not match the label '[3]' given in the Media table. This is allowed only if you have only 1 entry in your Media table.

The selection manager is responsible for determining component and feature states. A standard action or custom action made a call to a function requiring the selection manager before the initialization of the selection manager. This action should be sequenced after the costing actions.

The directory manager is responsible for determining the target and source paths. A standard action or custom action made a call to a function requiring the directory manager before the initialization of the directory manager. Custom action '[2]' has caused an unhandled exception and has been stopped.

This may be the result of an internal error in the custom action, such as an access violation. This error is caused by a custom action that is based on Dynamic-Link Libraries. Perform package validation and check for ICE Transform [2] invalid for package [3]. The property '[2]' was used as a directory property in one or more tables, but no value was ever assigned.

The InstallExecuteSequence may have been authored incorrectly. Actions that change the system must be sequenced between the InstallInitialize and InstallFinalize actions. On activation of the control [3] on dialog [2] CMsiDialog failed to evaluate the condition [3]. On the dialog [2] the next control pointers do not form a cycle.

There is a pointer from [3] to [4], but there is no further pointer. There is a pointer from both [3] and [5] to [4]. The button [4] on the radio button group [3] on dialog [2] extends beyond the boundaries of the group [5] by [6] pixels. Tried to set control [3] as the default button on dialog [2], but the control does not exist. On the dialog [2] the control [3] is designated as first active control, but there is no such control. The attributes for the control [3] on dialog [2] do not define a valid icon size.

Setting the size to The control [3] on dialog [2] needs the icon [4] in size [5]x[5], but that size is not available. Loading the first available size. The control [3] on dialog [2] received a browse event, but there is no configurable directory for the present selection. Likely cause: browse button is not authored correctly. Control [3] on billboard [2] extends beyond the boundaries of the billboard [4] by [5] pixels.

The help string [4] for control [3] on dialog [2] does not contain the separator character. On the dialog [2] the control [3] has a possible value: [4]. This is an invalid or duplicate value. This can be caused by attempting to display a dialog with a Hyperlink control using Windows Installer 4. The Hyperlink control requires Windows Installer 5.

In this case, author two versions of the dialog, one with the control and one without. The control [3] on dialog [2] can accept property values that are at most [5] characters long.

The value [4] exceeds this limit, and has been truncated. May indicate that the installation of Win32 assemblies was authored incorrectly. A Win32 side-by-side component may need a key path. Script [2] version unsupported. Script version: [3], minimum version: [4], maximum version: [5].


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