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Other Real Time Protection settings greyed out Undertand your need to disable Auto-Protect for extended periods [ Your Topic will get better exposure. Please advise NIS11 version. Thank you for the reply. My NIS version is AutoFix didn't help. Auto-protect becomes turned on and grayed out. Impossible to disable without restart.
This happens after it quarantines one of my the executables my tools useand says its Backdoor. Firstly, it is not a virus for certain, because I work with the guys who wrote it, etc. Secondly, I'm not doing anything with the executable at the time and I put all my hard disks on exclusion for auto-protect, but it still randomly quarantines the executable. Graybird is not in the list for "Signatures to exclude form all detections", so Is there any way to get NIS to stop harassing my files?
This happens after it quarantines one of my the executables my tools use and says its Backdoor. Or, are you reporting that you searched on the net and that you found other users not you with the same Auto-protect issue with NIS How did you obtain NIS Quads Norton Fighter Reg: Jul Kudos 1 Stats.
AS I said there are 2 parts to the problem. It is not all one. Looks like a bug, 2. Is the way Norton is suppose to work according to the flag. Thank you for your attention. Maybe we can actually solve this : Clarifications you asked for. Maybe your new to the Community or just new to posting on the Community.
Request Help from the Community at large and from Symantec volunteers red names There's a bug A file will be deleted if: 1. It matches a signature 2. It does something it shouldn't 3. Nobody else has it, or problems have been reported with it.
This is all supposition and conjecture. What NIS does under the hood is way over my pay grade. Hopefully, those in the know from the Community will chime in. Symantec reviews these posts Reg: May Extract the ZIP file that is downloaded.
Run the RemoveSymantecMacFiles. Click Open to confirm. Enter your administrator password. No characters will appear as you type. You must have an administrator password; a blank administrator password will not work and is a bad security practice anyway. Press 2 to exit. Jarod Smith. Go to your Trash folder and remove things like you would with the recycling bin in Windows.
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