What does hacked mean in slang

Dig has another slang meaning. A dirty hack is a quick fix like this that the hacker is not at all proud of, or risks some unpredictable consequential effects. See a translation. Wine Ice Cubes. Pen Spring Protection. Fix Flip-Flops. Accordingly, to mock someone is a grave sin, and it is more grave to the extent that more respect is due to the person who is being mocked. Mocking is a process where dependencies are replaced by controlled replacements that simulate the behavior of the real dependencies.

You're Not Supposed To! A hack may refer to an enhancement made to an electronic device that was not designed to be user programmable, such as a video game, music player, TV set-top box or cellphone.

For example, a digital media hub media extender could be modified to play additional formats. Hardware modifications are done by the experienced hacker, which may require opening the case and using tools such as a screwdriver, wire strippers and soldering iron.

It meant scraping the surface of a single wire trace without breaking the line and soldering a wire to it; a very delicate operation. Subsequent methods using a software hack to unlock iPhones were less extreme.

Although the original meaning of hack is program code that was modified, the popular definition is an illegal modification that causes a computer or online account to be compromised. A lesser known meaning of the term is that a hack is a harmless practical joke, but one that takes a bit of technical prowess or careful planning. See attack , hacker and hackathon. To chop or cut down in a rough manner.

This cold is awful. I can't stop hacking. To withstand or put up with a difficult situation. To work on an intimately technical level. I'm currently hacking distributed garbage collection. He went to the batter's box hacking. To strike in a frantic movement. A tool for chopping. A gouge or notch made by such a blow.

A dry cough. A hacking; a catch in speaking; a short, broken cough. A kick on the shins in football. A food-rack for cattle. A rack used to dry something, such as bricks, fish , or cheese. A grating in a mill race. To lay bricks on a rack to dry. A person, often a journalist, hired to do routine work. I got by on hack work for years before I finally published my novel.

A coach or carriage let for hire; particularly, a coach with two seats inside facing each other; a hackney coach. To ride a horse at a regular pace; to ride on a road as opposed to riding cross-country etc. To use as a hack; to let out for hire.

To use frequently and indiscriminately, so as to render trite and commonplace. A small ball usually made of woven cotton or suede and filled with rice, sand or some other filler, for the use in hackeysack. To play hackeysack. Idioms and Phrasal Verbs hack around. Origin of hack. Variations of hatch , heck. This will then be followed by some sort of demand, often money in the form of a cryptocurrency payment.

What should you do? One recent trick is to contact a person via email and then show them that they have their password for a specific account. So, log into the account in question, change the password and activate two-factor authentication if possible. Then forget all about it. Also, never ever give money to these people, it will do nothing to help you and only embolden them. If the threat is real, then contact the service provider and let them know your account has been hijacked.

Wipe the machine and restore data from backups. You should also keep your most critical info in something like Dropbox, which lets you roll back any changes for a long window period. Weird, right?

Well this is a pretty obvious sign that someone else has the keys to your kingdom and that can be a very serious situation. The right course of action here depends on a few things. You should immediately initiate a password reset and change your password if you can. Then, if the service offers it, activate two-factor authentication. This means having to type in an additional one-time code from your phone or via email, but is a very effective way to prevent hacking.

If your primary email account has been hacked and you have not set up any backup recovery options prior to it happening, you need to get in touch with the service provider immediately so that they can suspend the account and then verify your identity. Are your friends messaging you because of something you posted on Twitter? Did your online persona suddenly send some very NSFW content to your boss?

You can follow exactly the same advice as in the point above, but also be sure to post a notice on your social media accounts apologizing for the content and disclaiming yourself.

Did you notice something strange when opening up your web browser? Your usual home page is nowhere to be seen. Instead some strange new search engine sits there, waiting for you like an unwanted frog in the bath. You try to type in a search term in the address bar, but it all just redirects you to that weird new site.


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