Jim ryan is stupid to realise that Japanese games is more creative and fun to PLAY then his Western Cinematic games interactive movies. He can still listen and think after all. Also, the least said about Herman Hulst or whatever, the better. Nevertheless my message to you Jimmy is that not only keep those stores open, but give out sales on PS3 and Vita games. Heck, Microsoft is still dishing out sales on Xbox games.
That was entirely MLB and a deal they signed as the publisher. Game Pass is a subscription, you stop paying, you stop playing these games. Even if the stores were to close, the fact remains that we still would have had the ability to connect and re-download those games down the line, unlike Nintendo that just removes the store without any options to re-download the purchased games. Sorry where did he lie? They ate the publisher on xbox and Sony have no choice in that after a court case last year.
Get your facts right. As for Japan studio it is and always has been a support studio they have created a new studio effectively out of team asobi the creators of astrobot.
Otherwise Japan studio will be operating as a support studio. If the reports are true Sony have simple expressed a wish to not fund games that will only sell in Japan and have a tiny niche of market viability which is totally reasonable considering how much the console market appears to have shrunk in Japan.
Did you buy every Japanese made PlayStation title on relesse for full price? When they told everyone that they were closing them they made a point to highlight you can still download what you own.
Not long after they removed the line about that because the publisher of said games shut down updates and where ready to remove the licenses that we rent for a one off payment and in turn you lose the game.
That would have led to class action law suits and so on. I think it needs to be said. First off, thank you for listening, Jim. I know some of these games look dated, but people still love to buy and play them!
PS2 classics on PS4 was woefully underutilised. For Sony to bring any of these titles, or PS3 titles as well, to PS4 or PS5, they would have to hire developers and come up with a full software emulation program for them. Rather than having a dedicated team, how about you do like Steam does and Movie publishers themselves can add their own content and pricing on the PS store. Finally a wise decision from Sony. And lower the prices for all dlcs please ;.
I would never play PS2 games on a PS4. I played GTA3 and it was a wreck. Besides not having good control over vehicles due to lack of pressure-sensiive buttons, there were oddly many performance issues like dropping framerates, graphical flaws and game crashing that would NEVER happen on PS2. The issue is that emulating PS3 is nearly impossible even on top end pcs with the way the Cell Architecture was designed.
The best we can really hope for is Cloud streaming via PS Now and more Ps3 games being uploaded to the service permanently. That would be big incentive for me to replay some old titles. This coming from someone who pre-ordered the original PS1, camped over night for launch of PS2 and enjoyed gaming on a fat 60gb PS3 with a lot of digital content locked to it.
Backwards compatibility always was a crucial part of the PlayStation ecosystem. Why did I not mention owning a PS4, because it had zero forms of backwards compatibility and I chose to wait it out until it did which never came. This lead to skipping the generation. Sony, make backwards compatibility happen, PS5 would look very interesting if it became a reality.
Great news. Now announce that PS5 will be backward compatible with PS3, 2 and 1 and we will all be happy. Just sayin.
And adding more Denominations in Stores. Worth buying again now the Store is staying open! PSP Storefront was closed years ago. Thing being shut down is access through games to DLC purchases and some search workaround.
Will the closure of the PSP store extend to the Vita? Thank you, Jim. I just really hope the people who pushed for this actually support those platforms going forward. Should have been set to go down to begin with. Glad people got riled up enough for them to let Sony see they needed to reverse course. You obviously have no clue what youre talking about and if this was a joke it was pretty lame one. I was just playing on my ps3 last night.
Even though i have a ps5, there are some special games that i can only play on the ps3. I am still playing on the PS3 acutally. Those are great systems with a lot of great, exclusive games. The PS3 sold 87 million units. There will be quite a lot of people still buying PS3 games in Consoles that are far older are still regularly used by some people.
One of the PS3 Call of Duty games still had around 50, players online recently, in a series that has had many more entries since then. Run along to your Call of Battlefield and leave us real gamers to enjoy all of PlayStation both past and present.
Many are getting a few hundreds to tens of thousands of views with a couple here and there getting hundreds of thousands. You see our point. There are still people who play those games. Maybe for broke people, retrospective-wise, etc. OMG congrats to the 10 people buying PS3 games!
Yall enjoy your old games while I play my PS5 games. You owe the games you play today to what came before. I looove my PS5, but it would be so much better if all the PS3 games I bought could be played on it :.
PS has always been a diverse brand with different fanbases being catered to, and that decision really hurt fans of Japanese games, both fans and devs alike. ESRB, Cero, etc. But 9 NA studios. Which is probably why the PS4 generation had first party studios doing endless third person action games.
Generally with generic main characters and plots about trauma. I never thought it was such a big deal. How is it not a big deal? This would have been a huge hit to Playstation brand reputation, not unlike what happened to Xbox at the beginning of the Xbox One cycle. Now please add backwards compatibility for PS2 games. Would remove a great hassle of having own the actual PS2 console. I get that licensing is an issue with some games, but Microsoft managed to get several hundred Xbox games onto their newer consoles not just Specifically, the error issues popping up with error codes and ?
I did talk to Support about this issue, and they knew of it… but no solution has yet been offered. Exactly this. Now support them properly with actual sales, and clean them up already. The two store platforms are messes.
You literally made the shopping experience the worst in console gaming, which is saying something. You want them to remove PS3 reserved space. But you want an update that uses the reserve. You really said remove the PS3 and Vita device limitations, which would make keeping the store open a big mistake because everyone would just share accounts lol.
Okay lol. Would be nice, but admittedly is not really worth the time and effort. Since you can still upgrade the drive you should just do that. Would be nice, unfortunately not possible without them releasing their own official SD card adapter, which is probably incredibly low on their priority list.
But number 3 should definitely happen without question. The Vita thing is asking too much though. You made the right decision! If you do this, everyone is a winner including gamers, developers, and you, Sony. Keep up the good work! PS1 and PS2 at the very least. Only 2K, which is p? Dream bigger. We got more immediate problem worldwide.
Please have systems in place to discourage scalpers and let your new console find their ways to the hands of real PlayStation fans.
Sony has a huge queue made to discourage scalpers. More immediate is a problem than some of the digital stores closing. In my case I got incredibly lucky.
Being a fan is great. Whatever happened to the Sony that changed, invented and innovated? Exactly, I say this all the time. Love this Jim. This is great news for smaller devs as well.
Great call PlayStation. As an fan of PlayStation since Now just leverage your legacy consoles to make your PS5 an even more attractive offering than it already is. You could make it a console with the BEST game library available if you put in the work. Faenix1 — Also the PSP store has already been closed since , no one was in an uproar about it since PSP games could still be purchased and downloaded to the system.
You need to add backwards compatibility to the PS5. Surely a team of talented coders could get something running on your very powerful machine. Jim Ryan should also apologize to all the hard working legacy developers he insulted when he claimed their games looked terrible. Truly a shameful statement.
Yeah to absolutely kill off the PS3. Do your own research because if you did you would know that its not possible. They said they will keep the store and you immediately ask for more…. I see no issue with asking Sony to improve their backwards compatibility to match what Microsoft are already doing. If Sony want to remain competitive and avoid losing first place this generation, like with the PS3 in the 7th generation then they need to avoid becoming complacent.
Emulating the PS3 is difficult, not impossible. Fans have been making good progress emulating it on PC with only reverse engineering. Sony could make a much better emulator much faster using all the internal knowledge and documentation they must have regarding the PS3. The issue was the CPU so that solved that.
There, you'll see a prompt to Add Funds , as well as adding a new payment method if needed. Follow our guide to adding funds to your PlayStation account for full details. While it requires a few extra steps, you can still buy digital PlayStation 3 and PS Vita games after this change. And of course, physical games aren't affected by this, so consider shopping for used copies of PS3 discs or PS Vita game cards too.
Are physical or digital games are more suitable for you? Here are the pros and cons of both to help you decide. He left his IT job to write full-time in and has never looked back. He's been covering tech tutorials, video game recommendations, and more as a professional writer for over seven years.
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