Resmed elisee manual

Tips and guidelines on how to set up your therapy equipment correctly. Following up on your treatment. Travelling with your equipment. All about APAP. Discover the benefits of AutoSet therapy. SD card corner. Learn about data cards that can be used with S9 devices. Both modes include apnea ventilation as backup ventilation for the patient.

SV PS Principle of Pressure support Pressure support is a pressure mode which supports the patient's spontaneous respiration. Page 59 PS. VT Principle of pressure support with minimum tidal volume Inspiratory phase The start of each cycle is triggered by the patient. Page 60 Timax Figure 4. VT curve - Minimum tidal volume delivered with switch to volumetric mode. Based on its analysis of the fixed pressure support and Ti Max parameters, the device detects, during the course of the cycle, that the target minimum tidal volume V cannot be delivered.

VT mode. Table 4. The patient must never be told how to access these screens. Page 64 As soon as the clinical mode is accessed, the program selection screen appears. Page Manual Test 5. To perform a manual test, go to the Main clinical screen see "Accessing the clinical screens" on page Page 66 Press to cancel test Cancel Disconnect oxygen!!

Unplug patient circuit! Follow the instructions: disconnect the oxygen supply, and the patient circuit and its accessories. Page 67 Press to cancel test Cancel Attach your circuit to the machine. The ventilator detects the circuit type and the resistance and compliance of the patient circuit, and calibrates the expiratory spirometry.

Page Programming Ventilation Options 5. From the main clinical screen you can modify the P1 and P2 programs if the P2 activation option is set to yes, see "Parameter options screen" on page 91 or set the parameters for one or more ventilation options for a new patient.

Page Modifying The Patient Configuration Modifying the patient configuration From the ventilation parameter setting screen, you can modify the selected patient data by doing the following before starting ventilation: 1. Press the button on the right side of the ventilator. Select New configuration. Page Changing The Ventilation Mode Changing the ventilation mode After selecting the patient configuration, you may change the selected ventilation mode at any time.

Press the Modes icon to go to the modes screen. Page Adjusting Ventilation Parameters Adjusting ventilation parameters To adjust a value, press on the relevant icon. Press "PS" to display the pressure support settings screen. Page 77 Adjusting the apnea ventilation parameters This function is available in the pressure support modes PS. VT when the Fmini parameter has been set to no.

Press the Apnea icon to access the apnea ventilation settings screen. P1 parameters setting Cancel Cancel info Page 78 5. Press "OK" to confirm the apnea ventilation configuration. The parameter setting screen will appear. Page Monitoring Ventilation 5. Page Measurements Measurements To access the measurements screen, press one of the four measurements displayed at the bottom of the screen.

All measurements are displayed on this screen. The four measurements displayed on the curves screen are highlighted. Page Event Log Event log A black box records the last 1, events. Note: Only ResMed technicians have access to the full log. This screen can be accessed from any P1 or P2 clinical screen by pressing the button located on the right side of the device. Page Table 5. The measurements are recorded over a period based on the recording time chosen by the user: Table 5.

Page 87 Programming the trends Note: This screen does not appear when the trends are programmed for the first time. If the trends have been completed, an additional line indicates whether or not the data has been downloaded. Page 88 Be careful all former data will be erased! Do you want to continue? As a precaution, a final screen appears, reminding you that the former data will be erased if a new recording is programmed.

Page Changing Mode During Ventilation 5. Press the icon to change mode during ventilation. The highlighted icon corresponds to the current ventilation mode.

Press the icon which corresponds to the desired ventilation mode. To adjust a value, press the icon for the corresponding parameter.

The icons for the selected options are highlighted. Go to the main clinical screen. Press the button and the Alarm Silence button simultaneously until the following screen appears. To make your selection, go to the alarms or parameters screens. Once ventilation has started, press the icon for two seconds. When you release the icon, the curves screen will appear and the curves configuration can be changed.

Page Screen Brightness And Digital Sound Volume Level Screen brightness and digital sound volume level Accessing the setting screen The brightness, the screen orientation, the touch screen beeps and the digital sound volume can all be adjusted on the setting screens.

To access these screens, press the button on the right side of the ventilator. Page 96 Setting Back Back info Screen orientation modified Turning on or off the touch screen beeps Screen brightness adjustment Digital sound adjustment Figure 5.

Press the scales to obtain the desired values for brightness and volume. Page Date And Time Date and time Accessing the setting screen To access these screens, press the button on the right side of the ventilator. Position the cursor on the value to be changed. Page Assigning Program Names Assigning program names The clinician can assign names to programs P1 and P2 to help the patient distinguish between them.

Accessing the program naming screen To access these screens, press the button on the right side of the ventilator. Then press the buttons as shown in the screens below. Naming the programs Replace the program name? On the first screen, select the program to be named. Naming the ventilation programs helps patients to familiarise themselves more quickly with their different ventilation options. Page Exiting The Clinical Screens 5. Note: As a safety measure, the icon must be pressed for at least 1 second.

Press padlock to access patient screens info peak peak Page Patient Use 6 Patient use 6. Monday 18 18 June Monday June Page Patient Mode Settings Screen 6. Monday 18 18 June Monday June Intern. Monday 18 18 June Monday Page Measurements Screen 6. On the patient ventilation screen, the icon for the current ventilation option is greyed out. To change the selected program, press the icon which is not greyed out.

You can also activate the emission of a beep each time the touch screen is pressed, and adjust the volume of the digital sound. To access this screen, press and hold the Alarm Silence button for at least three seconds. Page Calibrating The Touch Screen 6. Go to the main patient screen and stop ventilation. Page Patient Timer Patient timer On the patient settings and measurements screens the user can see the total length of time for which the patient has received ventilation.

The timer ticks over during ventilation and is reset to zero when the device is reprogrammed for a new patient. Page Alarms 7 Alarms 7. LP A component in your patient circuit tubing, mask, tracheotomy tube, etc. Check that the oxygen supply equipment is securely connected. V Your breathing has changed. OR A component in your patient circuit tubing, mask, tracheotomy tube, etc. F Your breathing has changed. Check that your patient circuit is correctly set up as demonstrated by your clinical care provider, or replace it.

The power supply is disconnected. If the disconnection is intentional, or due to a power outage, acknowledge by pressing the Alarm Silence button. Otherwise, reconnect the power supply. Contact your clinical care provider if the alarm LED remains lit. Alarms and Troubleshooting 17 Page 21 7 Cleaning and Maintenance Your clinical care provider will maintain your device and its accessories regularly.

You should also maintain your device and accessories regularly as described below. Maintenance instructions for the various components are shown in this table. Table 3: Maintenance frequency. Exterior of device. Dust filter clean. Dust filter replace. Every 6 months, or when worn or soiled.

These solutions may cause hardening and reduce the life of the product. Do not immerse the device or power cord in water.

Always unplug the device before cleaning and be sure that it is dry before plugging it back in. Page 22 7. To replace or clean the filter, use a pair of tweezers to pull it out of its housing at the rear of the device. Figure Removing the dust filter.

Remove the horizontally-ribbed circuit from the ventilator. Then rinse the tubes using only warm water and a mild detergent. Rinse thoroughly, hang and allow to dry. Before re-use, reassemble the respiratory circuit as demonstrated by your clinical care provider.

Cleaning and Maintenance 19 Page 23 8 Appendices 8. Weight Weight of the ventilator: 3. Weight of the ventilator with the mains power pack: 4. Weight of the ventilator with an external battery pack: 4. External power: VDC, 15 A max.

Batteries: Li-Ion; Internal battery life: Minimum of 6 hours. External battery life: Minimum of 6 hours. Battery charging time: 6 hours.

Type of battery and power supply Intern. These symbols show the type of battery internal or external and the type of power supply mains or external. Alarm Silence button This backlit button lights up when an alarm condition is present, and can be used to silence the audible alarm temporarily for two minutes.

Setting These are the ventilation settings prescribed by your physician and entered by your clinical care provider. VT ml Measurement Ppeak cm The figure at the top is the maximum pressure. Back 8. If you intend to travel by air with the device, ask your clinical care provider about the required formalities. This test lets your device record the configuration of your patient circuit after you have made changes to the circuit replaced the air tubing or added accessories. Repeat the test every time an accessory is added or removed.

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