Page 40 6. Se ha acumulado pintura en el motor. Tutti i diritti riservati. Page 43 Non apportare alcuna modifica alla spina fornita. Page 44 Stringere bene il tubo alla pistola con due chiavi. Tubo di ritorno Attenzione ritorno nel raccordo. Page 46 4. Circa cm. Page 47 dopo ogni movimento. Premere il grilletto della pistola per eliminare la pressione Mantenere il Circa cm. Page 48 8. Premere il grilletto della pistola per eliminare la pressione eventualmente rimasta nel tubo di gomma.
Page 49 Page 50 6. Installare una valvola nuova o pulita nel blocco della pompa, quindi riempire la valvola con olio leggero o solvente. Togliere la valvola di scarico con una chiave. Page 52 Het bereik direct boven het vloeroppervlak dient dan onderdelen waarin vonkvorming kan optreden waardoor dampen kunnen ontsteken. Alle rechten voorbehouden. Page 53 Neem contact op met een bevoegde elektricien of onderhoudsmonteur indien u de aardingsinstructies niet volledig niet in de contactdoos past, laat dan een bevoegde elektricien een geschikte contactdoos installeren.
Page 54 15 meter, of 12 tot 14 gauge voor verlengkabel met een lengte tussen 15 en 30 meter. Schroef de beschermkap van de spuitmond op het pistool.
Draai de moer eerst manueel vast, draai dan steviger vast met een sleutel. Page 55 3. Page 56 25 tot 30 cm het stopt. Blijf soepel en op dezelfde snelheid verven.
Page 57 Het spuitpistool moet functioneren door aan en uit te schakelen met ophoopt aan het einde van de veeg. Haal de trekker niet over in spuiting en een oppervlak vol vlekken. Correcte manier om het spuitpistool te doen functioneren op PRIME om druk uit het systeem vrij te laten. Page 58 5 minuten stromen om de slang, pomp en spuitpistool grondig te reinigen. Haal de trekker van het pistool over om gelijk welke overgebleven druk in de slang te verwijderen. Page 59 9.
Haal de trekker over van het pistool en draai de ongeveer 30 seconden. Haal de trekker over van het pistool om gelijke welke resterende druk in de slang te verwijderen. Page 60 Een correct geplaatste klep gevuld met water lekt niet in een verticale positie. Installeer een nieuwe of gereinigde klep in de pompblok en vul daarna de klep met lichte olie of oplossing.
Page 61 Reinig de verf van de motor. Med forbehold af alle rettigheder. Page 65 5. Skru returslangens forbindelsesstykke returslangen. Anbring returslangens lige ende i Returslange forbindelsesstykket. Page 68 6. Page 72 inget skydd mot sprutskador Att prima pumpen Page 75 8. Returtub 1. Read and follow. Hopper unit Suction set unit Up to 1. Power source Electric motor, totally enclosed, fan. Spraying pressure Up to Sprays a variety of oil-based and.
Tabla de Contenido. ProSpray 3. Renombrar el marcador. Eliminar marcador? Eliminar de mis manuales? Entrar O. Cargar el manual. Keep all solvents away from engine exhaust. Never fill fuel tank with a running or hot engine. Hot surface can ignite spilled fuel. Always attach ground wire from pump to a grounded object.
They are not compatible with aluminum and may cause an explosion. Vapors can cause severe nausea, fainting, or poisoning. Read all instructions supplied with the mask to be sure it will provide the necessary protection. The recoil force of the spray gun is particularly powerful when the tip has been removed and a high pressure has been set on the airless pump. When cleaning without a spray tip, set the pressure control knob to the lowest pressure.
User assumes all risks and liabilities when using parts that do not meet the minimum specifications and safety devices of the pump manufacturer.
Check for damage or movement of couplings. Immediately replace the hose if any of these conditions exist. Never repair a paint hose. Replace it with another earthed high-pressure hose. This unit can produce noise levels above 85 dB A. Keep away from children or anyone not familiar with the operation of airless equipment. Electric models must be earthed. In the event of an electrical short circuit, earthing reduces the risk of electric shock by providing an escape wire for the electric current.
This product is equipped with a cord having an earthing wire with an appropriate earthing plug. The plug must be plugged into an outlet that is properly installed and earthed in accordance with all local codes and ordinances.
If repair or replacement of the cord or plug is necessary, do not connect the green earthing wire to either flat blade terminal. The wire with insulation having a green outer surface with or without yellow stripes is the earthing wire and must be connected to the earthing pin.
Check with a qualified electrician or serviceman if the earthing instructions are not completely understood, or if you are in doubt as to whether the product is properly earthed. Do not modify the plug provided. If the plug will not fit the outlet, have the proper outlet installed by a qualified electrician. This high performance airless sprayer is a precision power tool used for spraying many types of materials. Read and follow this instruction manual carefully for proper operating instructions, maintenance and safety information.
Attach the spray gun to the other end o f the high pressure. Do not spray without the tip guard in place. Never trigger the gun unless the tip is in either the spray or the unclog position. Always engage the gun trigger lock before removing, replacing or cleaning tip.
Thread the tip guard onto the gun. Tighten the nut first by hand, then tighten more firmly with a wrench. Welcome to ManualMachine.
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