If you have any unlockables please submit them. We have no unlockables for The Sims 2: Pets yet. We have no easter eggs for The Sims 2: Pets yet. We have no glitches for The Sims 2: Pets yet. Then, play the game. There should be an alien invasion and lots of dirt piles. After defeating the aliens with your water gun, your vacuum and take all the dirt.
You should get valuable things, like glowing rocks 42 Simoleons , Shrunken Heads 50 Simoleons , and Precious Stones over Simoleons. Go to the Art Gallery and paint. Only paint a dot, and if it says that is a masterpiece keep it. Do this on all of them. If they all are masterpieces, leave and do something. Someone should call you and they should have bought it for about 1, Simoleons or more.
Set the Nintendo DS system time ten minutes behind. Then, go back into the game. Somebody will call and say that you are an alien. You will now be able to walk very slowly. Take a shower to make the effects wear off.
Go to the shop in Strangetown. Once you enter the shop, go to the left side where you see boxes on a shelf. Look closely to see the box art from SSX 3.
Note: Save the game before you attempt this. This trick can only be done if you have Optem Alfred living in your penthouse, and if you have every room built including the Bovine Shrine.
Restart the system and start the game. You should have several messages. One of them should be the cashier at your hotel. He will say that a friendly ghost came to the hotel.
If you do not get this message, change the date to one year in the future again and restart. When you see him, go to a person nearby and do a Social with him or her Impress, Calm Down, etc. He will watch and make the Social go faster. When the mini game is done, you will now make the social go faster for every person you socialize with. Go up to the ghost. To the right side of the screen you will see the words " Mood neutral" and there will be two selections which are "xxx Ofix mood social xxx" and "Give gift".
Select the first option. Your interaction with anything will not show up. Do not enter any doors or the game will freeze. Instead, reset the Nintendo DS and you will start where you saved, but will still speed up interactions, Notice that the game will be odd and you will find new people.
Note: Repeating the process may delete your saved game file. Purchase the Rat Cave from the town hall. After it is finished being built, wait until you get a call that a criminal is in town. Do not put on the rat suit, and find the criminal. Cheats for sims 2 castaways? What are the Sims 2 Cheats? Can you get married on The Sims 2 ds? Can you get your sims married on The Sims 2 for ds? Is there a sims 2 for iPod touch? What are the cheats for the sims 2 university for PC?
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