In the next PS3 firmware update, users will have the ability to upload their game saves to cloud based servers. Now obviously there is a catch. What, you think clouds are cheap? Oh and game developers will choose whether they want to allow their game saves to be uploaded to it. You know, copyright and all that. There will definitely be some good out of this. Leave a comment tags: cloud storage , online saving , playstation 3 , psn , sony posted in News. Sony has been granted a temporary restraining order against George Hotz Geohot.
The lawsuit was filed because Sony were royally pissed off that Geohot had released the Playstation 3 root keys so people can play unsigned games and applications on it. Leave a comment tags: geohot , lawsuit , ps3 hack , sony posted in News. External Dimensions: Approx. Sensors: Six-axis motion sensing system three-axis gyroscope, three-axis accelerometer ; three-axis electronic compass.
Leave a comment tags: ngp , playstation , portable , psp2 , sony posted in News. I was hoping to start this entire blog with a bit more jazz and flare but I realised this being a gamer-read, gamer-wrote blog that I would take the liberty of bringing everyone I can up to speed with the current state of the gaming industry.
Yes that is right. Portal 2 requires mandatory PS3 firmware 3. Portal 2 PS3 gamersmint. The story is too old to be commented. Warprincess d ago This is great. Agree 64 Disagree Sorry hackers. Agree 43 Disagree GrieverSoul d ago If you go by the usual "homebrew" sites, you see all those cry babies cursing Valve and Sony for this.
Agree 33 Disagree 6. Soldierone d ago Poor babies Agree 28 Disagree 2. RankFTW d ago Been on 3. Agree 19 Disagree 2. Agree 2 Disagree 6.
Agree 0 Disagree 0. MaxXAttaxX d ago Edited d ago I supposed you'll have to press 'triangle' on your friends list for the mini menu to pop up and see.
RankFTW d ago It now sorts your friends by capitilised first letter then by small first letter, kinda messed up the alphabetical order it used to be. RankFTW d ago No problem man :. Agree 3 Disagree Zydake d ago why does have a tag for ? Agree 3 Disagree 0. Agree 1 Disagree 0. GameSpawn d ago Edited d ago NathanExplosion "Hasn't this update been out for a while already? MaxXAttaxX d ago Well good! Agree 27 Disagree 0. Agree 4 Disagree 0.
ReBurn d ago Yes! Thecraft d ago Yes its good news but they already did this before anything happened. Agree 9 Disagree 1. TurismoGTR d ago yay.
Agree 4 Disagree 1. Graphics d ago Warprincess are you 10 years old? Agree 6 Disagree Agree 2 Disagree 0. Agree 10 Disagree 0. Agree 13 Disagree 5. Agree 17 Disagree 4.
Neo Nugget d ago Huge success! Agree 8 Disagree 2. Acquiescence d ago Don't wanna play games legitimately? Agree 16 Disagree 1. Agree 7 Disagree 1. Kyur4ThePain d ago "A" mandatory, not "an".
Agree 8 Disagree 0. Agree 13 Disagree Agree 2 Disagree 1. Blad3star d ago Firetoe - I think he talking about proof like when MS does a mass console ban and you always see articles of banned consoles and proof. Agree 2 Disagree 1. Zashule d ago Take my word for it. Agree 3 Disagree 8. Led-Zeppelin d ago Edited d ago Blazw U mad bro? Agree 0 Disagree 1. Agree 10 Disagree 1.
Agree 10 Disagree 2. Agree 5 Disagree Agree 1 Disagree Agree 5 Disagree 1. Christopher d ago Edited d ago Not since 3. Agree 3 Disagree 1. Loner d ago Until next week when some hacker figures out a bypass. You know it will happen Agree 14 Disagree Agree 27 Disagree BK d ago 3. Agree 24 Disagree 2. Agree 16 Disagree 2. Soldierone d ago Cracker? There is a reason they are having touble cracking the new firmware, they couldnt do it to begin with lol Agree 4 Disagree 1.
Agree 19 Disagree 2. Darkfocus d ago the hackers just play online on a lower firmware though Agree 0 Disagree 3. ShowtimeForFree d ago What are you crazy? PS3 will be hack proof for a long while now.
Agree 7 Disagree 4. Hanuman d ago Hahahaha!! Agree 9 Disagree 0. Agree 24 Disagree 1. Soldierone d ago Thats not funny!
Agree 4 Disagree 0. QuodEratDemonstrandm d ago I lol'ed at the hitch hiker's guide reference at the end of the story. Agree 6 Disagree 0. Mmmkay d ago 42 Agree 1 Disagree 0. Bout time these douche bags get booted, finally MP will be safe and free from cheaters sort of Agree 5 Disagree 1. Sarick d ago Edited d ago Honestly, this is a partial stop gap. Agree 2 Disagree 2. Sarick d ago Zag Sure they can be patched but the people that aren't tied into PSN from the updates using CFW in the first place IE: The cheats and pirates aren't going to care about the updates to old software.
I see what you're saying though there will be atleast one hacker with no life who re-figures it out and has it hacked again for a little while but like i said sony can just re-do these tricks Agree 8 Disagree 0. Redempteur d ago as long as i can enjoy my games in peace on teh PSN , i don't care what sony does to prevent Hackers from getting in. Arietos d ago Finally I play with legal players and not with criminals.
Arietos d ago "the ones who earned the platin-trophies at first". Lirky d ago Sony made this firmware update in a way where if you are using old cfw, then i guess soon as u sign in to psn with your email and password, That itll kick you immediately off psn what if sony took it a step further and had their cfw uninstall itself and automatically reinstall the latest firmware.
GameSpawn d ago Sony's not going to be that evil. Agree 10 Disagree 0. Agree 1 Disagree 0. GameSpawn d ago nikoado The clock was the main cause for trophy enabled games not working. There are a few important distinguishing traits among Vitas, as they're not all built the same and the process of hacking them will be slightly different depending on the model due to their built-in smartcard compatibility and internal memory configurations. Here's a quick rundown of the varations of the models with some pictures that show off their physical difference.
PCH is the 2nd last generation, thinner, with an LCD screen and has black paneling around the frame. Both have advantages and disadvantages, and I own both models because I just couldn't choose between the two. But the PCH is so freaking sleek looking, thin, stylish, much closer to the 'coolness' factor of the PSP which I think is leagues above either Vita in terms of looks. So it's really up to you, on a display case- one looks great with the screen on, one looks great with the screen off.
How to choose? Anyway though, if you've already figured out which model is for you, take a look after the pictures for the step by step instructions on how to mod your console and unlock all its awesome functionality.
The first set of instructions are how to downgrade your firmware from the most current version you likely already have on your Vita the official firmware that's downloaded during an update. The second set is how to hack the downgraded firmware and actually put cool apps, emulators, and plugins on your hacked Vita.
The third set is how to enable SD card-based storage on your hacked Vita to circumvent those absurdly expensive proprietary Vita Memory Cards. Create one here at id. H-Encore software - this is the whole exploit think of it as a jailbreak for iPhones or rooting your Android that opens up your PS Vita's firmware allow for to customization.