Rapidshare final fortress

For more details on blueprint file syntax, see the Quickfort Blueprint Guide or browse through the ready-to-use examples in the Quickfort Library Guide. The settings may be dynamically modified by the quickfort set command for the current session, but settings changed with the quickfort set command will not change the configuration stored in the file:. It defines keycode shortcuts for query blueprints.

The format for this file is described in the Quickfort Alias Guide , and default aliases that all players can use and build on are available in the The DFHack standard alias library. Some quickfort library aliases require the search plugin to be enabled.

If called in dwarf mode, makes DF immediately saves the game by setting a flag normally used in seasonal auto-save. Decreases the age of the selected dwarf to 20 years. Useful if valuable citizens are getting old. Sets stress to -1,,; the normal range is 0 to , with very stable or very stressed dwarves taking on negative or greater values respectively. Applies to the selected unit, or use remove-stress -all to apply to all units.

Using the argument -value 0 will reduce stress to the value 0 instead of -1,, Note that this can only be used to decrease stress - it cannot be increased with this argument.

Repeatedly calls a lua script at the specified interval. This can be used from init files. Note that any time units other than frames are unsupported when a world is not loaded see dfhack. The first example is abstract; the second will regularly remove all contaminants and worn items from the game.

It is not possible to resurrect the adventurer after the game has been ended. This script can be used to either reveal or hide all tiles on the world map in adventure mode visible when viewing the quest log or fast travelling, for example. Note that the script does not reveal hidden lairs, camps, etc. See reveal-hidden-sites for this functionality. This script reveals all sites in the world that have yet to be discovered by the player camps, lairs, shrines, vaults, etc thus making them visible on the map.

See reveal-adv-map if you also want to expose hidden world map tiles in adventure mode. For this script to work you need to add at least one color palette file to your save raw directory. If you do not provide a world default palette, palette switching will be disabled for the current world. The seasonal palettes are optional, the default palette is not!

The default palette will be used to replace any missing seasonal palettes and during worldgen. The system default palette will always be used in the main menu, but your custom palettes should be used everywhere else. This script allows you to modify the duration of this timeskip, enabling you to jump into the game earlier or later than usual.

It is also possible to run the script while the world is updating, which can be useful if you decide to end the process earlier or later than initially planned. Sets the FPS cap at runtime.

Useful in case you want to speed up the game or watch combat in slow motion. Show syndromes affecting units and the remaining and maximum duration, along with optionally substantial detail on the effects. Wakes up sleeping units and stops parties, either everywhere or in the burrows given as arguments.

In return, adds bad thoughts about noise, tiredness and lack of protection. The script is intended for emergencies, e. Create an infinite magma or water source or drain on a tile.

For more complex commands, try the liquids plugin. This script registers a map tile as a liquid source, and every 12 game ticks that tile receives or remove 1 new unit of flow based on the configuration. Place the game cursor where you want to create the source must be a flow-passable tile, and not too high in the sky and call:. To delete one source, place the cursor over its tile and use source delete.

To remove all existing sources, call source clear. The list argument shows all existing sources. The name and coordinates of the unit are optional. Use at the embark screen to embark with the specified number of dwarves. The number must be 7 or greater. It mostly helps prevent undead cascades in the caverns, where constant combat leads to hundreds of undead roaming the caverns and destroying your FPS. With this script running, all undead that have been on the map for one month gradually decay, losing strength, speed, and toughness.

After six months, they collapse upon themselves, never to be reanimated. Usage: starvingdead start stop. For dumping items inside cages. Will mark selected items for dumping, then a dwarf may come and actually dump them or you can use autodump. Without further arguments, all commands work on all cages and animal traps on the map. With the here argument, considers only the in-game selected cage or the cage under the game cursor. To target only specific cages, you can alternatively pass cage IDs as arguments:.

Similar to fastdwarf , per-creature. Other options available: del , clear , list. The script is also capable of dynamically speeding up the game based on your current FPS to mitigate the effects of FPS death.

See examples below to see how. Original timestream. Print various properties of the selected item. A wrapper around geld that ungelds the specified animal.

By default it simply prints info about the currently selected unit, to actually drop items, you need to provide it the -drop option. This script allows the user to play as any living or undead historical figure except for deities in adventure mode. You will be presented with a searchable list from which you may choose your desired historical figure. They can then be picked for use as a player character, as if regaining control of a retired adventurer. See autounsuspend for keeping new jobs unsuspended.

A script to extend the item or unit viewscreen with additional information including a custom description of each item when available , and properties such as material statistics, weapon attacks, armor effectiveness, and more. The associated script item-descriptions supplies custom descriptions of items.

Both work as sparse lists, so missing items simply go undescribed if not defined in the fallback. Keybinding: Ctrl Shift R. If any live units are starving, very thirsty, or very drowsy, the game will be paused and a warning shown and logged to the console.

If you only want to be warned about sane dwarves, use warn-starving sane. Use with the repeat command for regular checks. Use warn-starving all to display a list of all problematic units. Prints a map of the local weather, or with arguments clear , rain , and snow changes the weather. It can automatically count how many creatures can be milked or sheared.

The most simple and obvious usage is automating shearing and milking of creatures using repeat :. It is also possible to define complete work orders using json. It is very similar to what orders import filename does, with a few key differences. Currently supported are MilkCreature and ShearCreature jobs. Sets the status to Checking from Active of the selected work order in the j-m or u-m screens.

This makes the manager reevaluate its conditions. Quick search. Available options: add-recipe all adds all available weapons and armor, including exotic items like blowguns, two-handed swords, and capes. Usage: adv-fix-sleepers. Examples: animal-control -race DOG animal-control -race DOG -male -notgelded -showstats animal-control -markfor gelding -id animal-control -markfor slaughter -id animal-control -gelded -markedfor slaughter -unmarkfor slaughter. If not present, the currently selected unit will be the target.

There must be a space before and after each square bracket. Strength: a random value between and tier 2 ; Agility: a random value between and tier -1 ; Spatial sense: a random value between and tier Usage: -help : print the help page. The valid belief tokens can be found in the wiki page linked above; level values range from -3 to 3.

The valid facet tokens can be found in the wiki page linked above; level values range from -3 to 3. The valid goal tokens can be found in the wiki page linked above. If the script is called with both this option and a list of goals, first all the unit goals will be erased and then those goals listed after -goals will be added. Preferences are classified into 12 types.

The first 9 are: like material; like creature; like food; hate creature; like item; like plant; like tree; like colour; like shape. These can be changed using this script. Write the full tokens. Nothing will stop you to write the full token, if you want: the script will just ignore the first and the last parts. Like before, you can just list the creature species. You can just List the plant species the middle part of the token.

I think this preference type is here for backward compatibility? You can still use it, however. As before, you can just list the tree plant species. You can use the full token or just the color name. You can use the full token or just the shape name. If the script is called with both this option and one or more preferences, first all the unit preferences will be cleared and then the listed preferences will be added. If not present, the target will be the currently selected unit. It must begin with a slash.

If not present, it will not clear or reset any characteristic, and it will simply add what is described in the profile. If set to PROFILE , it will reset only the characteristics directly modified by the profile and then the new values described will be applied. If only one value is provided, the square brackets can be omitted.

It is actually possible to go beyond 20, no check is performed. Examples: autolabor-artisans 0 2 3 autolabor-artisans disable. Dwarves with manually set nicknames are ignored. After each battle, a new piece of ultra-legendary equipment is acquired which provides higher stats, a passive effect and a powerful skill. Only the most synergetic combinations may prevail against the power of an ancient god. Follow delightful conversations, solve puzzles, collect collectibles and listen to some self-written music.

Find metroidvania-style items and upgrade your Celestial Tea while you're at it! Maybe you can even fill that fourth character slot with an unexpected, but powerful ally? There's a lot to do, all crammed into a 5-hour experience. Critic Reviews. Score distribution:. Positive: 0 out of. Mixed: 0 out of. Negative: 0 out of. User Reviews. Write a Review. Positive: 7 out of 8. Mixed: 1 out of 8.

Negative: 0 out of 8. Another thing that I really appreciate is the unique character design, where much effort was put into. The Dialogues are humorous and interesting. You can collect many items that unlock special attacks and skills that you can use the fight the enemies. A little secret is also hidden. This game is incredible!!!

Cons: Not found … Expand. Geht das? Das sind genau die Fragen, die ich mir gestellt habe, bevor ich mir das Spiel zugelegt hatte. Separate each url on it's own line. File transfers completed. Send Via Email:. Email Address:. Store In Folder:. Folder Name: - login to enable -. Set Password:. Cancel Save Options. It should also explode if toppled during operation by a building destroyer, or a tantruming dwarf. However actually making modifications to them, or machines they connect to including by pulling levers , can easily result in inconsistent state once this plugin is available again.

The effects may be as weird as negative power being generated. Some plugins consist solely of native libraries exposed to Lua. Quick search. Usage: stonesense: Open the visualiser in a new window. Alias ssense. Options: detail: Print full name, date of birth, date of curse and some status info some vampires might use fake identities in-game, though.

Examples: cursecheck detail all Give detailed info about all cursed creatures including deceased ones no in-game cursor. Some of these properties can be passed into tiletypes. Options: all: Scan the whole map, as if it were revealed. Most useful for gems. Usage and related commands: reveal: Reveal the whole map, except for HFS to avoid demons spawning reveal hell: Also show hell, but requires unreveal before unpausing reveal demon: Reveals everything and allows unpausing - good luck!

Note that tiles behind constructed walls are also revealed as a workaround for Bug Only useful where e. The default is ticks, or 1 day. Ticks are only counted when the game is unpaused. Usage: petcapRemover: cause pregnancies now and schedule the next check petcapRemover every n: set how often in ticks the plugin checks for possible pregnancies petcapRemover cap n: set the new cap to n. One-shot subcommands: clear-missing: Remove the missing status from the selected unit.

This allows engraving slabs for ghostly, but not yet found, creatures. This allows getting rid of bugged ghosts which do not show up in the engraving slab menu at all, even after using clear-missing.

It works, but is potentially very dangerous - so use with care. Probably almost certainly it does not have the same effects like a proper burial. Grabbing draft animals from a caravan can result in weirdness animals go insane or berserk and are not flagged as tame , but you are allowed to mark them for slaughter. Grabbing wagons results in some funny spam, then they are scuttled. Subcommands that persist until disabled or DF quits: adamantine-cloth-wear: Prevents adamantine clothing from wearing out while being worn Bug Keybinding: Ctrl Shift P Usage: command-prompt [entry] If called with an entry, it starts with that text filled in.

Usage: debugfilter category [plugin regex] [category regex] The list can be filtered using optional regex parameters. Usage: debugfilter filter [id] Optional id parameter is the id listed as first column in the filter list.

Usage: debugfilter set [level] [plugin regex] [category regex] Adds a filter that will be deleted when DF process exists or plugin is unloaded. Usage: debugfilter set persistent [level] [plugin regex] [category regex] Stores the filter in the configuration file to until unset is used to remove it. Level is the minimum debug printing level to show in log. Shows warnings about unexpected events which code managed to handle correctly. The following mouse shortcuts are also available: Click on a column header to sort the unit list.

Left-click on a labor cell to toggle that labor. Right-click to move the cursor onto that cell instead of toggling it. Leaving any screen automatically clears the filter. When choosing the construction placement, you will see a couple of options: Use a here to temporarily disable the material autoselection, e.

Usage: enable confirm: Enable all confirmations; alias confirm enable all. Replace with disable to disable. Omit amount to display current setting. Usage: mousequery [plugin] [rbutton] [track] [edge] [live] [enable disable].

This file can be used to copy settings between game saves or players. This allows assigning longer commands to the DF hotkeys. The building must be one of stockpile, workshop, furnace, trap, siege engine or an activity zone. Options: trippy: Randomizes the color of each tiles. Used for fun, or testing. Warning autolabor will override any manual changes you make to labors while it is enabled, including through other tools such as Dwarf Therapist. Warning As with autolabor, labormanager will override any manual changes you make to labors while it is enabled, including through other tools such as Dwarf Therapist.

Options: no extra options Print details of the current job. Keybinding: Ctrl D. Usage: stockflow enable Enable the plugin. J : Cycle between several options for how many such jobs to order. Usage: workflow enable [option Otherwise, enables or disables any of the following options: drybuckets: Automatically empty abandoned water buckets.

Options: map: Clean the map tiles. By default, it leaves mud and snow alone. Will also clean hostiles. Even a poisoned blade. Extra options for map : mud: Remove mud in addition to the normal stuff. Keybinding: Ctrl C. Cursor must be placed on a floor tile so the items can be dumped there. Options: destroy: Destroy instead of dumping. If called again before the game is resumed, cancels destroy. Alias autodump-destroy-here , for keybindings.

Keybinding: Ctrl Shift K visible: Only process items that are not hidden. This will enable all corresponding widgets, if applicable. Options: enable: Enables Animal Caretakers to treat and manage animals disable: Turns off the plguin report: Reports all zones that the game considers animal hospitals. Usage: workNow: print workNow status workNow 0: deactivate workNow workNow 1: activate workNow look for jobs on pause, and only then workNow 2: make dwarves look for jobs whenever a job completes.

Options: all: Adds all plants from the abbreviation list to the watch list. If no filters are set a unit must be selected in the in-game ui. Can also be followed by a valid zone id which will be set instead. Must be followed by the prefix to use in nicknames. If no filters are set zones under the cursor are listed.

Filters: all: Process all units to be used with additional filters. Process only n units to be used with additional filters. Must be followed by number. Should only be used for pitting, not for stealing animals slaughter should work. Most filters can be negated e. Mostly intended to be used for special pastures or cages which are not marked as rooms you want to protect from autobutcher.

Options: start: Start running every X frames df simulation ticks. Changes the timer to sleep X frames between runs. Options: example: Print some usage examples. The current target settings will be remembered. The first four arguments are the number of female and male kids, and female and male adults. R can be a list of spceies ids, or the keyword all or new. Note Settings and watchlist are stored in the savegame, so that you can have different settings for each save.

Open the dashboard by running: enable autochop. The only undo option is to restore your save from backup. Options: enable feature …: Enable features of the plugin. Digging 1-wide corridors with the miner inside the burrow is SLOW. Candy mountain, anyone? Will make your map quite boring, but tidy. Note that soil will not be magically replaced with stone. You will, however, get a stone floor after digging so it will allow the floor to be engraved. Note that stone will not be magically replaced with soil.

You will, however, get a soil floor after digging so it could be helpful for creating farm plots on maps with no soil. Then try again. Saving and reloading your map might also help. When you force changelayer to convert soil to stone you might experience weird stuff flashing tiles, tiles changed all over place etc. Try reverting the changes manually or even better use an older savegame.

You did save your game, right? Requires in-game cursor. Must be followed by valid material RAW id. Must be followed by number Basic commands: digv: Designate all of the selected vein for digging.

Alias for digv x. Also supports an undo option to remove designations, for if you accidentally set 50 levels at once. Alias for digl x. There are two variables that can be set: pattern and filter.

Filters: all: designate whole z-level hidden: designate only hidden tiles of z-level default designated: Take current designation and apply pattern to it. Examples: expdig diag5 hidden Designate the diagonal 5 patter over all hidden tiles expdig Apply last used pattern and filter expdig ladder designated Take current designations and replace them with the ladder pattern.

It has several types of options. B: Include buildings and stockpiles. P: Include empty space. Options: -t : Tree: Select trees only exclude shrubs -s : Shrub: Select shrubs only exclude trees -f : Farming: Designate only shrubs that yield seeds for farming. Note DF is capable of determining that a shrub has already been picked, leaving an unusable structure part behind. Usage: infiniteSky n Raise the sky by n z-levels. If you build anything in the second to highest z-level, it will allocate one more sky level.

This is so you can continue to build stairs upward. Warning Sometimes new z-levels disappear and cause cave-ins. Warning Spawning and deleting liquids can mess up pathing data and temperatures creating heat traps. Intended to be used as keybinding. Requires an active in-game cursor. Subcommands: create: Creates a new sapling under the cursor. Takes a raw ID as argument e.

The cursor must be located on a dirt or grass floor tile. For mass effects, use one of the additional options: shrubs: affect all shrubs on the map trees: affect all trees on the map all: affect every plant!

Not much to it ;. Example: tiletypes-command p any ; p s wall ; p sp normal. If this option is specified, then an active game map cursor is not necessary. Veins that were hollow will be left alone. Options: hollow: fill in naturally hollow veins too Beware that filling in hollow veins will trigger a demon invasion on top of your miner when you dig into the region that used to be hollow. Usage: When viewing unit details, body-swaps into that unit.

In the main adventure mode screen, reverts transient swap. Corpses, body parts, and prepared meals cannot be created using this tool. Set to 0 or lower to make it unlimited. Options: lair: Mark the map as monster lair lair reset: Mark the map as ordinary not lair. Usage: misery enable n: enable misery with optional magnitude n. If specified, n must be positive. This will not remove existing negative thoughts. Does not change factor. Warning Only use mode after making a backup of your save!

You are in fort game mode, managing your fortress and paused. You switch to the arena game mode, assume control of a creature and then switch to adventure game mode 1. You just lost a fortress and gained an adventurer.

Alternatively: You are in fort game mode, managing your fortress and paused at the esc menu. You switch to the adventure game mode, assume control of a creature, then save or retire. You just created a returnable mountain home and gained an adventurer.

Options: -force: Ignore normal strange mood preconditions no recent mood, minimum moodable population, artifact limit not reached. Unit eligibility is still enforced. Note The completion of the job will actually consume one unit of the appropriate liquids from below the workshop.

Powered by Sphinx 1. Open the visualiser in a new window. Number of z-levels to translate. Positive numbers go up from the cursor and negative numbers go down. Defaults to 1 if not specified, indicating that the blueprint should only include the current z-level.

Base name for blueprint files created in the blueprints directory. Generate quickfort dig blueprints. Generate quickfort build blueprints for constructions and buildings. Generate quickfort place blueprints for placing stockpiles. Generate quickfort query blueprints for configuring rooms. Use the specified map coordinates instead of the current cursor position for the upper left corner of the blueprint range.

Print full name, date of birth, date of curse and some status info some vampires might use fake identities in-game, though. Include dead and passive cursed creatures can result in a quite long list after having FUN with necromancers. Also show hell, but requires unreveal before unpausing.


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