Thanks for your feedback. You should not install it unless you absolutely need to. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question 6. Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Warning: This site requires the use of scripts, which your browser does not currently allow.
See how to enable scripts. Surface devices Original by design Shop now. Select Language:. Quality advice on this subject should be the least one can expect when contacting MS representatives. I invite you to try harder. I am writing this while on hold with Tenable to try to find out what their report is actually looking for.
Please let us know what tenable states. Running into same issue for a client with a tenable scan. We remove the msxml. On Reboot seems to get "reinstalled" with nothing in the logs stateing what reinstalled these files. Client is against running a scheduled task or startup script to remove these files over and over. Deleting file mid day, no end users complain of issues. I'll preface this comment with the fact that I have not done extensive research on this topic.
However, there seems to be multiple reported attack vectors due to the core XML services being older and outdated. Office Office Exchange Server. Not an IT pro? Windows Client. Sign in. United States English. Ask a question. Quick access. Search related threads. Remove From My Forums. Asked by:. Archived Forums. Windows Server General. Sign in to vote. Need more help? Expand your skills. Get new features first. Was this information helpful? Yes No. Thank you! Any more feedback?
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